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collected is for sale, the person who has a license has to pay the Government forest charges. Persons needing timber or other forest products for personal use may get it free. First group timber may be taken for the construction of strong material houses, if a gratuitous license has been obtained from the Director of Forestry.

Whenever a piece of forest land known as communal forest has been established for the exclusive use of the residents of a municipality, all products for personal use must be cut from it.

70. Hunting.-In the forests and other uncultivated regions of the Philippine Islands, there are many kinds of wild birds and animals, some of which are valuable for food and at the same time afford enjoyment for the hunter. It is desirable that the deer and other harmless animals be not exterminated, so that there will be game for future generations. The wild hogs, which do great damage to plantations, should have no protection. Many of the birds that are useful for food are also beneficial to man because they eat injurious insects and the seeds of troublesome weeds. Such birds should be killed only when the law permits, so that their numbers shall not be too greatly diminished.

71. Mines.-Gold, coal, and other minerals are found in the Philippines. The most important goldproducing regions are Benguet, Masbate, and Paracale in Camarines Norte. Coal deposits are worked in Cebu, Mindanao, and Batan Island, Albay. The National Coal Company has been organized by the Government to develop the coal industry. There are a few mining com

panies in the Philippines. Before engaging in mining a person must first get a mining claim from the Government.

72. Fisheries.-Great numbers of fishes of many kinds are found in both salt and fresh water in the Philippine Islands. Fishing, like hunting, is regulated by the Government. For instance, it is against the law to kill fish with dynamite. Usually a license must be obtained before fishing is engaged in as a business. In some places fishes are kept in ponds and fed so that they may be sold in the market when they become large. This industry provides food for many people and could be extended to many localities where it is now not practiced. Many streams and lakes in which there are no fish could be stocked with edible fish.

Another kind of fishing engaged in around Mindanao, Sulu, Cebu, and Polillo is pearl fishing. This industry has two features: it produces pearls which are highly valued as ornaments, and it collects oyster-shells from which valuable buttons can be made. Several other kinds of shells are gathered for making buttons and other objects.

Sponges are also found in the waters of the Philippines. 73. Responsibility.—That the Government realizes its responsibility in connection with agriculture and natural resources is very plain. It has the Bureau of Agriculture to develop farming; the Bureau of Lands to administer the public lands; the Bureau of Forestry to supervise the forests, and the Bureau of Science to conduct experiments for the advancement of new industries. and the development of the natural resources of the

Philippines. But the Government cannot do everything. The individual should coöperate by taking up a homestead and by using modern methods in farming, mining, and other occupations. Every one can prove his loyalty to his country just as well by helping to develop the land and the products of the land, as he could by defending the Philippines in time of war.

Test Questions

1. Why is the development of agriculture and natural resources so important in the Philippines? Name some of the natural resources of the Philippines.

2. What is meant by farming? Write a short composition on the advantages of farming over other industries.

3. What bureau of the Philippine Government has been organized especially to assist farming?

4. How does the Government protect the products of the farm and the animals necessary for farming? Why should locusts be killed? How are they killed? Is it your duty to assist in fighting locusts?

5. What is the most harmful and dangerous animal disease in the Philippine Islands? What is the best method to prevent the spread of this disease? About how many cattle and carabaos are there in the Philippines?

6. How does the Government try to educate farmers? What is The Philippine Farmer? What is The Philippine Agricultural Review?

7. How does the Government endeavor to develop and improve agriculture? Why should the farmer use selected seeds and plants and improved breeds of animals?

8. What other branches of the Government besides the Bureau of Agriculture assist farming? How does each assist?

9. In what ways may farmers help one another? What is the Agricultural Congress?

10. What are rural agricultural coöperative associations? How can such an association be organized? Is there a rural agricultural coöperative association in your municipality? How much capital has it? What is the amount loaned? What rate of interest is charged?

II. What is the total land area of the Philippines? What portion is controlled by private individuals? What portion is under cultivation? What do these figures mean to you?

12. What is a homestead? Why should every one own a home? How can one secure a homestead?

13. Can one rent land from the Government? Can one purchase agricultural public land from the Government? How much Government land can be purchased by an individual? How much by a corporation?

14. What bureau of the Government has charge of the administration of public agricultural and mineral lands? Describe the organization of this bureau. What are the Friar Lands?

15. Define forest.

16. What is the greatest natural resource of the Philippines? Name some kinds of Philippine lumber.

17. Why should the forests be protected? What are caingin makers? Why is their practice injurious to the


18. Define forestry.

19. Describe the work of the Bureau of Forestry. What is the policy of the Bureau of Forestry?

20. What are licenses to cut and collect forest products? What is a communal forest?

21. What is hunting? Name an animal which should not be killed. Name an animal which should be killed.

22. Name two minerals found in the Philippines. Where are the most important gold producing regions? Where are

the most important coal deposits? What is the National Coal Company?

23. Are fishes found in the waters of the Philippines?


it against the law to kill fish with dynamite? Why is this a bad practice? Must licenses be obtained for fishing?

24. What is pearl fishing? Are sponges found in the waters of the Philippines?

25. Name four bureaus of the Government which assist in the development of agriculture and natural resources.

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