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INDEX to the Effays, Extracts, Books, Hiftory, &c. 1780.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Aitken. See Fire-arms
Alphabet, advantages of an
univerfal one 642
America: André, full account
of the proceedings against
him 585. American account
of his behaviour at execution


Arnold, Gen. joins the
King's army 585. His motives
for fo doing 595.
officers and foldiers invited
by him 596

Bahama islands, addrefs
from to the King 428


Baton Rouge. See Miffi-

Bofton, inhabitants of or-
dered to give an account of
their incomes and property

Camden, accounts of the
battle of 485.533.582


Campbell, Col. his fuppo-
fed plan for carrying on the

wat 424

Canada, French proclama-
tion to the inhabitants of 535.
Operations in 650

Charlestown invested 261.
Clinton and Arbuthnot's ac
count of the fiege 261.-266.
Articles of capitulation 266.
Ships taken and destroyed ib.
Arms, ammunition, &c. ta-
ken 164. Killed and wounded
"of the King's troops ib. Cor-
refpondence between Gen'
Clinton and Lincoln 262.

Return of prisoners 301. A-
merican account of the fiege
375. Addrefs of the inhabi-
tants to the peace-commif-
fioners 378. Difaffected in-
habitants break their parole,
and join the rebels 533.




nies 24.



- Lincoln.

See Charlestown
- Loyalifts profecuted 27.
Efcape of fome under fea-
tence ib. Others profcribed
Their property ef

cheated 643


Maffachufets bay, acs paf-
fed by the affembly of 426.
Proclamation for recruiting
the army, &c. 426


Chefapeak. See Virginia
Clinton, Gen. letter of his
to government taken and
published by Congrefs252.
Alledged to be fabricated by
Congress 256. Pacific pro-
clamation 260.
and proclamations after the
taking of Charlestown 376.
See Charlestown. New York
Congrefs, fum of money
demanded by from the colo-
Refolves on the
depreciation of their curren-
Declared infolvent
cy 296.
296. Join in Popish rites at
the funeral of the Spanish re-
fident 299.
Circular letter
on the exigency of their af-
fairs 378 Refolves on the
memorial of the general offi-
cers complaining of their
diftrefied condition 600. 644.
On the neceffity of a large
fupply of money 645. Num-
ber of troops to be raised by
each flate ib. A pension fet-
the three foldiers
tled on
who took Maj André 688
Cornwallis, Earl, his ac-
count of the battle of Cam-
den 485. His thanks to of
ficers and foldiers 488. 647
D'Estaing repulted before
Savannah 78
Flo-ida, forces, &c. in 145.
See Miffifippi
- French minister, reception
of a new one by Congress 79
Gates, Gen. his account of
the battle of Camden 58%
Georgia declared in the
The ci-
King's peace 143.
vil officers in England order-
ed to go to 385
—Hamilton, Col. hanged by
the rebels 300







[blocks in formation]

- Miffifippi, British forts on
taken by the Spaniards 27.
143. Capitulation of Baton
Rouge 143



- Moultrie, fort, furrenders
to the King's troops 375
- New York, tranfactions at
during the winter 201. Arm-
Civil go-
ed force in 204.
vernment to be established
in the province 297. Con-
gratulatory addreffes to their
governor 299. Gen. Clinton's
arrival at 378. Compliment-
ed by the inhabitants 425.
Fleet arrives at 427. Rebel-
houses given to diftrefied re-
Arrival of ano-
fugees 535.
ther fleet 598.



Omoa retaken by the Spa-
niards 143.
appointment of 49.



- Penfylvania, meffage, con-
gratulatory to the affembly,
on the happy state of public
Loyal fubjects
affairs 25.
banished under pain of death,
and their property forfeited
81. Affembly impower the
declare martial
council to


law, if neceffary 379.
tial law declared 425
-Philadelphia, arbitrary pro-
ceedings of the affembly of
Outrages of a mob in
Wives and children of
those who have joined the
King's forces to depart in
ten days after notice 379




Popish funeral, Congrefs
affift at the ceremony of 299
- Prifoners, Gen. Phillips on
the exchange of $99
Quebec, capture



of part
a fleet going to 534
Rattan island taken by the
British 143



Rebels invited to invade
Spanish America 535

Refugees, letter to Lord
G. Germain 294. Their ad-
drefs to the King 295.
markable courage of 478.


Rebel poffeffions given to 535
Rhode island, French take
poffeffion of 426. 477
Robertson, Gen appointed
governor of New York 201.
See New York
Saratoga officers to be ex-
changed 297. Diftrefs of the
prifoners $85.


Savannah besieged 8.
French and rebels defeated
at ib.


South Carolina, Gen. Clin-
ton's voyage to 201. Inha-
bitants join the King's ftan-
dard 301.
fuccefs in ib. Arrangement
of the civil government in


Col. Tarleton's

Allowed to export
goods to Britain 479. Ope-
rations in 481. Proclama.
tion of forgiveness by Gen.
Gates 484. Victory at Cam-
den 485. 533. 582. Proper-
ty of obftinate rebels feque-
ftrated 643. Protection to
peaceable inhabitants ib.

South Carolina and Geor-
gia to be fupported by Con-
grefs 584

Tarleton, Col. thanked by
Earl Cornwallis 646. See
South Carolina
-Virginia,addrefs by the coun-
cil to the inhabitants on their

prefent difficulties 297. Pro-
perty of loyalists to be fold
643 Specimen of continent-
al taxes in ib. Success of
Gen. Leslie 647. Ships and
goods taken 648

Washington, Gen. appoint-
ed a Lieutenant-General and
Vice-Admiral by the French
King 477


Fergufon, Maj. killed, and
his party defeated 688
Americans, diftreffed state of
200. Their joy at the dif
contents in Ireland 299. Not
in fo low a ftate as repre-
fented 461
American papers, capture of:
Complaints of officers to Con-
grefs 600. Col Hamilton on
the American affairs 601.

Congrefs on the fufferings of
Washington's army 603.
Proceedings of Congress in
reducing public expences,
&c. 605. Langdon's ac-
count of an
cruise 606. J. Sullivan's
political picture of public af-
fairs 88. and Mr Pickering's

690. J. Sullivan's remon-
ftrance with the officers 691.
Ar. Lee's opinion of Con-
grefs 692

American prifoners run off
with a ship 160
America, South, infurrection
in 491. Fort St Juan taken
by the British 379. Morta-
lity of the British troops 537
Anecdotes: Of Adm. Rodney
81. 228. Of Ld Chefter-
field and Dr Robertfon 241.
Of Baron de Mizelandwitz
294. A whimfical one of the
Duke of Montague 305. Of
Sir Francis Drake 366. A
diverting one of eels 474.
Of Mr Onflow over a bottle
575. Of Sir Ifaac Newton
and a prifm 687. Of Gov.
Johnstone and Indian chiefs

[blocks in formation]

-Britain: Hurtful confe-
quences to trade by the A-
merican war 177. Sanguine
hopes of the miniftry difap-
pointed 179

Germany: Political state
of that country 1. Difputes
concerning the Bavarian fuc-
ceffion 3. Different claim-
ants 5. Difcutions before
the diet of the Empire 6.
Propofitions by the court of
Vienna rejected by that of
Berlin 65. Preparations for
war 67. Campaign begun
68. Pruffian army enters
Bohemia 121. Singular fitu-
ation of four vaft armies in
Bohemia 124 Great gene-
ralfhip on both fides 126.
Pruffians evacuate Bohemia


ifland 347. French and Bri
tifh fleets damaged by a tem
peft 348. Gallant action of
the lis 349. Operations on
Long island ib. Reflections
on D'Eftaign's conduct 350.
Eulogium on Adm. Howe

Antiquaries, Earl of Buchan's
fpeech to a new fociery of
621. Plan of the fociety 611.
Office-bearers appointed 671.
His Lordship's thoughts on
what has already been done,
and what yet remains to be
explored, in our Scotrifh hi-
ftory and antiquaries 695
Affembly, general, meets 173.
Sentence refufing Mr Shank
to be admitted to trials re-
verfed 173. Diffent from
that fentence 274. On the
fettlement of Mr Pearfon at

Biggar ib. Prefbytery ap
pointed to proceed in the
fettlement ib. Diffent from
that fentence 275. Of the
fettlement of Prof. Hill as
minifter of St Andrew's ib.
Of the fettlement of the pa
rish of Fenwick 276. Report
of the trustees of the widows
fund 278. Mr Anderfon of
Gorbals accused of adultery

Libel found vexatious

and fandalous 279. Over-
tures against a plurality of
benefices difmiffed 327. On
abolishing unneceffary offices
ib. Procurator to hold his
office ad vitam aut culpam 313.
Office of stationer abolithed
ib. Mr Lawien's trials or
dered to be finished ib. Op
chapels of eafe 319. Q
Anne's grant of 500 l. yearly
to the church of Scotland,
and the report on which it
proceeded 329,30.
Affemblies. See Ruffia.
Affociations and committees,
destructive consequences of


-North America: Of the Sa-
ratoga convention 233 King's
troops accufed of cruelty 234.
Of the conciliatory offers 235.
Declaration of Congress on
thefe offers ib Articles of
the treaty with France pu-
blifhed 236. Joy of the A-
mericans on that occafion ib. 709
Propofitions by the Peace- Baptifm. See Jew. Negro
commiflioners ib. Refolves Bellamont, Ld, obftinate vir
of Congress on these propo- tue of 33.
fitions ib. Ill-timed retreat
of the King's army from Phi-
ladelphia 289. Difficulties
in the retreat ib. D'Eftaing's
arrival on the coaft 293 345.
Matters critical at this time
346. Opérations at Rhode

Bank of England, forgeries on

Blair, Dr, penfion settled on
him by the Queen 387
Boerhaave's arcana of phyfic

Bon Mot of Lord and Lady
Thanet 606


INDEX to the Effays, Extracts, Books, Hiftory, &c. 1780.

- Religion, &c.
-Williams on the univerfal
principles of religion and
morality 35


Evidence of reafon in
proof of the immortality of
the foul 39


Palmer's defence of the li-
berty of man as a moral a-
gent 39


-Priestley's letter to Palmer 39
- Appeal from the Proteftant
affociation to the people 89
-Vindication of the oppofi-
tion to the late intended bill
for the relief of Roman-Ca-
tholics go



Detail of the American war
under Gage, the Howes, and
Burgoyne 39

On the confequence of A-
merican independence 39
Chalmers's Political Annals
of the United Colonies: The
first colonial charter 82.
Particular fettlement of each
province 82.86


The commercial restraints
of Ireland confidered 88

A marine propofal for the
advancement of private in-
tereft 89


Debate in the Irish Houfe
of Commons on Britain grant-
ing a free trade to Ireland 150
Natural History
Elliot on the fenfes of vi-
fion and hearing 89


Letter to the people of
Laurencekirk, on presenting
the King's charter.
of indultious villages 33. E-
mulation proposed 15.
what the profperity of the
village depends 34. Virtue
and happiness, and vice and
mifery, infeparably joined ib.
Of admitting strangers 34.
Of education of children 86.
Of early habits of industry
Of honefty ib. Of fo-
briety and frugality 87. Of
good neighbourhood ib. Of
behaviour 87 Charity ib.
Love to our fociety 148. In
dustry ib.

the expedition from Canada
under his command 150


William and Lucy 147
Boughton, Sir Theod. account
of his death 506
Bowie, Ralph, examined con-
cerning his correspondence
with Ld G. Gordon 555
Boteler, Capt. tried 161
Braxfield, Ld, letter to on ju-
fticiary-trials 205
Britain, amount of her im-
ports and exports 400.


to avail herfelf of the trou-

bles in Spanish America 449.
Obstacles to encounter in the
prefent war 519

Clerke, Capt. fucceeds Capt.
His death 710
Cook 323.

Chesterfield and Dr Robertson,
anecdote of 241
Child, one who could read
before one year old 8.
other, remarkable for a mu-
fical genius 9. A gigantic

one 118

Christian, a man beheaded for
being one 431

Church, Dr Webster's plan for
building one, and for a bet
ter provifion to the ministers
of Edinburgh 225
Circuit trials 325. 553
Coal-hill, one bought in Scot-
land by a Dutch company 53
Cold, feverity of 53
Colours, of perfons who could
not distinguish 705
Commane, John, fentenced to
be hanged for carrying off
Anne Fitzpatrick 553
Commons on the army-efti-
Mr Burke's pro-

mates 22.

British prociamation in 1717,
discountenancing the revolt
in Martinico 304 Land-for-
ces, where stationed 395.
Navy, lift of, and where fta-
tioned 396. Manifefto, &c.
against the Dutch 666.
Broomilaw, port of, independ-
pofitions for public œcono-
ent of Port Glasgow 387
my, for checking the influ-
Earl of, extracts
ence of the crown, and for
from his intended fpeech at
the election of the fixteen reftoring the freedom of par-
His elegant
liament 130.
See Antiquaries
Peers $73.
Burke, Mr, his fpeech to the fpeech 130-135.
edicts alluded to by him 131.
electors of Bristol 453.
note. Vote of thanks to Adm.
Rodney 138. On the negli-
gence of the land-tax recei-
vers 186.


Butler, Bp, private letters of
his 308. 492
Caledonian Hunt, 100 guineas
given by to the Edinburgh
charity work-houte 670
Canal, Forth and Clyde, uti-
lity of 387

Captures 143. 165. 221. 331.
387. 444. 560, 602. 671.713.
Of a Dutch convoy 46. Of the
Fowey and Experiment 48.
Digby 99.
By Rodney 93
Arbuthnot ib. Parker 145.
Of part of a French convoy
384. By Com. Johnston 442.
Capt. Macbride 443.
British Eaft and West India
flects ib. Lift of thefe $46.
and number of prifoners 547.
Caravan, one cruelly used 57
Carver, Capt. his account of
the massacre, of an English
garrifon 181. Perifles thro'

[blocks in formation]

The villagers. 7
commended 149. Their in- Character. See Alphabet
dependency ib. Of an an- Charcoal, treatment of perfons
nual faving 207.
duitry promifed ib.
Gen. Burgoyne's state of


Aid to in-

affected by the fumes of 393
Chastity, a reward for 710
4 Y a



On places, pen.
fions, names of penfioners,
and fums received 186. On
reftraining members from
holding government
tracts 188. Bill for that pur-
the Lords ib. Petitions for
pose passed, but rejected by
redress of grievances prefent-
ed ib. On prefenting a pro-
teft against the Nottingham
On a com-
petition 189.
miflion to infpect accounts
Mr Burke's reforma-
tion-bill prefented 194. Pur-
port of the bill ib.
on it 196.242. On the right
of the fubjects to petition
On the influence of
the crown 245. 309. Majo-
rity against the miniftry on
diminishing the influence of
the crown 248. Poignant al-
tercation between the Speak-
er, Ld North, and the Attor-
tent to the Houfe to correct
ney-General 249.
abufes in the civil-lift reve-



Dalzell. See Mackenzie
Date-tree, curious procefs to
make the female-tree bear
fruit 609

nues 309. and to procure re- ed 323. To be impreffed 709
drefs of the abuses complain Cook, Capt. account of his
ed of in the petitions from death, and of his voyage 43.
counties, &c. ib. On pre- Arrival of his fhips 549. 687
feating accounts of public Copper prohibited to be ex-
money given to members, on ported 100. 271. 442.
whatever account 309. Cordiner, on falmon 701
the incompatibility of certain Cornwallis, Capt. engages two
offices with a feat in parlia French fleets 427 536
ment 310. On difqualifying County meetings,effays on 103.
freeholders to vote who have See England. Scotland
places in the excife or cu- Courts-martial, trials at 161
Noms 311. On proroguing Cow-calf. See Free Martin
or diffolving parliament 313. Cox, a foldier under fentence
On the petition against Pope of death, pardoned 387
ry 367. On the military go- Crotch. See Child
vernment in London during Crown, Scotch members who
the riots 420. On Mr Burke's voted for diminishing the in-
reformation-bill 421. On a fluence of 495. See Com-
motion for a lift of the navy, mons. Lords.
and for copies for applica- Curiofities, natural, 24
tions for arms, &c. 462. On Dalgleish and Donaldson exc-
granting fupplies before con- cuted 326
fidering the petitions ib. On
paying off the debt due to
the Eaft-India Company 463.
Refolutions on account of
clandeftine alterations made
in accounts on the table 520.
On the army-extraordinaries
521. Motion of cenfure for
profufion in the article of
extraordinaries 522. New
taxes, and debate on thems 15
-New parliament meets 565.
Commons directed to chufe
a Speaker ib. Debate on the
election of a Speaker ib.
Mr Cornwall and the late
Speaker candidates 566. Mr
Cornwall chofen 571. Pre-
fented to the King, and ap-
proven of ib. Addrefs in an-
fwer to the King's fpeech 629.
The King's anfwer to the ad-
dress 630. On the addrefs
633. Days appointed for de-
termining difputed elections
637. On the navy-eftimates
677. On a vote of thanks to
the late Speaker 679. Adm.
Rodney's acknowledgements
for the thanks of that Houfe
680. Thanks given to Gen.
Clinton, Adm. Arbuthnot,
and Ld Cornwallis 682.
the army-estimates ib. Pe.
tition from India, for redrefs
of grievances, prefented 684.
Altercation between Mr A-
dam and Mr Fox 685. Ad-
vertisement by the Weftmin
fter committee reprobated ib.
The Con-fequences 692
Convicts, how to be employ


Deift. See Williams
Denmark. Damage done by
the explosion of a ship in
Copenhagen 153. Accede to
the neutral confederacy 431
Drake, Sir Francis, naval a-
necdote of 366
Dropfy, cure for 351
Druid temple difcovered 553
Duel betwixt Col. Fullerton
and Ld Shelburn 164 Dr
Robertfon on duelling 165
Dutartres, tragical history of
a family of that name 117
Dyfentery, extraordinary ef-
fects of in France 43
Earthquakes: Tauris, &c. de-
ftroyed by 431. Shocks of
in Italy 434. In England 709
Eaft Indies: Arabs attack
Capt. Gowland 321.
bitants of Bengal petition the
King for trial by jury, &c.
321. The petition 625. Ware-
houfe in Bengal burnt ib. Sir
Hector Monro invefted with
the order of the Bath ib.
Ceremony of the inveftiture
700. Succeffes of the British
383. Arrival of a fleet in ib.
Capture of a fleet to 443
Edinburgh: Freedom of the
city given to Adm. Rodney


Plan for building a
church in, and for a better
provifion for its minifters 225.
Address to the King on the

late tumults 437. Writ for
electing a member of parlia-
ment ferved on the Lord
Provost 495. Proceedings on
that occafion 495. Mr Miller
chofen for the city 498. Lord
Advocate rechofen for the
county soo. Two fets of ma
giftrates chofen 503. Sir Lan
rence Dundas aifo chofen
member for the city 502.
The sheriff refuses to retura
Sir Laurence 503. Mer-
chant-company to request the
city-member to apply for
proper convoys 668. Appli
cation to be made to the
courts of session and exche-
quer to give up the privileges
of exemption of city-taxes
668. Town-council to peti-
tion, complaining of the e-
lection of Mr Miller ib. All
the incorporations publish
their diffatisfaction at the
measure ib. On the expence
of the application coming out
of the city-revenues 669.
Magiftrates to purchase meal
to be fold to the poor at a
low price 670

Edinburgh Difpenfary, state
of patients treated at 715
Edinburgh regiment, fubfcri
bers for 712
Edward and Louifa, ftory of

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ing determined by the court
of jufticiary 326
Geary, Adm. captures part of
a French West-India fleet 384
Gentoos, instance of religious
moderation of 452
Germain, M. de st, fufferings
of in Egypt 57
Germany: Lofs at Munich by
the overflowing of the Ifer
43. Emperor makes the tour
of Ruffia 43. Destruction
by locufts 433. by fires 544.
See Annual Register
Gibraltar ciofely besieged 216.
6:2 Unfuccefsful attempt
to deftroy the fhipping 383.
Naval force on both fides
384. Gardens deftroyed by
the befiegers 612.
Glafgow: Generofity of a
merchant of 8. Thermome-
tical account of the cold 53.
Playhouse destroyed by fire
387. See Gordon
Gloucefter, Dean of: Conduc
of Oppofition delineated by
His addrefs to ali ranks
113. Plan propofed for their
confideration 114
Gordon, L G. letter to, with
a goid fnuff-box, from eighty-
five focieties in Glasgow 119.
Anfwer 120. Committed to
the tower 403. Perfons ex-
amined concerning him 38.
555. 558
Gordon of Kenmore, differ.
ence between and Mr Spal-
ding Gordon 555
Gour, rules for curing 423
Grafting, new method of 308
Grafton, Duke of. See Lords
Grant, Mr David, examined
concerning his correfpond-
ence with Ld G. Gordon 558
Graves, Adm. arrives in A-


[blocks in formation]

ter from Congress decifive of
his conduct 603
Hungary, burning mountain
in 43
See Storms
Indian barbarity and French
perfidy 181
Independent companies to be
raised 709

Indian, one's notion of in-
toxicating liquors 701
Ireland: Addrefs of the city
of Dublin to the King on the
enlargement of their trade


To the Ld Lieutenant
on the fame fubject, and for
leave to have his portrait
painted 52. Acts paffed 52.

Remarkable bafon

digging in Carilcron 52 Bri-
tish act allowing a free trade
100. Comparison of the
British and Irish taxes 176.
Addreffes to the King from
different counties, on their
commercial advantages 216.
From both houses of
parliament 217. The King's
answer 220. Sentiments of
the people 219.
A warlike
fpirit diffufed ib Refolu-
tions and inftructions for
fupporting independencyzzo.
319 Bili for naturalizing
foreign merchants ib. A fe-
pulchral difcovery ib. Com-
mons on the motion, That
the King and Parliament of
Ireland are the only power
to make laws for that king-
dem 325. Freedom of Corke
given to Lords Hillborough
and North in goid boxes 386.
Refolutions not to enforce
laws but thofe of the King
and Parliament of Ireland
444 Commons on the mu-
tiny-bill 464 On the fugar-
bil 469. Diffatisfaction with-
out doors, and fpirited refo-
lûtions, on the paffing of
thefe bills 468. 470. Com-
mous order to profecute the
authors 471. Speaker's fpeech
on prefenting three money-
bills $39.
Addreffes to the
Ld Lieutenant from the
Lords and Commons 531. His
Excellency's answer 531,2.
His fpeech at the proroga
tion of parliament 532.
Mayor's meflage to a great
multitude, that only fix per-
fons would be allowed to go

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