페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

Debts due the company secured by mortgage on real estate..
Debts otherwise secured, demand loans on stocks and bonds

[blocks in formation]

$9,514 83 493,044 42

464,500 00

678,178 00

503,550 00

205,450 00 128,460 64 4,000 00

22,828 38

.$2,509,526 27

Losses unadjusted and losses in suspense waiting further proof All other claims amount due agents for commissions on premiums in course of collection....

$55,627 00 73,632 05 480 00

606,039 96

14,130 67

Total liabilities.....

$749,909 68

Gross receipts in Minnesota during the preceding year....... 35,825 71


[blocks in formation]

Amount due or not due banks or other creditors..

[blocks in formation]

$74,883 34

56,833 35

Losses resisted.....

[blocks in formation]

Losses at Chicago..

7,750 00 95,796 12

100,000 00

Am't reclaimed on perp. policies and all other claims...

1,418,745 78

Total liabilities......

$1,754,008 59

Gross receipts in Minnesota for 1871...

17,609 17

[blocks in formation]

The amount of cash on hand and in the hands of agents....
The real estate unencumbered........

867,475 73

53,450 33

The bonds owned by the company.

463,600 00

Debts due the company secured by mortgage on real estate.
Debts for premiums...

412,400 00

4,859 98

All other securities...

31,815 68

[blocks in formation]

$49,353 77

The amount of gross receipts of such company in Minnesota during the preceding year......

$10,151 20

[blocks in formation]

Amount due or not due banks or other creditors....

$5,365 53

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The amount of cash on hand in Hartford and New York and

in the hands of agents.....

The real estate unencumbered...

The bonds and stocks owned by the company..

Debts due the company secured by mortgage on real estate.
Debts otherwise secured, notes and miscellaneous bonds...
All other securities, rents and accrued interest......

$806,325 65

448,175 60 1,134,697 50 524,250 00 3,275 79 25,336 64

Total assets...


$2,942,061 18

Losses adjusted, unadjusted and in suspense awaiting proof..$736,037 47 All other claims against the company due and to become due

for borrowed money..

Total liabilities.....

243,957 50

$979,994 97

Gross receipts in Minnesota during the preceding year....... 42,478 50



President, CHAS. J. MARTIN.

Paid up Capital Stock...

Secretary, JOHN H. WASHBURN. .$2,500,000


The amount of cash on hand and in the hands of agents....

The amount of cash in bank...........

The bonds and stocks owned by the company.

Bills receivable.......

$268,210 35

482,327 62 1,729,457 50

25,502 03

Debts due the company secured by mortgage on real estate. 1,850,849 57 Interest accrued thereon.......

Debts otherwise secured.....

Interest due and accrued on collateral loans including bank


All other securities and property.

47,097 84

98,744 31

5,639 46

164,223 82

Total assets....


$4,672,043 50

Total net amount of unpaid losses.....

All other claims against the company being for unpaid dividends

Total liabilities......

The amount of gross receipts of such company in Minnesota during the preceding year...........



. $623,611 52

410 00

$624,021 52

45,150 78

Columbus, Ohio. Commenced Business January 5, 1864.

[blocks in formation]

Value of real estate owned by the company, unincumbered.. $1,727 80
Loans on bond and mortgage (first liens) upon which not
more than one year's interest is due....

Loans on bond and mortgage upon which more than one year's
interest is due (of which all is in process of foreclosure).
Interest due and accrued on bond and mortgage loans.....
Total value of mortgaged premises.....

465,227 10

3,500 00 22,731 53.

..$1,068,882 00

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