페이지 이미지


Provides for appeal for organizations


Same appeal procedure, but limited

and individuals to the United States to organizations.
Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia and review of its decision by
the Supreme Court on certiorari.




Penalties are $2,000 to $5,000 for organizations, and in addition, for individuals 2 to 5 years' imprisonment for: 1. Failure to comply with registration 1. Same, but no duty on Communist orders of the Commission (organizations political organization members to regisand individual members of Communist ter. political organizations).

2. Willfully false or misleading statements made by individuals having duty to register or file statement (each name and address deemed separate statement, and each misstatement is a separate offense).

3. Knowing membership in Communist political organization which has not registered as required.

4. Violation of provision requiring identification of publications and radio broadcasts.

5. Violating passport and Federal employment provisions of the act.

2. Same, but no duty on Communist political organization members to register. No similar definition of separate offenses.

3. Same.

4. Same, but includes television.

5. Same.

Senator MUNDT. You will note that in establishing what is a Communist-front organization on pages 25 and 26 there has grown up a great amount of research and study by the Committee on UnAmerican Activities for a long time. I do not want to belabor the committee by going into the background supporting these points individually but if I may have consent to do so I would like to list 12 or 14 facts which characterize communism and the activities of the Communist Party because I think these hearings will be rather widely read, and in support of the definition I gave of Communism on the opening day if I may have permission to do so I would like to submit 12 or 15 short sets of facts demonstrating exactly what communism is and how it operates. It will provide a background for the reasons why we picked out these particular means of identifying the Communist organizations.

Senator MILLER. Mr. Chairman, I think that privilege should be accorded Senator Mundt and not to limit it to that many if you can find others.

Senator EASTLAND. Fine.

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Senator MUNDT. We can put in 12 or 15. If I understand I have unanimous consent, I will prepare that.

(The information referred to follows:)

No. 1

One of the characteristics of the Communist Party of the United States is its avowed affiliation with the Communist International until by act of an emergency convention on November 16, 1940, it did "cancel and dissolve its organizational affiliation to the Communist International * * * for the specific purpose of removing itself from the terms of the so-called Voorhis Act."

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The real intention of this disavowal was to evade the act and was the only reason given for the dissolution of the party as demonstrated by the Communists' own language.

The Communist International was founded on March 2, 1919, in Moscow, by decision of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Communist Party of Russia was the ruling party of the International until dissolution on May 30,


In a resolution dated November 16, 1940, the Communist Party of the United States reaffirmed the "unshakable adherence of our party to the principles of proletarian internationalism, in the spirit of its greatest leaders and teachers, Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin." The Soviet Government makes an avowal of the fact that the teachings of the above-named four constitute the officially accepted philosophy of the Soviet Union..

Thus despite the cancellations and resolutions the Communist Party of the United States is still subordinate to the single governing body of the Soviet Union, namely, the Communist Party. Its true nature is again clear.

No. 2

The Communist Party of the United States has received financial and material support from the Soviet Union which has ranged all the way from money or jewels shipped by confidential courier to the sending of voluminous prepaid cable dispatches, the latter practice being in force right up to the present time, according to the sworn testimony of Louis F. Budenz, former managing editor of the Daily Worker, official organ of the Communist Party, on November 22, 1946.

No. 3

The Communist Party of the United States is subordinate to directives from representatives of the Communist heirarchy in the Soviet Union. A specimen list of such directives was submitted in the committee's report. Mr. Budenz has testified that he received such directives from Gerhart Eisler, Jack Stachel, Eugene Dennis, and others.

No. 4

The Communist Party of the United States adheres to the statutes of the Communist International which are still in force despite the alleged dissolution of the organization.

No. 5

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union is accepted as the model party. This can be substantiated by going to any of the book shops of the Communist Party and purchasing a copy of its standard reference work, History of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. This work is prescribed for all Communist study courses and schools. It is a bible of strategy and tactics for American Communists.

No. 6

Delegates and representatives of the Communist Party of the United States have been and are being sent to the Soviet Union for special instruction in subversive activities.

No. 7

The Communist Party of the United States makes regular reports to the Soviet Commissars in Moscow.

This is currently reflected by the first-hand information on America to be found in the Moscow press and by espionage cases disclosing the transmission belt by which security secrets of the United States Government are relayed to Russia by way of American Communist in this country.

No. 8

The disciplinary powers over the American Communist leaders emanate from Moscow. The removal of Earl Browder as general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States at the suggestion of Jacques Duclos, former member of the executive committee of the Communist International, is a good example of this disciplinary power.

Mr. Budenz testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee that Clarence Hathaway, editor of the Daily Worker, accepted a severe tongue lashing from Gerhart Eisler without a murmur.

No. 9

American Communist publications reprint the basic doctrines and major artiéles from the Soviet press and Soviet leaders.

No. 10

Panegyrics and tributes to the Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin, run all through Communist literature in every language and in every country.

No. 11

The members of the Communist. Party of the United States collaborate with official representatives of the Soviet Government.

No. 12

Officials of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union supervise the work of the Communist Party of the United States. This can be shown by a United Press report for 1948: "Soviets Admit Fifth Column. Call Communists 'Defense Belt'." Spokesmen for the Soviet bloc belabored the "imperialistic" aims of the United States today, but tacitly admitted that Russia was building up a special "defense belt" reaching around the world.

"A Moscow dispatch shed some light on Soviet global footholds and intentions. It reported an article in the Communist Party organ Pravada by Ilya Ehrenbourg, Russian newspaperman who found certain facets of American social life so repulsive when he vistied the United States after the war.

"He said Russia had a special defense belt which 'extends not only along the borders of our country, but exists in France, China, Greece, Italy, Mexico, England—in all the countries where our comrades live, think, and struggle.'

"Thus Moscow gave implicit acknowledgement to the accuracy of charges made repeatedly in the United Nations recently that the Russians had a fifth column at work all around the world. United Nations spokesmen charged the Communist Parties of each country were bent on undermining and toppling all anti-Communist governments."

No. 13

Communism operates on an interlocking organizational relationship on such formal matters as membership, transfer, attendance at conventions, and so forth, with the Communist Parties of the world in an organic unity of a world party dominated by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Only the Communists, of all of the polictidal groups in the world today, have an internationally organized mechanism with representatives in every civilized country of the world, all moving in unison toward the single objective directed and dominated from a central source, the Kremlin in Moscow.

No. 14

The Soviet Union is accepted as the Soviet fatherland.

Earl Browder on September 29, 1939, before House Committee on Un-American Activities declined to answer the question as to where his allegiance would lie in event of war with Russia. He did state "If the United States entered this war on an imperialist basis, I would not support it."

During the past few months the Communist Party leaders throughout the world have issued the statement to the effect that the Communists would not fight against Russia in the event of war. The statement was issued by Thorez, of France, on Frebruary 22, 1949; by Togliatti, of Italy, on February 26, 1949; by Pollitt, of England, on February 27, 1949; by Grotwald, of Germany, on February 28, 1949; and by our own Communist Party leaders on the United States, namely, William Z. Foster and Eugene Dennis on March 2, 1949. Paul Robeson also issued a general statement to the same effect on April 27, 1949, in a meeting which was held in Paris. Since then, Robeson has gone even further in proclaiming his preference for Russia.

No. 15

The Communist Party of the United States has since its foundation followed the line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union without exception.

The research staff of the House Committee on Un-American Activities follows the Communist press of the United States from day to day and can find no important divergence between the American party and the Russian party on every important question. There is never any significant deviation in the Communist Party's Daily Worker in this country from the editorial policies of all other official Communist papers in other countries.

Senator MUNDT. I want to express my appreciation for being permitted to take so much time to go through this legislation and to say that if as the hearings progress, questions arise, as they well may, as arguments are made by people opposing the legislation, on which you would like to have the opinion of someone who believes that the arguments are unsound, I should like to come back at any time you wish.

Senator EASTLAND. Senator, you have made a very fine presentation, for which we thank you. I am sure that the committee would welcome you to sit in with them and ask witnesses any questions you desire. Would there by any objection on the part of the committee to that?

Senator FERGUSON. None whatever.

Senator O'CONOR. Not only would there be no objection on my part, I was just about to say that I think we ought not to let the Senator from South Dakota leave without expressing very genuine appreciation for the fine contribution he has made and really to express public commendation for the very fine work he is engaged in, the benefits of which we all will enjoy.

Senator EASTLAND. Do you not think we should give him the privilege of sitting in with the committee and to propound any questions he desires to witnesses?

Senator MILLER. I concur in that, Mr. Chairman.

Senator FERGUSON. He has made a real contribution to this matter. Senator MUNDT. I will be glad to have the privilege. Thank you so much. I certainly hope this is my swan-song appearance on communism. I have been working on it for some 8 eight years and I hope we can get some legislation after a while that will let the law enforcement authorities proceed with full power.

I will be happy to do what I can.

Thank you.


Senator FERGUSON. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee: There must be a reason for a bill, before a committee should pass it out as being proposed legislation; and I would just like to make some remarks at the opening now, to indicate why in my opinion there is a reason for this kind of legislation. Sometime later I would like to discuss the constitutional question.

In presenting this bill, I have tried to take the best that the committee produced last year.

Senator EASTLAND. You are speaking of your bill, and not the Mundt bill?

Senator FERGUSON. They are so near alike that I think we can talk generally about the two bills. They propose to do practically the same thing.

Senator MILLER. Is that 1194 and 1196?

Senator FERGUSON. Yes. They were filed on the same day. So when I give this statement today, I have in mind the kind of legislation that is now before us, and not necessarily the words of either particular bill.

I think we have to look at these bills in the light of what communism in the world is today. In my opinion, it is a conspiracy. I think it is aimed directly at representative government. I think it is not an economic philosophy. It is much more than that. It goes deeper into government than that. It is that thing which has caused the cold war. It is that thing which prohibits Russia from allowing anyone to see what is going on in Russia. It is that which causes her to have agents all over the world.

Now, understand: not agents who are Russians, not agents who have been brought up, nurtured, under the communistic rule and sent out as Russia's agents, but people taken from nations where they have been born and raised, and made agents of this Soviet communism.

At times, yes, they use their own agents; and I find that in our foreign newspapers now in America they are importing agents. The chairman of this committee has introduced a bill to deport such alien agents, and some of the members of the committee spoke at the time that was put in, because we have discovered that they are placing in America propaganda agents. They deem that they can accomplish their purposes better with those foreign agents than they could if they confined themselves to taking individuals here and made them their agents.

So I think there is a reason for the bill, and I have tried to analyze it this morning. I hope I am not repeating anything that the Senator from South Dakota has said; I am just trying to put it in a little different light. After all, I think we wholeheartedly agree that this is a conspiracy. And when you are talking about a conspiracy, naturally you use some of the same language to show that it is a conspiracy.

There is no doubt, as shown by the testimony day before yesterday in the New York trial, that this communist movement was operating as a conspiracy, and that they have put their people into Govern


In this connection, I just happened to see yesterday an item in the Washington Daily News of May 3, about the results of the loyalty tests conducted by the Government. It starts out with the headline, "9,000 Lose jobs in loyalty tests."

Mr. Chairman, I would like to put that item in the record because I think it is very important in showing that these people were used as espionage agents.

(The newspaper article referred to is as follows:)

[From the Washington Daily News, Tuesday, May 3, 1949]


(By Tony Smith)

Soviet spies, exburglars, thieves and sex offenders have been unearthed by the Federal Government's employee loyalty investigation program, it was learned today.

The search for subversives in the Government and among those seeking jobs with Uncle Sam yielded 141,400 sets of fingerprints that matched those kept in the FBI files.

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