페이지 이미지


Publications of the

Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men
Edited by Douglas C. McMurtrie

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Number 1. A bibliography of the war cripple. By Douglas C. McMurtrie.

Number 2. The economic consequences of physical disability; a case study of civilian cripples in

New York City. By John Culbert Faries.

Number 3. Memorandum on provision for disabled soldiers in New Zealand. By Douglas C.


Number 4. A statistical consideration of the number of men crippled in war and disabled in indus-

try. By I. M. Rubinow.

Number 5. The French system for return to civilian life of crippled and discharged soldiers. By

John L. Todd.

Number 6. Tourvielle; A trade school for war cripples. By Gustave Hirschfeld. Translated by

Gladys Gladding Whiteside.

Number 7. The development in England of a state system for the care of the disabled soldier. By

John Culbert Faries.

Number 8. Training in English technical schools for disabled soldiers. By John Culbert Faries.

Number 9. Placement technique in the employment work of the Red Cross Institute for Crippled

and Disabled Men. By Gertrude R. Stein.

Number 10. The relation of the short, intensive industrial survey to the problem of soldier re-edu-

cation. By G. A. Boate.

Number 11. The vocational school for disabled soldiers at Rouen, France. By J. Breuil. Trans-

lated by Gladys Gladding Whiteside.

Number 12. Provision for war cripples in Italy. By Ruth Underhill.

Number 13. Provision for war cripples in Germany. By Ruth Underhill.

Number 14. Provision for vocational re-education of disabled soldiers in France. By Gladys

Gladding Whiteside.

Number 15. Provision for the re-education of Belgian war cripples. By Gladys Gladding Whiteside.

Number 16. Opportunities for the employment of disabled men. Preliminary survey of the piano,

leather, rubber, paper goods, shoe, sheet metal goods, candy, drug and chemical, cigar, silk,

celluloid, optical goods, and motion picture industries. Prepared under the direction of Helen

E. Redding.

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