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Abercrombie, General, his declaration of the licentiousness of the Accum, Mr, his Treatise on Adulterated Provisions, 131-his exa- Act, Mr Gilbert's, points out the number of charities in five Eng- Adam's Letters on Silesia, opinion of, 413. Admiralty, droits of, origin and use of, 478. Adulteration of Provisions, and by whom practised, 134-of bread, Agriculture and manufactures, fundamental distinction between, 181. Alarms, recent, 187-evidence of, how to be collected, 199—ru- 223. Allen, William, to whom the French Protestants are indebted for Almonds, bitter, employed to give flavour to insipid wines, 137. Ambrosian Chant, why so named, 362. America, United States, statistical account of, 69-population, 70- Anne, Queen, act of, prohibiting the use of unwholesome ingredients Antioch, first regular choir established at, for singing hymns in the Arcangelo Corelli, a celebrated musician, 368. Aretino Guido, reputed inventor of the counterpoint, 364. Arkwright, Sir Richard, contrived to spin cotton by machinery, and Articles in trade and commerce adulterated, 133. Arundel, Sir John, ordered to be removed from the office of Master Assessments for the Poor, remarkable increase of, 335-danger of be- Athenians, character of the, 238—Athenian mob contrasted with the Austin, the monk, first instructor of the Saxons in the mysteries of Avonmore, Lord, instance of Mr Curran's judicious pleasantry with, B Banks, Savings, advantages of, 393. Bay, Chesapeak, towns in the neighbourhood of, destroyed by the Beeke, Dr, his pamphlet published on the Income-tax, 177. Beer, how adulterated, an ancient practice, 141. Belfast, city of, answer to its application to Government for some Bible Societies, surprising conduct of, 450. Bill, Convention, for what purpose passed in Ireland, 282. Bolingbroke, Lord, character of his works, 318-reasons assigned for Bonaparte, ascendancy of, occasioned a transfer of continental capital Bopp, Mr, his translation of the interesting story of Nala and Dama- Bourne, Mr Sturges, at the head of the Committee for revising the Boyse, Mr, account of his reception from Curran, 273. Brandy, French, how imitated, 139. Bread, how adulterated, 136. Brewing, Child on, important quotation from his work, 140. Britain, Great, condition of the manufacturing classes in, 332-ex- Brougham, Mr, advantages of his plan for inquiring into charitable Burke, Mr, his sentiments with regard to the French Revolution Busby, Dr, his History of Music, number of his plagiarisms from C Cabinet, English, domineered over Ireland, 278. Caithness, of what its rocks are chiefly composed, 466. Castlereagh, Lord, accused by Lord Archibald Hamilton of disposing Causes which contributed to prevent the bulk of the people from feel- Charles II., act passed for abolishing the Court of Wards, Purvey- Charities, inquiry into, 110-defects in, 114-abuses, principal causes Chemists, particular, employed to supply the unprincipled venders Cheshire, number of charitable endowments in, 126-Quarter-Ses- Cicero, his description of Demosthenes, 229-faults in his style, 235. Clure Lord, Curran's reply to, before the Privy Council, 266-vin- Cleland, James, his survey of the number of hand-looms employed and Columbiad, Barlow's, Mr Walsh dissatisfied with the critique on, 411. Commitee, Education, fully borne out in its evidence of abuses, 127 Commons, Irish House of, a mere committee of the Irish faction, 270. Crelli, Angelo, an Italian musician, history of, 368. Corn Laws, how contributing to increase pauperism, 159. Cornwall, Mr, his poems, after whom his style is moulded, 144- |