sight are as yesterday when they are past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood; They are as a sleep; In the morning they are like grass which groweth up; In the evening it is cut down and withereth. So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Let Thy work appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the works of our hands upon us; Yea, the works of our hands establish Thou it. Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you, for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know. Thomas saith unto Him, Lord, we know not whither Thou goest; and how can we know the way. Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Serene, I fold my hands and wait, I stay my haste, I make delays, The friends I seek are seeking me; And garner up its fruit of tears. The stars come nightly to the sky, The tidal wave unto the sea; Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor high, Can keep my own away from me. Oh, Thou in whose presence our souls take delight, on whom in affliction we call, Thou wert our fathers' God. In the darkness Thou gavest them light, in danger, succor, and in uncertainty, guidance. The light of Thy word was their inspiration, "Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." O let us hear the carol in the clouds, view the rock amid the waves, and see the star in the valley. Lead us, oh, Christ, in the toilsome way of Gethsemane and Calvary, and in all our needs give us strength and grace. Bless Thou the memory of those who have wrought well and passed on. Unto all hearts that are bowed down today, minister unto them the comfort and the consolations of Thy richest blessings. We are reminded, dear Lord, that our days are swiftly passing by. Yesterday we were not, tomorrow we shall be gone. O how changing are the fortunes of life-laughter and tears, melody and lamentation. Mid the fleeing shadows, O may the good angels sing the song of hope in every breast. In our dear Redeemer's name. Amen. Mr. Thomas L. Thomas sang "There Is No Death," by Geoffrey O'Hara. ROLL OF DECEASED MEMBERS Mr. Roger M. Calloway, reading clerk of the House, read the following roll: MARVEL MILLS LOGAN, a Senator from the State of Kentucky: Lawyer; educator; county attorney, Edmonson County, 1902-03; Attorney General of Kentucky, 1916-17; Judge, Kentucky Court of Appeals, 1926-31; Chief Justice, 1931; chairman Democratic State Convention, 1916; elected to the United States Senate in 1930, and again in 1936. Died October 3, 1939. WILLIAM EDGAR BORAH, a Senator from the State of Idaho: Lawyer; distinguished orator; member of the Republican National Committee, 1908-12; delegate, Republican National Convention, 1912; elected to the United States Senate in 1907, and served 32 years and 10 months; was chairman of the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations, and Education and Labor; dean of the Senate from 1933 until the day of his death, January 19, 1940. BERT LORD, Thirty-fourth Congressional District of New York: Merchant; member New York Assembly, 1915-22, 1924-29; motor vehicle commissioner for the State of New York, 1921-23; State Senator, 1929-35; Member of the Seventy-fourth, Seventy-fifth, and Seventy-sixth Congresses. Died May 24, 1939. EMMETT MARSHALL OWEN, Fourth Congressional District of Georgia: Lawyer; member, Georgia Legislature, 1902-06; solicitor, City Court of Zebulon, 1908-12; Solicitor General, Flint Judicial Circuit, 1913-23; Solicitor General, Griffin Judicial Circuit, 1923-33; Member of the Seventy-third and each succeeding Congress. Died June 21, 1939. HARRY WILBUR GRISWOLD, Third Congressional District of Wisconsin: Farmer; educator; member, State Board of Vocational Education, 1930-36; served in the State Senate from 1932 to 1936; Member of the Seventy-sixth Congress. Died July 4, 1939. SAMUEL DAVIS MCREYNOLDS, Third Congressional District of Tennessee: Lawyer; Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of the State of Tennessee, 1903-22; Member of the Sixty-eighth and each succeeding Congress; American delegate to the International Monetary and Economic Conference, in London, 1933; chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs. Died July 11, 1939. THOMAS MARION EATON, Eighteenth Congressional District of California: Businessman; educator; served in the United States Navy during the World War; member, City Council, Long Beach, Calif., 1934-36; mayor of Long Beach, 1936-38; Member of the Seventy-sixth Congress. Died September 16, 1939. THOMAS SANDERS MCMILLAN, First Congressional District of South Carolina: Farmer; educator; member, South Carolina House of Representatives, 1916-24; speaker, 1923-24; Member of the Sixty-ninth and each succeeding Congress; member of the Committee on Appropriations. Died September 29, 1939. CHESTER CASTLE BOLTON, Twenty-second Congressional District of Ohio: Businessman; captain, United States Army Reserve Corps, serving successively with the War Industries Board, aide to the Assistant Secretary of War, and on the General Staff of the War Department; lieutenant colonel, Assistant Chief of Staff of the One Hundred and First Division; member of the Ohio Senate, 192328; Member of the Seventy-first and each succeeding Congress. Died October 29, 1939. JAMES WILLIS TAYLOR, Second Congressional District of Tennessee: Lawyer; postmaster, La Follette, Tenn., 1904-09; mayor of La Follette, 1910-13; insurance commissioner, State of Tennessee, 1913–14; chairman, Republican State Executive Committee, 1917-18; Member of the Sixty-sixth and each succeeding Congress; ranking minority member of the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Died November 14, 1939. CARL EDGAR MAPES, Fifth Congressional District of Michigan: Lawyer; member, Michigan House of Representatives, 1905-07; member, State Senate, 1909-13; elected to the Sixty-third and each succeeding Congress; ranking minority member of the Committees on Rules and on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Died December 12, 1939. WILLIAM IRVING SIROVICH, Fourteenth Congressional District of New York: Physician and surgeon; fellow, American College of Surgeons, 1924; awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, Columbia University Alumni Association, 1932; Member of the Seventieth and each succeeding Congress; chairman of the Committee on Patents. Died December 17, 1939. JOHN ANDREW MARTIN, Third Congressional District of Colorado: Lawyer, editor; soldier; member, Colorado Assembly, 1901-02; Pueblo city attorney, 1905-07; Member of the Sixty-first and Sixtysecond Congresses, retiring voluntarily; during the World War served as a major, Fortieth Division; Member of the Seventy-third and each succeeding Congress. Died December 23, 1939. WILLIAM ALBERT ASHBROOK, Seventeenth Congressional District of Ohio: Editor; banker; farmer; publisher of the Johnstown Independent since 1885; postmaster, Johnstown, 1893-97; member, Ohio House of Representatives, 1904-05; Member of the Sixtieth through the Sixty-sixth Congresses, also the Seventy-fourth and each succeeding Congress. Died January 1, 1940. GEORGE HENRY HEINKE, First Congressional District of Nebraska: Lawyer; graduate, University of Nebraska, 1908; county attorney, Otoe County, 1919-23, 1927-35; Member of the Seventy-sixth Congress; served on the Committees on Election of the President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress; Labor; and the Territories. Died January 2, 1940. WALLACE EDGAR PIERCE, Thirty-first Congressional District of New York: Lawyer; member, New York Bar Association; member, New York Assembly, 1917-19; chairman, Clinton County Republican Committee; member, New York State Republican Committee; elected to the Seventy-sixth Congress; served on the Committee on the Judiciary. Died January 3, 1940. EDWARD WALTER CURLEY, Twenty-second Congressional District of New York: Builder and contractor; member of the Board of Aldermen, New York City, 1916-35; chairman or ranking member of all major committees of the board; elected to the Seventyfourth and each succeeding Congress; member of the Committees on Labor, Civil Service, Election of the President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress; and Invalid Pensions. Died January 6, 1940. CASSIUS CLAY DOWELL, Sixth Congressional District of Iowa: Lawyer; member, Iowa House of Representatives, 1894-98; member, State senate, 1902-12; Member of the Sixty-fourth through the Seventy-third, Seventy-fifth and Seventy-sixth Congresses; ranking minority member of the Committee on the Territories. Died February 4, 1940. CLYDE HAROLD SMITH, Second Congressional District of Maine: Educator; member, State house of representatives, 1899-1903, 1919-23; State senator, 1923-29; chairman, State Highway Commission, 1928-32; member, Governor's Council, Fourth District, 1933-37; elected to the Seventy-fifth and the Seventy-sixth Congresses. Died April 8, 1940. SANTIAGO IGLESIAS, a Resident Commissioner from the Territory of Puerto Rico: Labor organizer; editor; founder of the Free Federation of Workingmen in Puerto Rico, 1898; member, Puerto Rican senate, 1917-32; edited the Porvenir Social, 1898-1900, Union Obera, 1903-06 and Justicia, 1914-25; Resident Commissioner from 1932 until his death December 5, 1939. Mrs. NORTON, a Representative from the State of New Jersey, standing in front of the Speaker's rostrum, placed a memorial rose in a vase as the name of each deceased Member was read by the Clerk. Then followed 1 minute of devotional silence. Mr. Bill Perry sang "The Living God," by Geoffrey O'Hara. Hon. HARRY P. BEAM, a Representative from the State of Illinois, delivered the following address: ADDRESS BY HON. HARRY P. BEAM Mr. BEAM. Mr. Speaker, today we assemble in solemn conclave to pay honor and tribute to our dead. No question of state or parliamentary controversy can disturb the tranquillity of the occasion as we recall with fond and happy recollection the close and intimate association we enjoyed |