
Clyde was a fine soldier in the interests of the rank and file of the people. During his many years of public service which have extended over nearly half a century he has constantly and consistently stood firmly for the principles in which he so ardently believed. Always a valiant fighter for those who labor, he sought an appointment to the House Committee on Labor and for the past 4 years has been in the midst and the thick of all the many legislative controversies which have been under the consideration of that congressional group during that period. Having been a pioneer in the principle of old-age pensions, he has made his name more than familiar to the people of our State and the Nation who are particularly interested in this phase of our economic life. He has always shown in his legislative career a fine sense of balance and proportion which has enabled him to do good service for all in the light of the many extreme demands which are often made by those most ardent on both sides of any issue.

Clyde has always been a humble man, unassuming and unpretentious; he has been extremely conscientious and devoted to duty; at his desk almost until the very moment of his untimely passing, he, through his actions, has epitomized his determined consecration to the best welfare of his constituents.

I have learned through personal contact with him during the past several years to lean heavily upon his judgment, and I feel that in his passing away I have suffered the loss of a true friend. I know that literally thousands in our State of Maine have suffered a similar loss.

The following few words taken from the pen of a great son of Maine, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, characterize with peculiar appropriateness the real personality of our deceased colleague in always thinking in terms of the best for others:

A man of such a genial mood

The heart of all things he embraced
And yet of such fastidious taste,
He never found the best too good.

On Tuesday, April 9, at 1 p. m., brief and informal services will be held in his memory at his Washington home, located at 3028 Newark Street NW. It is our wish that Members of the House who may desire to do so, will attend these services.

Mr. Speaker, I offer a resolution which I send to the Clerk's desk.

The Clerk read (H. Res. 460) as follows:

Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. CLYDE H. SMITH, a Representative from the State of Maine.

Resolved, That a committee of four Members of the House with such Members of the Senate as may be joined be appointed to attend the funeral.

Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of this resolution and that the necessary expenses in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House.

Resolved, That the Clerk communicate this resolution to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased.

The resolution was agreed to, and the Speaker pro tempore appointed the following as members of the funeral committee on the part of the House: Mrs. Norton, of New Jersey; Mr. Welch, of California; Mr. Brewster, of Maine; and Mr. Oliver, of Maine.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will report the remainder of the resolution.

The Clerk read as follows:

Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the House do now adjourn.

The resolution was agreed to; accordingly (at 1 o'clock and 8 minutes p. m.), under its previous order, the House adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, April 9, 1940, at 11 o'clock a. m.

TUESDAY, April 9, 1940.

A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced that the Senate had passed the following resolution:


April 8, 1940. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. CLYDE H. SMITH, late a Representative from the State of Maine.

Resolved, That a committee of two Senators be appointed by the Vice President to join the committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to attend the funeral of the deceased Representative.

Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased.

Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased Representative the Senate do now take a recess until 12 o'clock meridian tomorrow.

The message also announced that pursuant to the foregoing resolution the presiding officer had appointed Mr. Hale and Mr. White as the members of said committee on the part of the Senate.

Mr. BREWSTER. Mr. Speaker, I wish to join my colleagues in expressing a profound sense of personal, as well as public, loss in the passing of Representative CLYDE H. SMITH.

Far more than a perfunctory tribute is the due of Representative CLYDE H. SMITH of the Second Maine Congressional District, who has completed his labors after a most extraordinary career.

Forty-nine times he submitted himself to the suffrage of his fellow citizens, and every time his record brought him merited success.

Rarely, if ever, has such a record been duplicated in the entire history of American democracy.

Not only in the duration of his service, but also in its variety, his record is unique: Selectman of a New England town, with all the exacting requirements of daily contact with the myriad interests he must serve; superintendent of schools in the days when it had not yet become a position for professionals but was still the task of a layman who took seriously his community responsibilities; high sheriff of his county in a time when practically all responsibility for law enforcement rested in his hands; representative to the legislature at the age of 23; 6 years a member of the Senate of Maine; chairman of the State highway commission during my administration as Governor of Maine; 4 years a member of the Governor's council, a position second only in importance and responsibility to the office of Governor in Maine; completing now 4 years of service in the Congress of the United States.

In each of these positions he labored without ceasing, and each laid the foundation for a further broadening of his service that brought him finally to represent his congressional district here in the Capitol of the most powerful Nation the world has ever seen.

Yet this constant succession of honors revealing the continued confidence of his fellow citizens of all degrees left him untouched and unspoiled by the sometimes corroding compliment of success.

His heart was still with the great number of people in humble circumstances with whom he loved to live.

As a fellow member of the Maine Senate in 1923 I heard our colleague deliver one of the great speeches of a century in the Maine Senate in behalf of his proposal for old-age pensions in a period when this topic was scarcely thought of by the great mass of his fellowmen. When that speech was finished, prophetic in its vision, there was not a single dry eye in the chamber nor a single dissenting vote.

A decade later, when challenge was made as to his position on old-age pensions, it was my privilege to use that historic address as an entirely adequate reply.

As an executive and a legislator alike he brought to his work the most detailed and unremitting attention that undoubtedly contributed to his untimely end.

As a lifelong champion of good roads he had the satisfaction of seeing his legislative plans reach fruition under his administration as chairman of the highway commission and Maine roads become one of the chief cornerstones in the development of our State.

But in later life, in the problems of labor, his talents and his interests found their fullest scope. Coming to Congress, his lifelong record of service to the interests of labor and industry alike gave him the unique distinction of being endorsed for a position on the highly responsible Committee on Labor of the House by both the Maine State Federation of Labor and the Associated Industries of Maine.

In the 4 years of his service the Committee on Labor became the center of the most heated controversies in each session. Always Representative SMITH was found in the midst of the battle, seeking, in his strategic position on subcommittees dealing with these contentious issues a position accorded him by the confidence of his colleagues on both sides to adjust and harmonize the issues in the interest of both his State of Maine, to which he recognized a primary allegiance, and the cause of American industrial progress, in which he believed was bound up the hope not only of labor and capital in America but the hope of humanitarian progress throughout the world.

Many of his labors bore fruit in adjustments in legislation that meant much to New England and to labor and industry everywhere. On other problems he was still at work with high hope that he would find a solution that was just and helpful to all alike.

His untimely end was clearly a result of his unceasing labors far beyond his strength.

A host of friends in Congress and in Maine will be deeply saddened by his passing as they will be inspired by his life.

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