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in the

United States Senate

Proceedings in the Senate

MONDAY, April 8, 1940.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Calloway, one of its reading clerks, communicated to the Senate the intelligence of the death of Hon. CLYDE H. SMITH, late a Representative from the State of Maine, and transmitted the resolutions of the House thereon.

The message informed the Senate that, pursuant to the provisions of the foregoing resolutions, the Speaker pro tempore had appointed Mrs. Norton, Mr. Welch, Mr. Brewster, and Mr. Oliver members of a committee, to join with such Members of the Senate as may be appointed, to attend the funeral of the deceased Representative.

The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the following resolution from the House of Representatives, which was read:


April 8, 1940.

Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. CLYDE H. SMITH, a Representative from the State of Maine.

Resolved, That a committee of four Members of the House with such Members of the Senate as may be joined be appointed to attend the funeral.

Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for carrying out the provision of these resolutions and that the necessary expenses in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House.

Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the House do now adjourn.

Mr. HALE. Mr. President, I send to the desk a resolution which I ask to have read.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resolution will be read. The resolution (S. Res. 255) was read, considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows:

Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. CLYDE H. SMITH, late a Representative from the State of Maine.

Resolved, That a committee of two Senators be appointed by the Vice President to join the committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to attend the funeral of the deceased Representative.

Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the second resolving clause the Chair appoints as the members of the committee on the part of the Senate the senior Senator from Maine [Mr. Hale] and the junior Senator from Maine [Mr. White].

Mr. HALE. Mr. President, as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased Representative, I move that the Senate stand in recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow.

The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 45 minues p. m.) the Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Tuesday, April 9, 1940, at 12 o'clock meridian.

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