페이지 이미지

Nation, the paramount Sovereignty of which is claimed by Almami; the homage and tribute incident to this claim has been refused by Sanassee, and a War has in consequence arisen, which has caused much inconvenience to travelling, as well as to agriculture and all pacific occupations, although attended with little bloodshed. The trade of the Foulahs, especially, has suffered so much interruption and depression, that the Chiefs of that People have been induced to make overtures to the traders at the River Pongas, with a view to obtain the necessary, supplies of European commodities by that channel. Almami of Teembo, and the Chiefs in immediate subordination to him, had previously addressed a publick Letter to the Governor of this Colony and to the African Chiefs on the coast, praying the interposition of their influence for the re-establishment of the peace so much desired. This has induced the Colonial Government to dispatch a Mission, long contemplated, for the purpose of inducing Almami of Teembo and the other Chiefs of the Foulah Nation to open an intercourse with the Colony by a more direct communication through Port Logo, at the head of one of the branches of the Sierra Leone River. Confident hopes are entertained of successful results from this Mission, the management of which has been entrusted to Mr. O'Beirne of the medical staff.

We have not adequate means of ascertaining whether the coast to the southward possesses commodities capable of constituting a staple; but time and the enterprize of British Travellers and traders, stimulated by the active spirit of beneficence which directs and sustains the efforts made in every direction for the improvement of Africa, will, we are sure, bring forth resources on that part also of the coast, commensurate to those already in action in other parts."

In the trading stations near to Cape Mount, large quantities of Country cloths are purchased, at a shilling or fifteenpence each, to be retailed in this Colony at five and six shillings. These cloths are of cotton, first coarsely woven in webs of 4 inches wide, and subsequently sewed together in pieces of 6 or 7 feet in length and 4 feet in breadth. They are used as coverings for tables and for country sofas and small beds, and occasionally as warm clothing for the person. As many as 1,500 of these cloths have been comprised in one shipment for the Colony; 4 and 500 are common numbers. They are previously brought from a great distance in the Interior, and by the accounts of recent travels in the Countries towards the sources of the Nile, it appears that cloths of a similar description are brought thither from the same places of manufacture. When it is considered that the payments for these cloths are made on this side of Africa entirely in goods brought from Europe, it will be matter of astonishment that the manufacturers can make them for so small a remuneration as that which they may be supposed to receive, when the ultimate price in the Country, after passing, in all probability, through the hands of several traders, is so small as that

which we have mentioned. It has been suggested that the exportation of the cotton in a crude state would be found a mode of trade, in this article, likely to produce great advantages to the Africans as well as to those who might purchase from them. Time and improved understanding will probably lead to this mode of interchange, but at present it is mere matter of conjecture.

We have now brought this Communication to a close, and we have only to add our humble hope that the matters contained in it may be thought not unbecoming in us to offer to your Lordship's notice, nor unworthy of your Lordship's attention.

With the greatest respect, we have, &c.

Viscount Castlereagh, K. G.



Class B.

CORRESPONDENCE with Spain, Portugal, and The Netherlands relative to the execution of Treaties contracted by them with Great Britain, for the prevention of illicit Traffick in Slaves; and Correspondence with His Majesty's Commissioners in the Colonies of those Powers.



1817. Page.

1. Wm. Hamilton, Esq. to the Count de Palmella.Foreign Office,.. 5th Aug. 121 2. H. Chamberlain, Esq. te Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro,.. 2nd Oct. 121 3. Sir Henry Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh, Madrid,........ 23rd Dec. 121 Inclosure.-Cedula issued by His Catholick Majesty. December 1817.

4. H. Chamberlain Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh.. Rio de Janeiro,.. 28th Nov. 122

5. Sir H. Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh. Inclosure.-Form of Spanish Passport..



Madrid,........ 12th Feb. 122


6. Sir H. Wellesley,to Viscount Castlereagh.....Madrid,........ 19th Mar. 124 7. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh.Rio de Janeiro,.. 21st Feb. 124 8. Viscount Castlereagh to the Earl of Clancarty. Foreign Office,.. 19th May 125 9. Viscount Castlereagh to H. Chamberlain, Esq.. Foreign Office... 10th June 125 10. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir H. Wellesley...... Foreign Office,.. 11th June 126 11. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh Rio de Janeiro,.. 4th April 127 12. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh, Rio de Janeiro,.. 11th April 128 Inclosure. List of Slaves imported into Bahia

in 1817....

[blocks in formation]


6th Aug. 130

13. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro,..
14. Sir H. Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh..... Madrid,.
15. Sir H. Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh.. .Madrid,.
16. Sir H. Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh.....Madrid,.


17. Viscount Castlereagh to H. Chamberlain, Esq.. Foreign Office,.. 10th Sept. 132




18. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro,.. 19th Jan. 133

[blocks in formation]

19. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh.Rio de Janeiro,.. 31st Jan. 20. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro,.. 7th Feb. 21. The Chevalier Guerreiro to Earl Bathurst.... London,..

Inclosures. Decrees respecting the Mixed

Commission at Rio de Janeiro.

18th Aug....




. 22nd Oct. 137



22. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro,.. 22nd Aug. 139 23. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro,.. 23rd Aug. 141 24. Earl Bathurst to the Chevalier Guerreiro..... Foreign Office,.. 13th Nov. 142 25. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh. Brussels, 13th Nov. 143 26. Viscount Castlereagh to H. Chamberlain, Esq..Foreign Office,... 27th Nov. 143 Inclosure. The Prince Regent of Great Bri

tain to the King of Portugal. 9th December....



.... 144 1819.

27. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir Henry Wellesley.. Foreign Office,.. 31st Jan. 145 28. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir Henry Wellesley.. Foreign Office,.. 31st Jan. 145 29. Viscount Castlereagh to Henry Chamberlain, Esq.Foreign Office... 31st Jan. 146 30. Viscount Castlereagh to Henry Chamberlain, Esq. Foreign Office,.. 31st Jan. 147 31. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella.Foreign Office,.. 12th Feb. 148 32. Sir Henry Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh..Madrid, 4th Feb. 149 33. Viscount Castlereagh to His Majesty's Commissioners at Rio de Janeiro...


.. Foreign Office,.. 20th Feb. 149


34. Henry Chamberlain Esq.to Viscount Castlereagh.Rio de Janeiro,.. 19th Dec. 149


Office,.. 23rd Feb. 150 Office,.. 28th Feb. 151 28th Feb. 151

35. Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq. to G. W. Chad, Esq. Foreign
36. Viscount Castlereagh to H. Chamberlain, Esq.. Foreign
37. G. W. Chad, Esq. to Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq. Brussels,....
Inclosure.-Law of the King of the Nether-
....20th November, 1818.....


38. G. W. Chad, Esq. to Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq.Brussels,.......

.... 152

6th Mar. 152

39. G. W. Chad, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh... Brussels,....... 26th Mar. 153 40. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella.Foreign Office,.. 29th Mar. 154 41. Sir Henry Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh. Madrid,...... 15th Mar. 154 42. Viscount Castlereagh to His Majesty's Commissioners at Rio de Janeiro.....

Foreign Office,.. 3rd April 154 43. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh, Rio de Janeiro,.. 22nd Jan. 155 Inclosure.-Account of the number of Slaves imported into Rio de Janeiro in 1818....

44. Viscount Castlereagh to G. W. Chad, Esq....Foreign Office,.. 45. Viscount Castlereagh to H. Chamberlain, Esq.Foreign Office,..

... 155

6th April 156 7th April 157


46. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir Henry Wellesley.. Foreign Office,.. 8th April 158



47. G. W. Chad, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh........ Brussels,....... 19th April 159 48. Baron Fagel to Viscount Castlereagh........London, 1st May 160 49. G. W. Chad, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh.... Brussels,....... 29th April 160 50. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh.Rio de Janeiro,.. 20th Feb. 161 51. Viscount Castlereagh to G. W. Chad, Esq.....Foreign Office,.. 11th May 162 52. Viscount Castlereagh to G. W. Chad, Esq....Foreign Office,.. 11th May 163 53. G. W. Chad, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh.... Brussels,....... 8th May 164



...... 25th May 165 54. G. W. Chad, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh....Brussels, 55. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro,.. 7th May 165 56. Wm. Hamilton, Esq. to H. Chamberlain, Esq. Foreign Office,.. 16th July 166 57. Viscount Castlereagh to H. Chamberlain, Esq. Foreign Office,.. 17th July 166 58. Baron Fagel to Viscount Castlereagh......... Whitehall Place, 19th July 167 59. Viscount Castlereagh to G. W. Chad, Esq.....Foreign Office,.. 20th July 167 60. Viscount Castlereagh to the Earl of Clancarty. Foreign Office,.. 30th July 168 6th Aug. 168 61. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh. Brussels,....

[ocr errors]

62. Viscount Castlereagh to the Right Hon. Edward Thornton at the Brazils.....


.Foreign Office,.. 6th Sept. 168

63. His Majesty's Commissioners at Rio de Janeiro to Viscount Castlereagh... .....Rio de Janeiro,. 21st Aug. 169 64. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir H. Wellesley......Foreign Office,.. 13th Oct. 170 65. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh.Rio de Janeiro,.. 21st Aug. 170 66. The Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh.South Audley St. 16th Oct. 171 67. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro.. 31st Aug. 171 68. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella. Foreign Office,.. 21st Oct. 171 69. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella.Foreign Office,.. 25th Oct. 172 70. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir H. Wellesley......Foreign Office,.. 23rd Oct. 172 71. The Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh, London,........ 25th Oct. 173 Inclosure.-The King of Portugal to the Prince Regent of Great Britain......21st August....



72. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella. Foreign Office,.. 28th Oct. 174 29th Oct. 175 73. The Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh.London,.. 74. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh. The Hague,.... 5th Nov. 176 75. Viscount Castlereagh to the Earl of Clancarty.. Foreign Office,.. 11th Nov. 177 76. Viscount Castlereagh to Count de Palmella.... Foreign Office....19th Nov. 179 77. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh The Hague......16th Nov. 179 78. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro....12th Oct. 189 79. H. M's. Commrs at Rio de Janeiro to Viscount


Rio de Janeiro....13th Oct. 180

80. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro...13th Oct. 181 Inclosures. Form of Passport for Portuguese

Slave Vessels...

Instructions intended for the British

and Portuguese Ships-of-War em-
ployed to prevent illicit Traffick in



81. H. Chamberlain, Esq. to Viscount Castlereagh. Rio de Janeiro....13th Oct. 182 31st Dec. 182 82. The Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh. London....... 83. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh. The Hague......28th Dec. 185


84. The Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh. London.........27th Jan. 185 85 The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh. The Hague......28th Jan. 186 86. H. M.'s Commrs, at Surinam to Viscount Cas



[blocks in formation]

1819. 23rd Nov. 188



87. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella. Foreign Office....15th Feb. 190

88. H. M.'s Commrs, at Rio de Janeiro to Viscount


....Rio de Janeiro....22nd Dec. 190

Inclosure. Protocol. Installation of the Mixed



89. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella. Foreign Office... 1st Mar. 192 90. The Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh.London..... Inclosure. Notification. Appointment of the Portuguese Commissioners...

91. H. M's. Comm's, at The Havannah to Viscount Castlereagh....

92. H. M's Comm's. at Rio de Janeiro to Viscount Castlereagh..

6th Mar. 192



.Havannah...... 12th Nov. 195 1820.

..Rio de Janeiro....10th Jan. 195

Inclosure. Protocol of the Proceedings of the
Mixed Commission......



93. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella.Foreign Office.... 27th Mar. 197 94. H. M.'s Comms. at Surinam to Viscount Cas

tlereagh...... ....Surinam Inclosure.-Notification. Appointment of the Mixed Commission...

.15th Nov. 198


.Surinam........27th Dec. 199


$5. H. M.'s Comm. at Surinam to Viscount Castlereagh....


96. The Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh. London..... 1st April. 199 97. H. T. Kilbee, Esq. to W. Hamilton, Esq.....Havannah....... 6th Feb. 200 H. T. Kilbee, Esq. to W. Hamilton, Esq... Havannah....... 8th Mar. 201 The Earl of Clanwilliam to H. T. Kilbee, Esq.. Foreign Office.... 17th April. 202 00. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir Henry Wellesley. Foreign Office....17th April. 203 101. The Right Hon. E. Thornton to Viscount Cas

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1st June. 211 .18th May. 212

105. Don Santiago Usoz to Viscount Castlereagh.. Portland Place...29th May 208 106. Viscount Castlereagh to the Earl of Clancarty. Foreign Office....30th May. 210 107. Viscount Castlereagh to the Count de Palmella. London..... 108. Sir H. Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh....Madrid 109. Sir H. Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh....Madrid ... 110. Viscount Castlereagh to M. Santiago Usoz...Foreign Office........11th June. 215 111. Count de Palmella to Viscount Castlereagh...London..... 112. H. M.'s Comm". at The Havannah to Viscount



.27th May. 214

.12th June. 217

....Havannah.......13th May. 218

113. Viscount Castlereagh to the Earl of Clancarty. Foreign Office....14th July. 219 114. Viscount Castlereagh to H. M.'s Comm's. at


Surinam.... .Foreign Office....16th July. 220 115. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh.The Hague......25th July. 221 116. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh.The Hague......11th Aug. 222 117. Sir H. Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh....Madrid 3rd Aug. 223 118. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh.The Hague. ..15th Aug 225 119. H. T. Kilbee, Esq. to Wm. Hamilton, Esq...Havannah....... 29th June. 227 120. Viscount Castlereagh to the Earl of Clancarty Foreign Office....22nd Sept. 228



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