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actions, lest they should sin against God and lose it. And they will find it. They will receive the blessing of the Lord, for He has said, "Ask, and it shall be given you-seek, and ye shall find."

It is the same with children as with men and women; they also are seeking one of these blessings. Which blessing are you seeking? If you think only about earthly things, you are only seeking Esau's blessing. Earthly things will soon pass away, and then you will have nothing left; no portion in God; no home in Heaven; nothing but that dreadful place, where lost sinners dwell for ever. But if you think of heavenly things also, if you pray for the blessing of God to be given you, for your Saviour's sake; if you love to read of it, or to hear of it, and if you try to please your Father in Heaven that He may bless you in all you do; then the blessing that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be your blessing. The Bible tells us we must seek it to-day. It says, "Now is the accepted time." To-morrow may be too late. If you have the earthly

blessing only, Death will take it all away; but if you have the heavenly blessing, nothing can take it away; for the heavenly blessing is the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and if you have that love, nothing can separate you from it; for whom the Lord Jesus loveth, He loveth unto the end.

I love them that love me: and those that seek me early shall find me.-PROVERBS viii. 17.

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ESAU hated Jacob because of the Blessing wherewith his father blessed him. And Esau said in his heart, "The days of mourning for my father are at hand, and then will I slay my brother Jacob." Esau had despised and sold his birthright; but now he forgot his own sin and thought only of Jacob's. When we think most of our own sins, our hearts grow humble and tender but when we forget our own sins and think of the sins of others, then our hearts become proud and hard. Esau forgot his own sin, and thought only of Jacob's, until he said in his heart, "I will kill my brother." O dreadful words! Satan first tempted Esau to despise the blessing of the Lord, and to sell his birthright, and Esau listened to the Tempter: and now Satan fills his heart, as he did the

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