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they had not all along cherished an earnest desire to place their charge under the shadow of the British ensign. The captured schooner proves to be the "Rozalia," manned almost entirely by Spaniards, although sailing under Portuguese colors; and there is no doubt that the property invested in her, and in her wretched cargo, is Spanish also. Having thus ascertained her character, and taken formal possession of the vessel and the slaves on board, as a prize to Her Britannic Majesty's brig "S-," the boarding-officer passes aft toward the poop, when the mystery of the slaver's non-resistance begins to be solved. Looking around, his eye lights upon a countenance which, he is certain, he has seen before; the expression of which is of that ludicrous, dubious character, which makes it a matter of doubt whether its possessor is weeping or smiling. The man to whom this face belongs is leaning on the side of the vessel; and, looking at him a little more earnestly, the officer recognizes him as the supercargo of a slave-vessel, called the "Isabelita," which had been captured off Hayti by the "S" eight months before, with her freight of suffering humanity, and carried into Sierra-Leone for adjudication by the Mixed Commission Court established there. His papers show, when they are examined, that he occupies the same position on board the "Rozalia " that he had formerly filled in the "Isabelita ;" and he smiles grimly, while tears fill his eyes, (for the flinty-hearted monsters who embark in this murderous traffic, though callous to other humane suffering, can find a tear for their own losses,) as he reflects that he has had the hard fortune of being, within nine months, twice stripped of his ill-gotten property by that intermeddling British brig-of-war. The officer smiles too, as he recognizes the serio-comic physiognomy of his quondam friend of the "Isabelita," and receives his salutations, not remarkable, certainly, for the cordiality with which they are rendered. A conversation ensues between the two, from which the officer gathers that, on first discovering their dangerous proximity to the brig, the parties commanding the schooner had strained every nerve to get away; but the brig gained upon them rapidly; and when she had approached sufficiently near to be recognized as the "S" he, the supercargo, had at once advised them to sur

render and not expose themselves to the fire of their pursuer, as he was assured from painful experience that it was equally hopeless to think of escaping from her, or of resisting her with success. This advice, given and received less under the influence of feelings of humanity than from a salutary fear of the "S's" guns, was prudently acted upon; and consequently the schooner was captured without the firing of a single shot. On looking over her, the prize-officer finds the "Rozalia" to be small, low, and dirty in the extreme, with two hundred and sixty Africans of both sexes on board, all of whom have been kidnapped, and forced away from all they hold dear, and would have been consigned, within a few hours, to the murderous rigor of Cuban slavery. But these are not the whole number originally shipped; for many have sunk under their sufferings, since the schooner left the African coast. The prize being secured, the Spaniards are directed to get into the boats, and are conveyed as prisoners to the brig, English blue-jackets being sent in lieu of them to take charge of the slaver. The surgeon of the "S" is also directed to accompany them, that he may examine the condition of the miserable beings who are crowded into the slaver's hold, and make to the captain his report of the survey.


Now it is that a scene of wretchedness and horror is exposed, at which even the experienced surgeon of the "S" stands aghast! He has had to discharge a like painful duty on many former occasions, when the brig has crossed the path of the man-stealer, and rescued the prey from the grasp of oppression. The last capture-the "Camoens "—had presented a detail of horrors, the remembrance of which is sickening to the humane heart of Dr. T.; yet nothing in all his experience has enabled him to picture anything equal to the stern, dreadful reality of woe now visible before him. Disease has made havoc among the poor slaves since they left the coast; small-pox and dysentery, in their worst types, have been rapidly doing the work of death; and the number of the cargo has grown less and less day after day. Nor has the violence of these maladies at all abated; they are still spreading rapidly in the yet crowded hold; and the results must have been most fatal, had not the vessel happily fallen into

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British hands. Dr. T.'s attention is first directed to those whom he sees on deckmostly females-among whom disease has committed the greatest ravages. These he finds unchained, and several of them are moving about the deck; but all are without the slightest covering of any kind! On the starboard side, under the partial shelter of an old sail, he discovers a large number of poor creatures writhing and shrieking in agony under the influence of the small-pox-loathsome everywhere, but acquiring aggravated intensity within the tropics. They are huddled together without any distinction of age or sex, appearing at a little distance, from the effects of the disease on a black skin, (to use the surgeon's own words,) "a dark, putrid, corrugated mass. Many are rapidly sinking; not a few appear to be on the verge of eternity. Little can be done to alleviate these miseries. To send the sufferers below would only be to deprive them of the purer air they breathe on deck, and give fresh impulse to the disease that is destroying them; while it would contribute to spread the contagion yet more rapidly among those in the hold, upon many of whom it has already commenced its fatal progress. But all that the surgeon's skill and kindness can effect, under these unfavorable circumstances, is promptly done. The larger part of the limited deck is apportioned to their use; provision is made by spreading awnings above the deck, to screen them from the scorching sun by day, and the unwholesome dews of night; and a regimen is ordered vastly different from that to which for some weeks they have been accustomed-the stores of the “S—” furnishing means for carrying into effect these humane and judicious arrangements.

While Dr. T. is occupied in these professional duties, one of the blacks—a strong, tall, athletic man, who appears to belong to the crew rather than to the cargo advances, and places a paper in the surgeon's hand. On looking it over, he finds that it is written in English, setting forth that the bearer and several others have been hired to assist in the navigation of the "Rozalia" from Africa to the coast of Cuba. "Are you not, then, a slave ?" inquires Dr. T. "Slave, massa! slave?" responds the negro-drawing up his manly frame into an attitude of no small dignity and importance, while a dark frown lowers

on his brow, and his whole mien betokens mingled pity and indignation that a thought so dishonoring to him should be indulged— "Massa, me Krooman; and Krooman neber slave!" Then approaching nearer to Dr. T., he directs his attention to a blue mark, running from the corona to the nasal bone, as the characteristic symbol of the tribe with which he claims to be allied. He is gratified by receiving the doctor's assurance that he and his countrymen shall be duly cared for. It is well for them that they have been thrown into the hands of the British cruiser; their voyage would otherwise have ended, doubtless, as tragically for themselves as for the survivors of the cargo they were assisting to convey to the place of bondage. It is not often that Kroomen are found in a state of slavery; but there is little room to doubt that, once in a Spanish port, they would have found "Kroomen neber slaves" to be only a delusion; and, defrauded, betrayed, and sold by their unprincipled employers, their manly frames, and proud, indomitable spirit, would have been alike broken down by the lash, the bilboes, and the bloodhounds, which the Spanish slaveholder scruples not to employ in dealing with the untractable African whose unhappy lot it is to fall into his power.

These Kroomen have not only acted as sailors, but have also taken part in the laborious task of providing for the captives in the hold; and it is observed that the slaves regard them with marked deference and respect. Their services are now called into requisition by Dr. T., who has not as yet been able to direct any attention to the poor creatures still confined below. There are but few Englishmen left on board after the Spaniards have been withdrawn; for when it is ascertained that disease prevails to such an extent in the schooner, it is considered prudent to limit the prize-crew to one officer, the surgeon, and just as many men as may suffice to navigate the vessel. All the British sailors may, therefore, be seen aloft, reefing the topsails of the slaver, the "S-," meanwhile, lying off at some distance until both vessels are got under easy sail. Dr. T., with the Kroomen pressed into his service, proceeds with his survey of the schooner's living and dying freight. The hatchways are opened, disclosing the miserable dens in which the poor creatures are confined. They are low-little more than three feet

in depth-and indescribably filthy. The surgeon, standing near the opening, directs that all the slaves found in the hold shall be brought on deck for his inspection; and now the discovery is made that all the sufferers below are in irons-rendering it no easy matter, even for those who are as yet free from disease, to move their longcramped limbs. A pair of strong iron rings, connected by a bar of iron, fastens the right leg of one negro to the left leg of another, just above the ankles. With exceeding pain and difficulty one couple after another of these unfortunates, thus linked in iron bands, emerge from the pestilential hold in which they have spent many weeks, dazzled and almost blinded by the light of day, to which they have been so long unaccustomed. Among these, also, the above-named maladies are doing their fell work; and some are so enfeebled and crippled that they cannot move from the spot where they are found. Diseased and healthy, weak and strong, young and old, are found all fettered together with indiscriminating impartiality. The helpless ones have to be assisted in ascending from the hold; and as many as can do so, turn an eager, scrutinizing glance to the countenance of the surgeon, standing at the hatchway, whom they seem to regard as in some sort the arbiter of their destiny, as if they sought to find there an explanation of the unusual occurrences of the day. All are at length brought on deck, where the pure sea-breeze can reach them. Many a tear of commiseration flows down the manly cheeks of the doctor as he gazes upon the spectacle before him; and, accustomed as he has been to look unmoved upon objects which to a non-professional eye would be horrifying, his heart sickens as he contemplates so many helpless, diseased, and dying creatures, possessing man's noble and immortal nature, victims of the cupidity and wickedness of their fellows. The scene awakens emotions in the surgeon's mind, now of pity, then of indignation, the remembrance of which will for years send a thrill of horror through

his soul.

The Africans have discovered the tear of sympathy glistening in the white man's eye, and have justly interpreted it. And, now that they are all assembled on deck, many an anxious eye turns to him, to ascertain the fate that awaits them. He is not able to communicate with them in

their own tongue; and, fresh from Africa, the negroes understand only the language of their own land. But, several of the Kroomen having picked up a little English, one of them engages to act as interpreter between the surgeon and the captives. He is desired, first of all, to inform them that they are no longer slaves; that, rescued from the cruel power of the Spaniard, they now enjoy the protection of the British flag, under which slavery cannot live; that instead of being carried to Cuba, there to drag out miserable existence in hopeless bondage, and wasting, unrequited toil, they will be taken to a British colony, located among countrymen of their own, provided with means of procuring food and clothing, and guarded by just and equal laws. It is even amusing to witness the manner in which the Kroomen listen to the communication of Dr. T. Their eyes glisten with delight, and every muscle of their fine, intelligent faces quivers with emotion, as he announces that the poor creatures around them are to be set free; and, probably, their joy at the turn which affairs have taken is hightened by the memory of an occasional apprehension that they had embarked in an evil cause, and placed themselves in a perilous position. The scene acquires a deepening interest when the interpreter turns round, and advances a step or two nearer the fettered slaves. Of a tall, commanding figure, with arm outstretched, he seems to expand into new dignity with the consciousness that he is commissioned as an angel of mercy to proclaim glad tidings of great joy to the suffering group before him. He utters, in African dialect, a word which bids them listen; but scarcely is this needed, for every ear is open, and every eye that is not closed by disease is bent upon him with intense anxiety. Silence prevails, while, in a tongue with which all are familiar, he makes the heartcheering communication with which he is charged; when, as if touched by a magic wand, all tongues are simultaneously loosened. Forgetting for the moment all physical suffering, in the rapture of unexpected freedom, the poor Africans lift up their voice with all their remaining strength. Shout after shout arises from the deck of the slaver, the spontaneous expression of heartfelt joy-joy which, but a few brief hours ago, it was unlikely they would ever experience more. The feeling

is sympathetic: the shouts on deck are heartily returned by the British tars aloft, and reechoed by those on board the brig; every voice saluting the glorious emblem of liberty floating above them-the flag, which for "a thousand years has braved the battle and the breeze."

Ten days after the capture, the "S" and her prize arrived at Belize, in the Bay of Honduras; provision is promptly made for landing the slaves on a small island not far from the settlement; suitable food and clothing are provided, and additional medical aid is obtained. The ravages of disease are arrested. Freed from the confinement of the slaver, and able to take sufficient exercise under the refreshing shades of a well-sheltered island, the rescued captives reawake to life and activity; wasted and death-like forms acquire the vigor and elasticity which had vanished under the blighting curse; pallid faces (for the dark skin of the negro can become pallid) assuming the shining hue of health; and all bless the day when the "S". crossed the "Rozalia's" course, and the ensign of St. George waved in triumph over the decks of THE CAPTURED SLAVER.

When these tumultuous expressions of joy have subsided, (which must have been gall and wormwood to the disappointed Spaniards in the brig,) hammers and chisels are brought into requisition; and there is heard that sound more sweet than "the music of the spheres "-the clink of the loosening fetter. To the unspeakable joy and satisfaction of their minds, no less than to the ease and comfort of their bruised and wasted frames, the poor slaves receive this substantial earnest of freedom: their chains and manacles are cast aside. Yet it is a work of time, and of difficulty too; for the irons are firmly riveted on the hapless wearers. But the hearts of those to whom the task is assigned are in the work; and at length, to the gratification of all, the AD temper is more frequently the labor of love is accomplished; every fet- result of unhappy circumstances than tered limb is set at liberty; and there are of an unhappy organization. It frequentrejoicing hearts in that slave-ship, and darkly, however, has a physical cause, and a faces radiant with hope, such as its narrow, polluted hold, and its blood-stained decks, have never witnessed before.

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As to some of the poor captives, their physical energies are too completely prostrated to be recovered. Both vessels are kept under easy sail, and the weather is fine; but many days necessarily elapse before they can reach the nearest British port: the best arrangements that the limits of the schooner admit of are made for the benefit of the sick; all that the stores of the " can contribute is freely yielded; while the surgeon, actuated no less by a feeling of true philanthropy than by a sense of professional duty, is indefatigable in attention to his unhappy patients. But every day some are found sinking in death; and before the friendly harbor is gained, one tenth of the whole number found in the pest-ship at the time of her capture have been consigned to the deep! How fearfully would the mortality have been increased had she continued on her once-destined course! Probably half or two-thirds of the enslaved Africans would have perished. And were the voyage protracted, even under the present comparatively favorable auspices, the result must inevitably be fatal in many other cases.



peevish child often needs dieting more than correcting. Some children are more prone to show temper than others, and sometimes on account of qualities which are valuable in themselves. For instance, a child of active temperament, sensitive feeling, and eager purpose, is more likely to meet with constant jars and rubs than a dull, passive child; and if he is of an open nature, his inward irritation is immediately shown in bursts of passion. If you repress these ebullitions by scolding and punishment, you only increase the evil, by changing passion into sulkiness. A cheerful, good-tempered tone of your own, a sympathy with his trouble-whenever the trouble has arisen from no ill-conduct on his part-are the best antidotes; but it would be better still to prevent beforehand all sources of annoyance. Never fear spoiling children by making them too happy. Happiness is the atmosphere in which all good affections grow the wholesome warmth necessary to make the heart-blood circulate healthily and freely. Unhappiness is the chilling pressure which produces here an inflammation, there an excrescence; and, worst of all, the mind's green and yellow sickness-ill temper.

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A woman's-nay, a little child's soft hand,
With gentle patting easier doth command,
And make the bristling boar to crouch and fall,
Than any boisterous wrestler of them all.-Plutarch.

T is not needful for us to dilate on the magic power of gentleness, which we have ever pronounced to be an irresistible argument when all others fail; but we know too well the value of such a talisman, to be silent in its praises as opportunity offers. One-half at least of the world's misfortunes originate in their contempt for this virtue. Take our word for it, good people; we may always lead, and win, by kindness. Hard words, cruel speeches, opposition, and perverseness, prevail neither with mankind nor with animals. everything falls before the sunshine of good-nature. We prove this dayly.


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doorway. I was now near enough to see the savage aspect of the animal, and the gathering motion of his body, as he prepared to bound forward upon me. His wolfish growl was really fearful. At the instant when he was about to spring, a light hand was laid upon his shaggy neck, and a low word spoken.

"Don't be afraid. He wont hurt you,' said a voice, that to me sounded very sweet and musical.

"I now came forward, but in some doubt as to the young girl's power over the beast, on whose rough neck her almost childish hand still lay. The dog did not seem by any means reconciled to my approach, and growled wickedly his dissatisfaction.

"Go in, Tiger,' said the girl-not in a voice of authority, yet in her gentle tones was the consciousness that she would be obeyed; and as she spoke, she lightly bore upon the animal with her hand, and he turned away, and disappeared within the dwelling.

"Who's that?' A rough voice asked the question; and now a heavy-looking man took the dog's place at the door.

"Who are you? What's wanted?' There was something very harsh and forbidding in the way the man spoke. The girl now laid her hand upon his arm, and leaned with a gentle pressure against him. "How far is it to G ?' I asked,

"When and where, it matters not now to relate; but once upon a time, as I was passing through a thinly-peopled district of country, night came down upon me, al- | most unawares. Being on foot, I could not hope to gain the village, toward which not deeming it best to say, in the beginning, my steps were directed, until a late hour; that I sought a resting-place for the night. and I therefore preferred seeking shelter and a night's lodging at the first humble dwelling that presented itself.

"Dusky twilight was giving place to deeper shadows, when I found myself in the vicinity of a dwelling, from the small uncurtained windows of which the light shone with a pleasant promise of good cheer and comfort. The house stood within an inclosure, and a short distance from the road along which I was moving with wearied feet. Turning aside, and passing through an ill-hung gate, I approached the dwelling. Slowly the gate swung on its wooden hinges, and the rattle of its latch, in closing it, did not disturb the air until I had nearly reached the little porch in front of the house, in which a slender girl, who had noticed my entrance, stood awaiting my arrival.

"A deep, quick bark, answered, almost like an echo, the sound of the shutting gate; and, sudden as an apparition, the form of an immense dog loomed in the

"To G!' growled the man, but not so harshly as at first. It's a good six miles from here.'

"A long distance; and I'm a stranger and on foot,' said I. If you can make room for me until morning, I will be very thankful.'

"I saw the girl's hand move quietly up his arm, until it rested on his shoulder, and now she leaned to him still closer. "Come in. We'll try what can be

done for you.' There was a change in the man's voice that made me wonder.

"I entered a large room, in which blazed a brisk fire. Before the fire sat two stout lads, who turned upon me their heavy eyes with no very welcome greeting. A middle-aged woman was standing at a table, and two children were amusing themselves with a kitten on the floor.

"A stranger, mother,' said the man who had given me so rude a greeting at the door; 'and he wants us to let him stay all night.'

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