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Adams, C. K., criticism on Louis Blanc's "Histoire de la Révolution
Française," 111.

Albert, colleague of Louis Blanc, 111.

Anarchists, Proudhon avows himself one of them, 135; their promi-
nent representatives in France, 146; equality their doctrine, 147;
declaration of principles, 148; separation from the International
Workingmen's Association, 185.

Antonelle, member of the Committee of Insurrection, 32.
Aristotle, defence of slavery, 176.

Association, to be established by leadership (Saint-Simon), 64; the
central idea of Fourierism, 91-99.

Babœuf, opposed to the laissez-faire system, 12; sketch of his career,
31; connection with the Reign of Terror, 32; execution, 33; equali-
ty the leading idea of his system, 34; equality be obtained by de-
grees, 36; his scheme, 37; a cheerless scheme, 38.

Bakounine, pessimist, leader of the Anarchists, 147; leads the oppo-
sition to the old Internationalists at the Hague, 185.

Barnett, S. A., socialistic laws on the statute-book of England, note,

Barrault, a Saint-Simonian, 72; lectures in Alexandria, 78.
Baudet-Dulary, offers an estate for a trial of Fourierism, 101.

Bazard, separates from Enfantin, 65, 75; a leader of the Saint-Simo-
nians, 71.

Bebel, a supporter of Bismarck's Insurance Bill, 220; a disciple of
Liebknecht, 230; historical importance, 231.

Becker, president of the Laborers' Union, 225, 226.

Bismarck, admiration for Lassalle, 196; plans for universal suffrage,
212; checks to social democrats, 216; his determination, 217; his
Accident Insurance Bill, 218; his plan to conquer social democracy,
219; concessions, 219, 228; his schemes in behalf of labor viewed
with distrust, 220; a member of an economic school, 235; appre-
ciation of Wagner, 243.

Black Hand of Spain, members of the International, 186.
Blanc, Charles, affection of Louis Blanc for, 115.

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Blanc, Louis, an authority on the times of Louis Philippe, 34, note;
first state socialist, 109; life, 109 et seqq.; Organisation du
Travail," 110; "Histoire de Dix Ans," 110; perceived the widen-
ing separation between the bourgeoisie and the fourth estate, 110;
"Histoire de la Révolution Française," 111; droit au travail, 112;
ateliers sociaux, 112, 119; experiments, 112; flight from France,
114; character, 115; social philosophy, 116; evils of present so-
ciety according to, 117; suppression of misery by fraternity, 118;
his formula for the distribution of functions, 121; of products, 122;
not an égalitaire, 122; correspondence with Lassalle, 192 and note.
Blanqui, Adolphe, a Saint-Simonian, 72.

Blanqui, Auguste, founder of Blanquism, 145.

Blind, Karl, description of the appearance of Louis Blane, 116; no
faith in Lassalle, 192, note.

Booth, A. J., criticism on Enfantin, 73; statement regarding the So-
ciety for the Propagation, etc., of the Theory of Fourier, 102 and note.
Bourgeoisie, the third estate, 4; rise of, 7; enmity of the poor against,
10; separation from the fourth estate, 110; growth of, inimical to
feudalism, 177; Lassalle's indictment of, 195.

Bretano, a professorial socialist, 237.

Bright, his schemes called narrow by Kingsley, 249.

Brisbane, Albert, head of Fourierism in America, 107.

Brissot de Warville declares private property theft, but afterwards
defends it, 3.

Brook Farm, a Fourieristic experiment in America, 107.

Bucher, L., edits Lassalle's "System of Acquired Rights," 197.
Buchez, a Saint-Simonian, 72.

Buonarroti, connection with Baboeuf, member of the committee of
insurrection, 32; escapes to Switzerland, 33; his history of the
conspiracy of Babœuf, 33 and note, 34; preaches Bavouism, 34.

Cabet, Étienne, career of, 39–42; "Voyage en Icarie," 40; the Ica-
rians at Nauvoo, 41; division among the Icarians, 42; letter of
Albert Shaw concerning present condition of Icarians, 42-48; the
New Icarian Community, 44; the Icarian Community, 46; govern-
ment and marriage among the Icarians, 48 and note, 51; educa-
tion, 49; success, 49; fraternity the principle of the Icarians, 50.
Carlyle, necessity of sympathy, 15; the laborers need a leader, 63;
"History of the French Revolution," 144.

Chevalier, Michel, a Saint-Simonian, 72; imprisoned, 77; proposal
about the armies of Europe, 79.

Church, relation to people before the French Revolution, 6; the Cath-
olic before the Reformation, 62; restraint of, 63; duty of, 66;
Proudhon's work on justice in, 132; views of Malon, 154, 155; an
organizing power, 245; remedies offered to laborers by, 260.
Civil service, in Prussia, 207; need of reform in the United States;
possible future dangers arising from its prostitution, 223.

Cobden, Kingsley's dislike of the plans of, 249.

Colins, an advocate of the nationalization of land, 150.

Collectivists, French socialists, and social democrats, 149; are inter-
national, 150; evolutionists, 150; revolutionists, 151; Guesde's
electoral programme, 152.

Commune, its nature explained, 20; aims of the communists, 21;
the communal government, 22.

Communism, object, 1; cosmopolitan, 3; proper method of treat-
ment, 14; modern hatred of, 16; modern fallacies about, 19; not
chargeable with the doings of the Commune, 20; connection with
atheism and free-love, 22; opinions of Noyes and Rylance, 23 and
note, 24; not necessarily anti-Christian, 25; included in socialism,
30; schemes of, 30; Bavouism, 34; Icarians, 40; to be preferred
to the present state of society (Mill), 68; objected to by Proudhon,
133, 137; in France, 144; movement of the social democrats tow-
ards, 206.

Comte, A., a pupil of Saint-Simon, 57 and note.

Considerant, Victor, presentation of Fourierism, 101, 103.

Co-operation, scheme of Lassalle, 189; to replace competition, 250;
societies to promote, 251; efforts of Hughes, 251; letter of E. V.
Neale, 252, 255; Church can aid, 261.

Crises, one of the evils Rodbertus sought to abolish, 161; state in-
terference needed, 166; Marx's doctrine of, 181; social democrats
to abolish, 208.

Crosby, Dr. Howard, attitude of, towards laboring class, 28 and

Curtis, George William, 107.

Cuvier, a benefactor of Saint-Simon, 59.

Dana, Charles A., prominent among the Fourierists of America, 107.
Darthé, member of the committee of insurrection with Babœuf,

David, teacher of music at Ménilmontant, 77; afterwards at Alexan-
dria, 78.

Debon, member of committee of insurrection, 32.

Democratic constitutions, pretence of lower classes in consequence of,
a condition productive of socialism, 224.

Depaepe, presentation of international collectivism, 150.
Diard supports Saint-Simon, 59.

Dickens treats of the laboring class, 11, note.

Didier, agent of the committee of insurrection, 32.

Distribution of products, complaints about, 1; Babœuf favored equal,
36; Saint-Simonians advocate, according to works, 64, 68, 71, 74,
and reject equal, 70; Fourier's doctrine of, 98, 99; at Guise, 106;
Louis Blanc's doctrine concerning, 122; Proudhon's, 140; Rod-
bertus's, 162; Marx's, 180; social democrats, 205; Mill's plea for
justice in, 238.

Division of labor, effects of, 8; implies capital, 201; extreme, a con-
dition productive of socialistic movements, 222.

Dumas, Alexander, derives the idea of "Les Frères Corses" from
Charles and Louis Blanc, 115.

Dumay, candidate of the collectivists to succeed Gambetta, 151.

Economic programme of Guesde, 153.

Enfantin, leader of Saint-Simonism, 71; character, 73; views re-
garding marriage, 75; retires to Ménilmontant, 76; expedition to
Egypt, 77; Suez Canal due to him, 77; director of Lyons Railway,


Engels, "Condition of the Laboring Classes in England," 158; one of
the founders of Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 171.
Equality, promised by agitators, 2; Christian idea of underlying com-
munism, 25; idea of Bavouism, 34; among Icarians, 50; Saint-Si-
monians oppose, 64, 68, 70; opposed by Louis Blanc, 122; com-
munity is inequality" (Proudhon), 133; how obtained by Proudhon,
138; of anarchists, 147, 149; égalité and solidarité the watchwords
of German social democrats, 231.

Eudes, leader of the Blanquists, 145.


Feudalism, Thorold Rogers points out certain good features in, 5;
swept away by French Revolution, 6; makes way for third estate,
Fourier, opposed to laissez-faire system, 12; compared with Saint-
Simon, 81; life, 82 et seqq.; generous and truthful, 83; influences
leading him to a study of political economy, 83, 84; his social
scheme, 84, 91; "La Théorie des Quatre Mouvements," 84, 86;
Association at Versailles, 85; "Traité de l'Association," etc., 87;
use of figures, 87; duration of the world, 88; religious belief, 89;
"Nouveau Monde Industriel," etc., 91; classification of the pas-
sions, 92; evils of modern civilization, 93; phalanxes, 93; bene-
ficial effects of rivalry, 94; scheme for paying the English debt
with hens' eggs, 95, 96; evils of competition, 97; Fourierism not
so pure a socialism as Saint-Simonism, 98; division of products,
98; unitéisme, 99; ideas about women, 100; opposes violence, 100;
criticism of Kaufmann, 100; adherents, 101; Fourieristic experi-
ments, 102; experiment of Jean Godin, 103; Fourierism in Amer-
ica, 106; criticism on, 108; principle of authority, 124.
Fournel, a Saint-Simonian, 72.

Free-trade school, comparison of, with German socialism, 158; cos-
mopolitan tendency of, 187.

Freiligrath, one of the founders of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 171;
farewell ode, 172.

French Revolution, chap. i.; writers immediately preceding, 3; the
war of La Vendée, 5; sweeps away feudal institutions, 6; history
of, by Louis Blanc, 111.

Fuller, Margaret, a leading spirit in the Brook Farm experiment, 107.

Gammond, Madame de, exposition of Fourierism, 101.
Gneist, Dr., is elected to the Assembly, 213.
Godin's Familistère, 103; extract from laws, 105.
Government, Babœuf's idea of, 37; among the Icarians, 48; Saint-
Simon's idea of, 64; Fourier's, 99; Louis Blanc's opinion of, 117,
124; Proudhon's contempt for, 130; anarchy is Proudhon's ideal
of, 134, 141; opinion of the anarchists about, 148; Lassalle's idea,
193; demands of the social democrats, 205, 208; Wagner's law of
expenses of, 242.

Greeley, Horace, prominent among the Fourierists of America, 107.
Guesde, Jules, a revolutionary collectivist, 151; his electoral pro-
gramme, 152.

Guilds before the French Revolution, 4.
Guise, M. Godin's experiment at, 103.

Harrison, F., view of existing French socialism, 143.

Hasselmann expelled from Social Democratic Party, 216.

Hatzfeldt, Countess Von, interest of Lassalle in the case of, 190, 197;
controls the Universal German Laborers' Union, 225.

Held, Adolf, a professorial socialist, 237.

History, theory of, by Marx, 175.

Hughes, Thomas, a Christian socialist, 249; co-operation to solve the
labor question, 251; letter of, about Christian socialism in Eng-
land, 252.

Hugues, Clovis, a collectivist deputy, 154.

Humboldt, Von, admiration for Lassalle, 189.

Icarians, vide Cabet.

Individualism, result of French Revolution, 7; advice to the govern-
ment, 29; opinion of Louis Blanc about, 117; individualistic
socialism, 125; attacked by Proudhon, 127.

Inheritance, rejected by Saint-Simonians, 69, 70, 80; retained by
Fourier, 98; allowed by Proudhon, 134; abolished by collectivists,
151; doctrine of social democrats regarding, 207.

International Workingmen's Association, members of the communal
government, 21; law against, 114; separation of Bakounine from,
146; Guesde's political programme demands the abolition of the
law against, 151; based on social democratic principles, 183; stat-
utes, 183; congresses, 184; at the Hague, 185; importance, 186;
possibilities of, 187.

Joffrin, a revolutionary collectivist, 152; refuses to attend Louis
Blanc's funeral, 154.

Kaufmann, Schäffle's socialism, 2; on Lamennais, 12; definition of
socialism proper, 66; merits of Fourierism, 100, 101.

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