페이지 이미지
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Do you think the government in Washington should see to it that White and Negro children are allowed to go to the same schools or should the government stay out of this area as it is not its business? *

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Should the government support the right of Negroes to go to any hotel or restaurant they can afford or should it stay out of this matter? *

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Which of these statements would you agree with: White people have a right to keep Negroes out of their neighborhoods if they want to or Negroes have a right to live wherever they can afford to, just like anybody else?*

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TABLE 1.--Continued

Do you think the civil rights leaders are trying to push too fast, are going too
slowly, or are they moving about the right speed?*

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During the past year or so, would you say that most of the actions Negroes have taken to get the things they want have been violent, or have most been peaceful?*

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Are you in favor of desegregation, strict segregation, or something in between?*

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*Full wording of the question can be found in the 1964 or 1970 SRC-CPS election study questionnaires.

**Negative values of the cynicism PDI indicate degree of cynicism; positive values indicate degree of trust.

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*Negative values of the Cynicism Percentage Difference Index indicate degree of political cynicism; conversely, positive values indicate trust.

Table 3:

Mean Cynicism by Policy Dissatisfaction With Both Parties, 1970

Dissatisfaction With Democratic Party

Dissatisfaction With Republican Party

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*Cell entries are mean cynicism values. The cynicism scale ranged from 0 = least to 5 most cynical.

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