36 40 Is the great chain, that draws all to agree, And drawn supports, upheld by God, or thee? II. Presumptuous Man! the reason wouldst thou find, Why form'd so weak, so little, and so blind? First, if thou canst, the harder reason guess, Why form'd no weaker, blinder, and no less ? Afk of thy mother earth, why oaks are made Taller or stronger than the weeds they shade? Or ask of yonder argent fields above, Why JOVE's Satellites are less than Jove? Of Systems possible, if 'tis confeft That Wisdom infinite must form the best, Where all must full or not coherent be, And all that rises, rise in due degree; Then, in the scale of reas'ning life, 'tis plain, There must be, somewhere, such a rank as Man: And all the question (wrangle e'er so long) Is only this, if God has plac'd him wrong? NOTES. 45 50 greater good in the natural | good in the moral, as appears world, he supposes they may from these sublime images in tend likewise to some greater | the following lines, If plagues or earthquakes break not Heav'n's design, Or turns young Ammon loose to scourge mankind? C Respecting Man, whatever wrong we call, 55 60 When the proud steed shall know why Man restrains His fiery course, or drives him o'er the plains; When the dull Ox, why now he breaks the clod, Is now a victim, and now Ægypt's God : Then shall Man's pride and dulness comprehend 65 His actions', passions', being's, use and end; Why doing, suff'ring, check'd, impell'd; and why This hour a slave, the next a deity. VARIATIONS. In the former Editions * 64. Now wears a garland an Ægyptian God. After 68. the following lines in first Ed. Then say not Man's imperfect, Heav'n in fault; Say rather, Man's as perfect as he ought: 70 His time a moment, and a point his space. A f What matter, foon or late, or here or there? The blest to-day is as completely fo, 75 As who began a thousand years ago. 1 III. Heav'n from all creatures hides the book of Fate, 80 All but the page prescrib'd, their present state: L Pleas'd to the last, he crops the flow'ry food, Oh blindness to the future! kindly given, A hero perish, or a sparrow fall, VARIATION 8. After 88. in the MS. No great, no little; 'tis as much decreed That Virgil's Gnat should die as Cæfar bleed. NOTES. VER. 87. Who Sees with equal eye, &c.] Mat. x. 29. A 85 Atoms or systems into ruin hurl'd, 90 Hope humbly then; with trembling pinions foar; Wait the great teacher Death; and God adore. 95 Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind; 100 His foul, proud Science never taught to stray Far as the folar walk, or milky way; Yet simple Nature to his hope has giv'n, Behind the cloud-topt hill, an humbler heav'n; VARIATIONS. In the first Fol. and Quarto, y 93. What bliss above he gives not thee to know, NOTES. VER. 97.- from home, By these words, it was the poet's purpose to teach, that the present life is only a state | exercise of it's qualities. of probation for another, more fuitable to the essence of the foul, and to the free Some fafer world in depth of woods embrac'd, 105 To Be, contents his natural defire, 110 But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company. IV. Go, wiser thou! and, in thy scale of sense, Weigh thy Opinion against Providence; Call imperfection what thou fancy'st such, 115 Yet cry, If Man's unhappy, God's unjuft; If Man alone ingross not Heav'n's high care, Alone made perfect here, immortal there : 120 VARIATIONS. After 108. in the first Ed. But does he say the maker is not good, |