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came with her father's flock, of which she had the care. And when Jacob saw her, and knew her to be his cousin, and that the sheep were those of Laban his

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uncle, he removed the stone wherewith the well was closed. And having watered the flock, he kissed her, and lifting up his voice, wept, and told her that he was

the son of Rebecca, her father's sister. Rachel ran in haste to tell her father, who, when he heard that Jacob his sister's son was come, ran forth to meet him; and embracing him, and heartily kissing him, he brought him into his house. And when he heard the cause

of his, journey, he said: “Thou art my bone and my


Jacob was now established in the house of Laban, and kept his flocks; and after a month was expired, Laban said to him: "Because thou art my brother, shalt thou serve me without wages? Tell me what wages thou wilt have." Jacob, who already loved his cousin Rachel, replied: "I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy youngest daughter." Laban consented. So Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed but a few days, for the greatness of his love.

§ 17. Jacob leaves Laban, and returns to the Land of Canaan
(B.C. 1925). He is pursued by Laban.

Years passed on; and God had prospered Jacob, and had given him sons and daughters, and had increased his flocks and possessions, so that Laban's sons began to grow jealous, saying: "Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's, and, behold, he is enriched with his substance, and is become great." Jacob perceiving this, and that his father-in-law, Laban, was also set against him, and especially hearing the Lord saying to him: "Return into the land of thy fathers and to thy kindred, and I will be with thee," he



sent and called Rachel and Lia into the field where he fed the flocks, and he laid before them the altered state of their father's mind, and how God had promised at Bethel to be with him and to protect him, and that now

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He said to him: "Arise, and go out of this land, and return to thy native country." Rachel and Lia answered: "Hath not our father counted us as strangers,

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