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Commissioner LaMonte's annual report of the building and loan associations of the state shows that they now number 724, a net increase of sixty in a year. The returns from 643 of the associations show total assets of $118,753,658. This is a splendid exhibit. The state commissioner points out the necessity for more effectual checks upon particular officials in whose integrity implicit trust is placed. The building and loan associations have been singularly free from maladministration and dishonesty, but the recommendation of the commissioner will be well recognized by thoughtful investors in building and loan.—Times, Bayonne.

¶ An increase of over ten per cent in assets and membership of the building and loan associations of New Jersey in the past year gives gratifying evidence that thrift grows even faster than population. While this continues all's well with our state.-Post-Telegram.

Operations of the Fourteenth Ward Building and Loan Ass'n, of Newark, toward aiding wage-earners to procure their homes, are indicated in its one hundredth and twelfth quarterly statement, issued December 15. The report shows a total of $2,081,600 in bonds and mortgages. This association has 35,783 shares outstanding.


The Permanent Savings and Loan Association of Albany observed its twenty-fifth anniversary Thursday. Of the original directors Stephen L. Foster has continued to hold office and is now the treasurer. The association has grown from a small beginning to its present condition with assets of over $210,000 and a surplus of $21,744. The association has passed through the several financial depressions without loss or failure to meet the regular dividends on dues credited to members. The present number of members is 864, holding 7,269 shares.


The Germania of Dayton has assets of $4,509,970; reserve fund, $266,283. F. W. Schoen, Sec.


¶ Santa Claus showered the contents of a great gift bag upon the 5,400 employes of the Stetson hat factory of Philadelphia. The gifts are valued at $300,000, and a list of them follows: One hundred and twenty-seven hats, 3,060 turkeys weighing more than 43,000 pounds; 1,150 pairs of gloves for girls, 1,400 pounds of candy, 67 gold watches, 71 gold chains, 495 shares of stock in the John B. Stetson Building and Loan Association, each share valued at $200 at maturity, $168,000 in bonuses or percentage, $16,700 in gold to apprentices and heads of department, 120 shares of John B. Stetson, common stock, value $400 a share, two life insurance policies for $5,000 each.


¶ Roger Williams' Savings Fund and Loan Association of Providence has assets of $2,161,682; surplus, $29,928. J. Burtis White, Treas.


¶ The Atlantic Permanent Building and Loan Association, at its nineteenth annual meeting at Norfolk, increased its capital stock from $250,000 to $500,000, declared an annual dividend of 81⁄2 per cent, and carried a surplus of undivided profits of $2,279.95, closing one of the most successful years in its history. The association, which is only nineteen years old, has had a very remarkable growth. Last year 4,181 shares were sold to homeseekers and investors. The association has in force 23,283 shares with total resources amounting to $837,684.79. During its history not a single loss has been sustained. The officers of the association are: Dr. J. A. Norfleet, president; C. B. Gibbs, vice-president; W. B. Dougherty, secretary; L. Berkley, treasurer; R. A. McCoy, solicitor.

New Incorporations.

Philadelphia Building and Loan Association No. 3, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Sixteenth and Columbia Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Union Building and Loan Association, Bristol, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000. Municipal Building and Loan Co., Cleveland, O., capital stock, $25,000. Pageland Building and Loan Association, Columbia, S. C., capital stock, $50,000.

Canadian Building and Loan Association, Canadian, Hemphill County, Texas, capital stock, $10,000.

Seventh and Columbia Avenue Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Norwood Home and Savings Association, Norwood, O., capital stock, $500,000.

Wateree Building and Loan Association, Camden, S. C., capital stock, $600,000.

Castle Hall Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Premium Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Star Building and Loan Association, Toledo, O., capital stock, $100,000. Andrews Building and Loan Association, Andrews, S. C., capital stock, $100,000.

Enterprise Building and Loan Association, Charleston, S. C., capital stock, $10,000.

Old Congress Hall Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Warsaw Building, Loan and Savings Association, Warsaw, Ind., capital stock, $500,000.

Dormont Building and Loan Association, Dormont, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Dollar Building and Loan Association, Beaver, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Ocean Building and Loan Association, Charleston, S. C., capital stock, $150,000.

Columbia Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Home Building and Loan Association, Farrell, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Tri-County Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000. Olympic Building Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000. Wainwright Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa., capital stock, $1,000,000.

Sixth and Thompson Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa.; $1,000,000.

Stockholders Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa.;


Dallas Building and Loan Association, Dallas, Texas; $500,000.
F. H. Tuft Building Association, Philadelphia, Pa.; $1,000,000.
The Meadville Building and Loan Association, Meadville, Pa.; $500,000.
The Chaffee Land and Loan Company, Sheldon, N. Dak.; $50,000.
Mutual Building and Loan Association, Savannah, Ga.; $50,000.
Home Building and Loan Association, Birmingham, Ala.; $2,000.

It is just as well to bear in mind that if it weren't for the rain there wouldn't be any hay to make when the sun shines.

To Presidents, Secretaries, Directors and Members of Building and Loan Associations and all other Savings Institutions:

H. S. ROSENTHAL'S New Book on

"Building, Loan and Savings Associations'


JUST FROM THE PRESS, is the only and a most comprehensive publication, dealing with this subject. It is a massive volume, bound in buckram, brimful of facts concerning building association work. In a careful and painstaking manner the author traces the historical growth of the world-wide building, loan and savings movement; discusses the organization of an association; tells the duties and rights of members; answers practical questions; delves into the legal aspects of the work and, in short, leaves no phase of the subject untouched.

The book springs from the mind of an expert and every word is authoritative. It opens up new vistas in building association work, throwing a searchlight on the past and foreshadowing the possibilities of the future.

Recognizing the merit and positive value of this book, the publishers of the


have purchased a limited edition of the same. The retail price of the book is $3.50 per copy. In order to place it in the hands of every man or woman connected with the work, we offer the following combination:

H. S. Rosenthal's Manual on Building, Loan and Savings Associations (retail price $3.50) One Year's Subscription to the American Building Association News (regular price $2.00)


THE AMERICAN BUILDING ASSOCIATION NEWS is well known to you. It is a 48-page monthly magazine. It is the official organ of the United States League and the pioneer magazine in the entire building association field for over thirty years. Its influence and prestige is recognized at a glance, when you remember, that the Building Associations of the United States represent total assets of over One Billion Dollars, with a total membership of 2,200,000 persons.

Our Combination Offer holds good for old subscribers as well as new ones.

Fill out and send in the attached card at once. Do not delay, because our supply is limited. The Book as well as the Magazine brings efficiency to you, the greatest asset of our modern times. You need both in your work. The Book is a time and labor saver for every building association officer.

American Building Association News Co., Cincinnati, O.



15 W. Sixth St., Cincinnati, O.

Please forward one copy of the New Book on Building, Loan and Savings Associations, and one subscription to American Building Association News for one year as per special offer of $5.00.

Name of Association..

Street Address....



*If you desire the Book only, mark out words "One subscription to American Building Association News."


Building Societies' Gazette


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The ONLY journal published in the United Kingdom devoted to the interests of Building Societies.

The Building Societies' Gazette is published monthly, and is the official organ of The Building Societies' Association. It contains the financial statements and reports of meetings of all the important Building Societies in the country, and deals with every matter of interest connected with their welfare.

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37 Cursitor Street,

Chancery Lane, London, E. C. England.

Building and Loan Association Leagues

United States League of Local Building and Loan Associations

[blocks in formation]

President--James McKay...
Secretary-Charles H. Brown.......Columbus
46 E. Gay St.


President-Charles Eugene Clark.. W. Covington
Secretary-H. A. Schroetter........Covington
432 Madison Ave.

President-W. R. Percy....
. Minden
Secretary-Emile A. Wagner.....New Orleans

President-Gen. Charles W. Tilden..Hallowell
Secretary and Treasurer-Harry F. Thompson,
President J. Frank Wellington..W. Somerville
Secretary-Treasurer-H. W. Pinkham..Quincy
President-F. B. McKibbin.......... .Lansing
Secretary-Irving B. Rich....
.St. Joseph

President-A. H. Garlichs.


Secretary-Treasurer-Burton McGinnis,
706 Chestnut St., St. Louis

[blocks in formation]
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