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A. W. Shera..

John W. Rea.

Isaiah Stewart.

Members of the Building Association League of

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Gibson City
. Springfield

East St. Louis

Sparta .Albion

Harrisburg Murphysboro

B. & L. Douglas Park.
Bohemia B. & L.

Bohemian Work'gmen's.
Budoucnost B. & L.
Busy Bees S. & H. B. A
B. Glowacki B. & L. A.
Center Avenue B. & L.
Central Park B. & L.
Chicago Mut. B. & L
Columbia B. & L.
Concordia B., L. & H
Casimer-Pulaski B. & L.
Cesky Delnik.
Ceska Kalifornia.
Chicago B., L. & H.
Churdim B. & L.
Cicero B. & L. A.

Crown B. & L.

Drexel B. & L.

Deering B. & L.

Delnicky Krok. B. & L.

Domov B. & L.

Dunaj B. & L.

Eagle L. & Inv. Ass'n.

The American Building Association News








Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Cincinnati, O.,
under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.



MARCH, 1914.

No. 3.

Safety in Council.

THE railroad, the building association and the factory are each managed by a board of directors who meet periodically to settle their knotty problems.

The wisest man who ever lived said, "There's safety in a multitude of counselors," and this is particularly true when each counselor has had a long experience in the subject on which he gives advice.

No matter how effectively you are carrying on your association, you can do it still better with the help of your fellow coworkers by attending your local, State and United States League meetings. They in turn need your help and enthusiasm.

We have the same problem which John Wanamaker tackled when he began storekeeping, namely, standardizing.

Our solving of this problem means more prosperity for every member of the building association movement in the United States.

And it can only be made to "come to pass" by the united efforts of all the best minds in the building association ranks.

Indiana State League Meeting.

THE meeting of the Indiana League, held at Terre Haute, was a successful one. Full account will appear in our next issue.

Interstate Trade Commission Bill.

THE Interstate Trade Commission Bill, said to have been approved by the President and Attorney-General, was made public on March 15. The commission is to consist of three members and will assume all the powers and duties of the present Bureau of Corporations. All corporations having or controlling a capital of $5,000,000 or more, or belonging to a class of corporations which the commission may designate, must furnish an annual statement to the commission concerning all matters touching on their businesses, stockholders and bondholders. Special reports may also be exacted by the commission at any time, and it is further empowered to conduct any investigation it may see fit.

There are many building associations in the United States having authorized capital stock of $5,000,000 and over, who have a membership scattered in the different states and territories.

Efforts should be made at once to secure proper exemption from the operation of this measure for these associations.


JUST a little word of three letters, but oh, how big its meaning-T-R-Y.

I'll venture more young men fail to advance as rapidly as they feel they ought to, because they are afraid to tackle what appears to be a harder job rather than because of their lack of knowledge.

I was talking to a man the other day-a splendid young fellow-and he said to me:

"The other day my brother-in-law came to me, and said if I would tackle a certain position (meaning a good one) he'd see that I got it."

I said, "Of course you took it," and when he said "No," I looked at him in utter astonishment.

To think that a capable man, a man who seemed possessed of more than ordinary ability, would not tackle a better, a bigger proposition!

It's queer what different stuff different men are made of, isn't it? And it takes opportunity to show whether that stuff is the lacking "stuff" or the "stuff" that makes 'em do.

There's only one thing in the world that makes men, big men -that is, self-confidence.

Many a man lacks this because his financial standing allows him to take no chances. If you are the owner of a building association pass-book, to which have been systematically added savings, you are in a position to T-R-Y.

Self-confidence that does not savor of conceit-there's a vast difference between the two. The one a big-man maker and the other a big-man destroyer. Get self-confidence, but beware of

the thing lest it grow to conceit and be your ruin. Be self-confident through a thorough knowledge of your business, and when the bigger undertaking presents itself, tackle it.

Suppose you do fall down the first try. If you are made of the right sort of stuff, the first down will bring you back with renewed energy and determination.

Sometimes it takes a failure, sometimes a half-dozen, to make a man. Failure is no disgrace. Try again.

Try is a little word, but full of meaning. When bigger things come again-try. It may mean failure-once, twice, a half-dozen times-but success ultimately.

Never say "can't," always "T-R-Y." Think of your pass-book. If you have the grouch habit, try the smile. It helps everything wonderfully.

Tax Reform in New York.

Ar a recent banquet of the New York Society to Lower Rents and Reduce Taxes on Homes there was numbered among its attendants twenty-six members of the legislature. Among the speakers were City Chamberlain Bruere, representing Mayor Mitchel; Tenement House Commissioner John J. Murphy, Mrs. M. Simkovitch, representing various settlement societies; Walter L. Durack, president of the League of Savings and Loan Associations; Amos Pinchot, Abraham Gruber, Charles T. Root and Frederick C. Leubuscher. John J. Hopper, register of New York county, presided. A letter was read from Governor Martin Glynn commending the object of the society to reduce taxes on improvements and increase them on land values at the rate of ten per cent a year. In addressing the assemblage, President Leubuscher, of the society, referred to the number of unemployed in New York City, estimated by the mayor at 300,000. He called attention to the thousands of vacant lots in the city and vacant acres in the state, the opening of which to labor would solve the


unemployed problem. Yet the only remedies actually suggested for unemployment were charity and palliatives. The tax books of the city showed a few years ago that eight families, estates and corporations own one-nineteenth of the land of Manhattan, and about one-twenty-fifth of the assessed land of Greater New York; twenty-three families, estates and corporations own oneninth of the Bronx; fifty-seven families, estates and corporations own one-sixth of Richmond borough. The Astor estate owns 500 acres of unimproved Bronx land on which it has a large sign reading: "Astor Estate. Not For Sale." During the past ten years land values in the city had increased at the rate of $150,000,000 a year. The ground rent of the city is about $300,000,000 a year. If this $300,000,000 would all be taken for public expenses, $190,000,000 would suffice to carry on the government, leaving more than $100,000,000 a year to build subways and perform similar work. The Astors and other large land owners would be obliged either to improve their lots or let others do so. The demand for labor would be so great that the city would have to call on the rest of the state, with the result that wages would rise and production could be more cheaply carried on. But the society is not revolutionary and only recommends a mild step in that direction. It only asks an increase of $20,000,000 in taxes on land values, and does not ask that at once, but only about four million a year for five years. Taxes on buildings will be accordingly reduced, thus encouraging instead of discouraging the erection of more buildings, and the employment of more men and women. With more buildings there will be greater competition, for tenants and rents will be reduced, while more employment will cause increased wages.-Public, Chicago.


THRIFT is essential and needs promotion. "Saving goes before security, happiness and good citizenship," said Bismarck. But when James J. Hill unbelted that neat little aphorism about the "high cost of living" being merely the "cost of high living" it failed to meet with unanimous acquiescence.

The building and loan association offers the best system of saving. It establishes regular habits with your weekly or monthly income. The habit of thrift when properly developed means much to your future success.

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