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He [Cato] used to say that in all his life he never repented but of three things. The first was that he had trusted a woman with a secret; the second that he had gone by sea when he might have gone by land; and the third, that he had passed one day without having a will by him. PLUTARCH-Life of Cato. Vol. II. P. 495. LANGHORNE'S trans. Same in SIMPLICIUS— Commentary on the Enchiridion of EPICTETUS. Ch. IX. P. 52. (Ed. 1670)


Der Wahn ist kurtz, die Reu ist lang. The dream is short. repentance long. SCHILLER-Lied von der Glocke.


But with the morning cool repentance came. SCOTT-Rob Roy. Ch. XII. The Monastery. Ch. III. Note 11. "But with the morning cool reflection came." In Chronicles of Canongate. Ch. IV. "Calm" substituted for "cool" in The Antiquary. Ch. V.


Nam sera nunquam est ad bonos mores via. Quem pœnitet peccasse, pæne est innocens.

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