페이지 이미지

"I will not, my dear miss, burthen your sympathizing mind with a further recital of my woes, but, with your permission, will now conclude by observing, that my unhappy experience has been alleviated in no small degree by your generous and compassionate attention towards me."



MONIMIA listened to this affect

ing narrative with the most profound attention, and often did the heavy sight and sympathizing tear indicate to Louisa the goodness of her heart.

Soon as the latter had finished her story, Monimia took her by the hand, and told her she should be both proud and happy, not merely in her acquaintance, but to share her esteem as her friend.

She then congratulated herself upon.


the acquisition of a companion, whose good sense and amiable conduct endeared her still more, since the disclosure of her misfortunes.

The two friends now embraced each other cordially, and Monimia hardly knew how to express sufficiently the regard she experienced for the unfortunate Louisa..

When the doctor returned, his daughter, with the consent of the unfortunate stranger, immediately made him acquainted with all the particulars of her friend's story, upon which he addressed himself to his visitor in the most agreeable and respectful manner, and told her he should consider her with an equal attention as his own child, and was sensibly affected with her misfortunes, which it would be his study to alleviate as much as lay in his power.


He moreover intreated Louisa to consider his house as her home till such time as she should be restored to the possession of those comforts she once enjoyed; and, taking little. Henry in his arms, exclaimed-"This little innocent, madam, I consider, from henceforth, as a foster concern of my own. He shall receive every

affectionate attention that can contribute to your happiness; and as to the parent who could desert so fair a flower as this, deserves

* *

-but, I beg pardon, I trespass on your feelings (seeing Louisa shed a tear), it is not my place to use reproof now.

"Allow me further, my dear Mrs. Bellamy, to say, that, in me and my daughter, you will ever find sincere. friends, such as will have the most. minute regard for your happiness, and think themselves amply compensated


in the possession of a reciprocal friendship and esteem."

Poor Louisa was quite overcome by the doctor's kindness and generosity.. She burst into tears, and implored him to spare her for her weakness, assuring him at the same time, that a sense of his goodness was engraved indelibly on her heart; and that the offer of his friendship was a pride and satisfaction to her mind which she could not well express.

She then turned to Monimia, to whom she repeated similar assurances.

The party now sat down to dinner, and exhibited the strongest instances. of sociality and regard.

The next day Monimia found out a humane and careful person, whom she recommended as a nurse to little


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