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F 1900. L


GEORGE COOLIDGE, PRINTER, 57 Washington Street.


CAPTAIN HALL, since his work of Travels in America, has been, we dare say, very little more of a favorite with our readers than with ourselves; but his prejudices apart, he is a very pleasant writer, as will be seen from the following chapters selected from the second and third series of his fragments of Voyages and Travels. Too much stress is probably laid upon the name an author has acquired, when selecting a book to read. A writer sometimes wofully mistakes his own powers, while his next effort on a subject where he is at home may be entirely successful. Such is the case in the present instance; the captain got among the breakers, if we may so speak, when he wrote upoy. our social, institutions; but fairly at sea, he is in his element, and exceedingly lively and entertaining...

The scenes in India,:.ship board; and in company with Sir Walter:Scott, are characterized by intelligence, and extensive information. In his descriptions of incidents the captain is surely very happy though not laconic; his pictures are almost tangible, and few will rise from their perusal without the acknowledgment of their being better informed, and in better humor with an author whom they have had previous cause to think of but slightingly. Captain Hall has furnished many texts for criticism; he has not atoned for his wholesale aspersions, but we hope his previous malversations may not deter any one from the gratification to be derived from the following exciting details.

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