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Sincere friends of the cause of spiritual freedom and universal brotherhood have for some time been impressed with the need of a strictly high-class periodical representing all phases of the "new thought." It is confidently believed by keen observers that their fundamental principles are identical, and that the establishment of this unitary basis would greatly facilitate the work in every legitimate field of action.

In full recognition of this demand, The Alliance Publishing Company begs to announce the publication of "MIND." This periodical will owe allegiance to no school, sect, system, cult, or person. Its sole aim will be to aid in the progress of mankind through a cultivation of the knowledge of Truth wherever found, regardless of individual prejudices and preconceptions. The responsibility for statements made in signed artices will be assumed by the individual contributors; but it shall be our constant endeavor to get such material only from authoritative sources.

A question of vital importance to humanity is the prevention and cure of disease through the understanding and application of Law, which regulates life in its varying phases of spiritual, mental, and physical development. Our treatment of this subject will be truly instructive and educational. The teaching will relate to practice as well as to theory. Although this science of healing through mind is taught under many names and has various modes of application, yet it is essentially simple and practical, and we shall hope to give to the abstract principles a concrete setting at once beneficent and convincing.

Among the many occult and psychic questions that may be regarded as within the purview of this magazine are: Reincarnation and Adeptship; Telepathy, or direct thought-transference; Hallucinations and Premonitions; Phantasms of the living and Apparitions of the dead; Clairvoyance and Clairaudience; Psychometry and Psychography, or independent and automatic writing; Inspirational Speaking; the Mediumistic Trance; Spirit-photography, so called; Phrenology and Palmistry; Astrology and Symbolism; Hypnotism, its therapeutic and medico-legal aspects and attendant phenomena of auto-suggestion and multiplex personality. The study of comparative relig ions will be made a feature of this magazine and dealt with in an impartial and satisfactory manner. Well-written articles of moderate length are solicited from competent authorities on these and kindred subjects.

While granting due credit to Hindu metaphysics and the mysticism of the Orient in general, we are yet inclined to look for the development of a Western Psychology that will harmonize with the conditions of life in the Occident, at the same time tending to promote the spiritual welfare of the race as a whole. "MIND" hopes to become a facand in the work herein outlined we invite

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There is a certain memorable saying of Jesus, the world's greatest spiritual seer and teacher, that announces clearly the great central law of health, or wholenessspiritual, mental, and physical. It is as follows: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." This, it seems to me, is the one central and all-important law of life, health, and happiness, awaiting the obedience of men and women everywhere in that new kingdom of heaven (or harmony) now being established on earth.

The old order of things, wherein selfishness and illwill and envy and hatred prevailed, is gradually passing away; it is slowly but surely being outgrown. Jesus of Nazareth came in the grand processes of evolution as the herald of a New Day: that day wherein man shall love his fellow-man; wherein he shall not seek his own private, selfish interests supremely, but shall seek also the welfare of his neighbor; wherein he shall no longer judge and criticize and condemn, but shall overcome all evil by the royal power of the good-by the all-healing and resistless virtue of the life in the good.

Jesus of Nazareth not only taught the law of love as the supreme law of life in the new spiritual order, but he gloriously and divinely lived it. And herein did he

demonstrate his greatness. In this was justified his mighty claim of oneness with the Father. Herein was proved his princely right to be identified with the universal Spirit of the Truth. Herein he made it perfectly clear to all interiorly illuminated men that he was, in a very real and true sense, the Resurrection and the Life. For inasmuch as he loved the world supremely, and gave himself for the good of the world right-royally, counting his own life and happiness as nothing in order that he might heal and save the world, immersed as it was in the thick darkness of its own faithlessness and lovelessness, so, it seems to me, was he the highest embodiment of Divine Love and Wisdom, the Ideal Son, the express Image of the eternal Law of the Good.

In his matchless revelation of the power, the riches, and the beauty of Divine Love, he came into our world as the Bringer of Life, and life more abundant. He came as the Giver of Health. He came as the great Physician for soul and body-revealing that inner and diviner wisdom which purifies, heals, and renews the whole life and being of man.

There have been men in all the Christian centuries who have lightly criticized this grandest of the world's teachers and have seen in him no beauty and little greatness. The good and sufficient reason for which fact is, it seems to me, that there have always been men in the world who have not been conscious, in their inner heart of hearts, of the light of the Eternal Logos; who have not therefore as yet profoundly realized the God-like nature of this law of love; who have not yet quite fully entered into the larger, the unselfish, the universal life of the Spirit. Spiritual things can only be discerned spiritually -by those who have arrived at that plane of being where the spiritual verities are seen to be the eternal realities.

Jesus of Nazareth, as I apprehend the truth concerning him, will, for a long time yet to come, be far in advance of the great common world of humanity-so long, at least, as that humanity has not yet thoroughly learned the great lesson of Christian Love; so long as it harbors, in its secret heart, envy or jealousy or ill-will; so long as it identifies its being with the personal, selfish self.

Jesus had learned, through long years of spiritual training, how to let the petty, personal self die, in order that he might find the larger and the higher Self. He had learned the secret of subordinating his own will to the Supreme Will of the Cosmos. He knew how to rest as a little child in the Infinite Life of God. He became the embodiment of faith, hope, and love-those ineffable virtues of the soul that abide forever, that can never be outgrown even on the loftiest planes of being in the mighty universe of God: those imperial virtues constituting the foundation principles of all true health-of spirit, soul, and body.

In all ages men and women have talked a great deal about the forgiveness of enemies; have set forth very learnedly, in terms of the intellect, the laws of social ethics; have discoursed profoundly and eloquently on the doctrines of Universal Brotherhood: while at the same time the heart has not been purified of selfishness, nor the life from pride, vanity, and worldly ambition. When the hour of trial has come, they have not been able to demonstrate the truth of the divine law they advocated. When the personal feelings, interests, or prejudices have been disturbed, then and there, too often, has there been an end of brotherhood. That large and holy love which doth not take account of evil has flown to other climes.

All this goes to show that Jesus, the Christ, has yet many things to teach us about the actual, daily practise of the gracious life of love-about the actual and practical

fulfilment of that beautiful theory of the Brotherhood of Man.

And all this that I am saying applies with equal emphasis to the Christian Church itself. Here strife, discord, hatred, selfishness, persecution, and all manner of uncharitableness and unrighteousness have prevailed since the great soul of the Master lived its royal life on earth. Is it greatly to be wondered at that the whole world to-day seems full of sickness, sorrow, and unrest? Has its mental health and sanity in the ages past been such as to warrant more perfect, more harmonious results?

Actually to fulfil the law of the Christ; to rejoice heartily in the welfare and prosperity of all men; to love those who are hostile and unjust to us; to see the Divine Image in every child of God-this is a sublime and Godlike attainment. It is possible only to those who have been born from above; who have entered into an understanding of the everlasting Truth of Being; who have arisen to that higher plane of spiritual Love, Life, and Beauty.

To this grand consummation, however, we are all coming in the splendid order of cosmic evolution, borne onward upon the currents of the eternal Purpose of God. Through all our trial and discipline, through all our failures and shortcomings, through all the changes of our destiny, we may have simple, child-like faith in the perfect Law of the Good. We may surrender ourselves unquestioningly to the everlasting care of God. And the higher our attainment in this life of love, the more perfect our consciousness of oneness with the Father and with the race, the more fully will we understand and reverence the Mind of the Master, the grandeur of his spirit, the unique glory of his life and teaching.

I am not forgetting that that same law of love, of boundless compassion, was taught and lived by the Bud

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