페이지 이미지


Abolition of political services in Book of
Common Prayer, 243.

Acts of the Apostles, remarks on the, 101,
138, 223, 266.

Advertisement on "Pure Christianity,"

Aikin, Dr., of Warrington, 354.

Ainsworth's, Mr., speech at Cleator, 47.
American slavery, 721.
Andrews, Rev. Robert, 282.

Anniversaries, London Unitarian, 380.
Apocalypse of John, authorship of, 741.
Armstrong, Rev. George, Memoir of, 634.
Aspland, Rev. R., and the Unitarian As-
sociation, 617, 754.
Atheism, 133.

Atonement, Discourses on the, 492.
Australia, religion in South, 298, 575.

B. on science and religion, 86. On the
edition of the N. T. Codex Vaticanus,

Bacon, Lord, apothegm of, 85.

Baptist, General, meetings, 436.
"Baptize," on the word, 41, 111.

Barker, Mr. Joseph, on Unitarians, 189.
Barnabas, the evangelist, 138.
Baur on the Acts, 104.

Beard, Dr., on Unitarian missionary effort,
212. On Self-culture, 497.
Beard, Rev. C., speeches of, 115, 124.
His Outlines of Christian Doctrine, 385.
Belfast Unitarian Society, debates in the,

Belfast Young Men's Christian Association,

Bible, chronology of the, 91.

Bible Society and "Socinians," 412.
Bickersteth's, Mr., controversy with Dr.
Sadler, 336.

Birch, Mr. Robert, of Birch chapel, 278.
Birmingham Brotherly Society, 252.
Black's, Mr., speech, 53.

Bolton District Unitarian Society, 379,

Bourn family, 72.

Bowring, Sir John, scriptural hymns by,
624, 676, 720. Correspondence with
Rev. G. Armstrong, 635. Speeches at
Moreton Hampstead, 698, 700.
Bramwell's, Judge, idea of "grace," 598.
Bridge-Street, Manchester, Sunday-school
meeting, 252.

Briggs, Rev. T. B. W., testimonial to, 187.
Bright's, Mr. H. A., Prize at Unitarian

Missionary Board, 127. Correction of
an error by, 564.

Bristol juryman and the Judge, 593.
British and Foreign schools, religious teach-
ing in, 113. Society, 381.
British Quarterly Review, 370, 694.
Bunsen, Baron, 371. On Channing, 557.
Bruce's, Mr., Letters of Charles I., 241.
Byron, MS. note of, in Childe Harold, 367.

Calvin, John, 276-and Servetus, 374.
Canterbury, meeting at, 571.
Carmarthen Presbyterian Academy exa-
mination, 506.

Carpenter's Tunes for the Christian Church
and Home, 247.

Chadwick's Life of De Foe, 308.
Channing, Dr., letter to Mr. Armstrong,

637. Described by Bunsen, 557.
Charles I.'s Letters to Henrietta Maria,

Checkley, Rev. George, 283.

Cheshire church agreement in 1689, 744.
Chester, Provincial Meeting at, 498.
Christian Witness and Unitarianism, 525.
Christianity, Shelley's Essay on, 660.
Clark's, Thomas, Essay on Surnames, 637.
Clarke's, Rev. H., religious experience,

Clayden's sermon on the Unitarian Posi-
tion, 692.

Cleator, presentation at, 47. Preachers
and subjects, 575.

Coquerel's Religious Aspects of the Arts,
1. Christology, 165, 193.

Cornelius, conversion of, 141.

Good preaching, 432.

"Covenant" or "Testament"? 548, 627, Gordon, Rev. J., an incident in his reli-


Creation, Bible history of, 93.

Cromwell's, Dr., Soul and Future Life,

Cropper, Rev. J., presentation to, 60.
Cruelties on the High Seas, 375.

Darbishire, Mr., in correction of Mr. Thom,

Darbishire, Mr. Herbert, speech of, 757.
David and Goliath, lines on, 468.

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H. H., E., on the doctrines of Grace, 593.
Hallam, Mr., on Locke, 239.

Ham's, Rev. J. P., farewell service at
Manchester, 309.

Hampson, Mr. William, 688.

Davy's, Sir Humphry, Fragmentary Re- Harrop, Rev. Robert, 684.
mains, 306.

Dawson, Rev. Mr., of Idle, 352.

Death, scientific conclusions respecting, 96.
Deluge, scientific conclusions on the, 92.
Dennys' Alpha, reviewed, 305.

Hawkes, Mr., on British and Foreign
schools, 113.

Hawkes', Rev. H., address at Southamp-
ton, 568.

Henrietta Maria, queen of Chas. I., 241.

De Wette on the Canonical Books of the Henry, Matthew, testimonial, 55.

New Testament, 494.

Doubts, momentary, 629.

Hesketh, Rev. Robert, 282, 367.
Hewley suit, 23.

Dorchester, orthodoxy and charity, 58. Heywood, Capt. Peter, 234.

Lectures at, 128, 185.

Dukinfield, social meeting at, 123.

Eastern Unitarian Christian Society, 310.
Edwards, Jonathan, on Free-will, 322.
Ellis's Madagascar, 397.

Endowed Schools' Bill, 435.

Enfield, Dr., 354.

England's greatness, 600.

English Lawyer on Slavery, 721.
Essex-Street chapel, 185.

Evans, Rev. John, author of the Ponderer,


Evidences of Christianity, the slighters of,

Ewald's theory of Christ's non-resurrec-
tion, 577, 705.
Exhortation, lines on, 591.

Female vanity, preaching against, danger-
ous, 148.

Field, Mr. E. W., on Newbury chapel, 175.
Finch, Mr., of Platt chapel, 277.
Finch, Mr. Henry, 279.

Fishermen of Galilee, successor of, 137.
Fontanèse's Sermon at Havre on the Refor-
mation, 749.

Fox, Rev. George, ordination of, 251.
Fox, C. J., recollections of, 632.
French Protestantism, tercentenary, 253,

Friendly Disputants, reviewed, 307.
Fullagar, Rev. J., on Mr. W. Turner, 431.

Gaskell, Rev. W., Funeral Sermon for
Mr. Wellbeloved, 40. Speech at Man-
chester, 756.

Gee Cross, annual tea-party at, 124.
Glasgow University, 358.

"God-man," an irreverent title, 367.
Godwin, Mary, Shelley's second wife, 662.

Higginson's, Mr. and Mrs., Translation of
Coquerel, 1.

Hincks, Rev. T., tribute to Mr. Wellbe
loved's character, 31. Sermon before
Unitarian Association, 437. Three Lec-
tures, reviewed, 492.

Hinckley Great Meeting, 383.

Hinton, Mr., on the proem of John, 538.
Hogg's Life of Shelley, 655.

Holland, Rev. Philip, 352.

Hook's, Dr., Church Dictionary, 298.
Horner, Mr. Leonard, on the sediments of
the Nile, 92.

Houghton, Rev. John, 282.

Humboldt and the Church, 469.
Hutton, Rev. J. H., sermon at Chester,
498, 555. Resignation of his pulpit,
549. Sermons on the Nature and Office
of Christ, 677.
Hypothesis, 654.

Improved Version of the New Testament,


Innovations in Scotch Presbyterian wor-
ship, 433.

Inspiration, how is it related to Revelation

and the Reason? 754.
Israel, ten tribes of, 601.

John, chronology of Christ's ministry from,
110. Proem to his Gospel, 538.
Jubilee school, Newcastle, 364, 565.

Kell's, Rev. E., tribute to Mr. Tagart's
memory, 77, 84. Account of Mrs. M.
Story, 200. Address at Southampton,

Kenrick's, Rev. John, address to students
of Manchester New College, 424. Speech
at the Unitarian Association, 429.

Kent and Sussex Unitarian Association,


Knutsford chapel, re-opening of, 311.
Early trust-deed, 744.

Krause, Pastor, on Humboldt, 469.

Lancashire Sunday-school festivities, 511.
Lee, Dr. Robert, and the Presbytery of
Edinburgh, 248, 376, 433.
Leicester, opening of school-rooms at, 759.
Library of Biblical Literature, 247.
Lindsey, Rev. Theophilus, 354.
Lines on last day of 1858, 173.
Literary Society at Newcastle established,

Lloyd, Rev. John, ordination of, 700.
Locke, John, 237.

London District Unitarian Society, 60,
444, 758.

London Auxiliary Sunday-School Associa-
tion, 60.

Luke, author of the Acts, 103, 266.


Macdonald's, Rev. S. F., sermon on Mat-
thew Henry, 55. Removal, 383.
the Unitarian Position controversy, 747.
Do your Best, 408. Exhortation, 591.
Maclellan, Rev. R. E. B., at Canterbury,

Madagascar, Ellis's Three Visits to, 397.
Madge's, Rev. Thomas, Farewell Sermon,

253, 496. Funeral Sermon for Rev.
E. Tagart, 82. On the Unitarian name,
Manchester New College, annual meeting
of Trustees, 114. Annual examina-
tion, 446. And Rev. W. Turner, 415,
425. Inaugural address, 642, 701.
Manchester Model Secular School, 180.
Manchester District Sunday-School Asso-
ciation, 312.

Manchester Domestic Mission, 697.
Mansfield, 759.

Marriages, 64, 192, 315, 383, 448, 512,
576, 640, 704, 762.

Martineau, Rev. J., speech at Portland-

Street chapel, 185. On the College
examination, 491, 560. Letter on the
Unitarian Position and strictures there-
on, 603. Second Letter, 752.
Materialism, doctrine of, 462.
Maurice's, Mr. M., sketch of Rev. C.
Wallace, 687.

May, Rev. S. J., of Syracuse, 574, 699,
701, 721.

Meanley, Rev. Richard, 283.

Means, Rev. J. C., on the Acts of the
Apostles, 101, 138, 223, 266. On the
word "Baptize," 111. Review of El-
lis's Madagascar, 397.
Melbourne Unitarian church, 311.
Mercer, Captain, on Unitarianism in India,

Ministerial removals, 383.

Ministers' Benevolent Society, 700.
Missionary effort, reason for, 212.
Moderation sometimes preferred to truth,


Montgomery, Rev. J. K., 383.
Mossley, ordination at, 251.
Mother's influence, 245.

National Review, 181.

National Reviewer of Ewald criticised, 577,

New Creation, Treatise on the, 342, 664,

Newbury Trustees, defence of, 121. Mr.
Field on, 175.

Newcastle congregation, invitation to Mr.
Turner, 359. Anniversary of Church
of Divine Unity, 378.

Nilus, the Christian courtier in the desert,

North British Review, 373.

Norwich, meeting at, 310.

Noual, Rev. John, two recovered works
of, 340, 664, 730.


Andrews, Mr. Richard, 384.
Aspland, Mrs., 61.
Atkinson, Mrs., 191.
Aubrey, Mr. Richard, 317.
Barnes, Mr. C., 192, 255.
Baxter, Mr. Septimus, 384.
Bayley, Mr. John, 62.
Bennett, Mr. Thomas, 448.
Billett, Mr. S., 576.
Bishop, Mr. Thomas, 192.
Blake, Mrs., 639.
Boag, Mrs. 448.

Braham, Mr. Edward, 256.
Brock, Miss, 639.

Brocklehurst, Mr. William, 639.

Bromley, Mrs. 704.

Brookes, Mr. Joshua, 703.

Browne, William, Esq., 761.
Buckton, Mrs. Joshua, 64.
Checkley, Miss, 576.
Clark, Mr. Thomas, 448.
Cooper, Mrs., 61.
Cooper, Mr. Francis, 316.
Croft, Miss, 191.

Curtis, Mrs. Joseph, 192.
Curtis, Mrs. Stephen, 576.
Davison, Rev. David, 62.
Dawes, Miss M., 61.

Dawson, Miss, 384.
Dootson, Mrs., 447.

Dowson, Mr. Alfred Pendlebury, 191.
Duffield, Rev. W., 256.
Dunkin, Mr. J. H., 61.
Edwards, Rev. John, 254.
Ellis, Mrs., 704.

French, Mr. Edward, 191.
Furst, Captain, 448.
Gibbs, Miss Helena, 256.


Gibson, Mrs., 576.

Gosbell, Mr. Ebenezer, 192.
Greene, Mrs., 576.

Hall, Mrs., 191.

Ham, Miss, 704.

Hawkes, Mr. W. R., 447.
Heaviside, Mr. Thomas, 316.
Hervey, Mr. T. K., 256.
Hobson, Mr. William, 704.
Holland, Mrs., 704.
Hughes, Mrs., 384.

Hutton, Henry, Esq., 316.
Jevons, Mrs., 576.
Lang, Mr. Thomas, 190.
Manning, Mr. W. O., 191.
Martin, Miss Caroline, 192.
Millington, Mr. James, 61.
Millington, Mr. James, Jun., 61.
Mitchell, Miss, 639.
Moon, Mrs., 256.

Mott, Julius, Esq., 762.
Nash, Mrs. Mary, 191.
Netterville, Mr. J. E., 256.
Nichols, Dr. Ichabod, 319.
Nicholls, Mr. J. A., 639.
Oates, Mr. Joseph Henry, 640.
Pace, Mr. J. H., 576.
Powell, Mrs., 639.
Poynting, Mrs., 319.

Prentis, Miss Rose, 316.
Ralls, Miss, 192.

Randell, Mr. Worton, 64.

Randell, Mr. Dennis, 191.

Ryland, Mr. Thomas Edmund, 762.
Slaughter, Miss, 639.

Smethurst, Rev. John, 474.
Smith, Mr. David, 192.

Story, Mrs. Marabella, 200.

Suttill, Mr. John, 576.

Talbot, Miss Sarah, 576.

Taylor, Mr. Richard, 64.

Till, Mr. William, 761.

Peabody's Christian Days and Thoughts,

Perkins', Rev. F., bigotry at Dorchester,

Platt chapel, history of, 277.

Portland-street chapel, proceedings at, 184.
Potter, Mr. Edmund, on Reform, 43. Ad-
dress to students, 157.

Priestley's, Dr., letter to Davy, 306.
Prince of Wales at Rome, 128.
Proem of St. John's Gospel, 538.
Protestantism and Fine Arts, 1.
Provincial Meeting, Lancashire and Che-
shire, 498.

Provincial Missionary Association, 756.
Prussia, King of, 253.
Puritans of England, 284.

Religion and theology, 245.
Resurrection, the, 244.

Resurrection of Christ, 577, 705.

Revised Translation of the Hebrew Scrip-
tures, 542.

Robbins's portrait of a Christian, 308.
Rogers, Samuel, Recollections by, 630.
Mr. W. Sharpe's biographical account
of, 630.

Ronge's Reform Communities of Germany,
98, 162, 220.

Ryland, Rev. J. H., on Atonement, 492.

Sadler's, Dr., Gloria Patri, 336.
Scargill, Rev. W. P., 70.

Science and religion, 86, 129, 623.
Seven Stormy Sundays, reviewed, 304.
Sharpe, Mr. Samuel, on the word Baptize,
41. On the chronology of Christ's min-
istry, 110. On the translation of Solo-
mon's Song, 429. On Isaiah xi. 15, 16,
490. Prize at Carmarthen, 507. On
the pillar of cloud and fire, 561.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Memorials of, 655.

Turner, Rev. William, 318, 351, 410, Short, Rev. J. L., testimonial to, 187.

425, 454.

Wallace, Rev. Charles, 681.

Wansey, Mr. George, 191.

Watson, Mr. T. H., 576.

Whitehead, Rev. James, 192, 257.
Wiles, Mr. J., 256.
Wright, Mrs., 192.

Wrigley, Mr. Jeremiah, 191.

Ordination of Rev. W. Turner, 359-of
Rev. J. Lloyd, 700.

Owen, Professor, on the advancement of
science, 86, 129.

Letter to the Western Unitarian Chris-
tian Union, 755.

Slavery in England and the laws relating
to it, 721.

Smethurst, Rev. John, memoir of, 474.
Smith, John, of Cambridge, 287.

Smith, Rev. G. V., on Isaiah xi. 15, 16,

Socinianism, pretended history of, 373.
Sonnet to truth, 18.

Southampton, corner-stone of Unitarian
church, 566.

Southern Unitarian Society, 376.
Spirit music, 264.

Parker's, Theodore, Experience as a Min- Stanley's, Dr., Canterbury Sermons, 300.

Paley's Horse Paulinæ, 268.

ister, 755.

Patrick, Bishop, memoir of, 283.

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Steinthal's, Rev. S. A., visit to Transyl-

vania, 477, 530.

Stephensons, the, and Rev. Wm. Turner,


Story, Mrs. Marabella, 200.

Sunday-schools and dramatic performances,
Sunday-School Association, annual meet-
ing of, 443.

Tagart, Rev. Edward, memoir of, 65.
Published writings of, 233.
Talbot's, Mr. F., defence of Newbury
trustees, 121.

Tayler's, Rev. J. J., address to students
of Unitarian Home Missionary Board,
149. Sermon on English Nonconform.
ity, reviewed, 177. Speech at Portland-
Street chapel, 184. On Bunsen's account
of Channing, 557. Address at the open-
ing of the College session, 641. On the
authorship of the Apocalypse, 741.
Taylor's, Isaac, Logic in Theology, review-
ed, 321.

Taylor, Mr. Edgar, and the Unitarian
Association, 616, 754.

Templar, Mr. Benjamin, on Secular Edu-
cation, 180.

Theological phrases, 176.
Theology a science, 641.
Theophilus of the Acts, 108.

Thom's, Rev. J. H., Selection of Hymns,
45. Sermon on Religion and Theology,
245. Speech at Chester, 503, 564.
Three Heavenly Witnesses, the text of,

Thrush, Captain Thomas, 21.

Unitarian Home Missionary Board, 126,
149, 157, 187.

Unitarian effort, reasons for, 212.
Unitarian works, discovery of two unpub-
lished, 340.

Unitarianism, in Australia, 188. In En-
gland, misrepresented by Isaac Taylor,
323. Misrepresented by the Inquirer,

335. A part of the true church of
Christ, 518. Dr. Campbell's history of,
526. Of old Presbyterian societies, 648.
In India, 695. At Stratford, 703.

Vatican MS. of the New Testament, 449.

Wakefield, Rev. Gilbert, 356.
Wallace, Rev. Robert, on the Acts, 102,

Wallace, Rev. Charles, memoir of, 681.
Warrington Academy, 354.
Warwickshire Unitarian Tract Society,

Wellbeloved, Rev. Chas., memoir of, 19.
Testimonial, 26. Works, 32. Trans-
lation of the Bible, 36. Portrait of, 59,
118, 447. Proposed Memoir of, 759.
Memorial, 760.

West-of-England Book and Tract Society,

Western Christian Union, 698.

Whitaker, Rev. John, of Platt, 282.
Whitehead, Rev. James, memoir of, 257.

Turner, Rev. W., of Newcastle, 318, 351, Whitfield, Rev. E., on the Grandeur of

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