페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

Jennings, Mr. 573.

Jenyns, Soame, 68. 106. 509. 593. His "Origin of Evil," 106.
392. His epitaph on Johnson, and Boswell's retaliation,
106. Application of a passage in Horace to, 590. Ilis
"Evidence of the Christian Religion," 593.

Jephson, Robert, Esq.. 86. 205.

Jersey, William, third Earl, 3.

Jervis. Mr., of Birmingham, 21.

-, Elizabeth. (Mrs. Johnson), 24. 78.

Jesuits, destruction of the order of, 468.

Jodrell, Richard Paul, Esq., 643. 754.

Johnson, Michael, father of Samuel, 4, 5. 19. 214. 438. 812.

Mrs., his mother, 5. 7. 19. 23. 114. 812. Her death, 113.
Nathaniel, brother of Samuel, 4. 23.

Mrs., wife of Samuel, 25, 26. 28, 29. 50. 58. 65. 74, 75, 76,
77.81.86. 165. 502, 612. 615.

Andrew, Samuel's uncle, 4. 198. 239. 342. 427.
Thomas, Samuel's cousin, 427.

JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Leading events of his life.

1709. his birth, 4.

inherits a vile melancholy, 4.832.
his account of his family, 812.

traditional stories of his precocity, 6.
afflicted with scrofula, 7.

1712. touched by Queen Anne for the evil, 7.

1716. at school in Lichfield, 7. Boyish days, 8.

1726. removed to the school of Stourbridge, 10.

1727. leaves Stourbridge. J.'s two years at home, 12. 837.
1728. enters at l'emb. Coll., 12. College life, 13. 837-

translates Pope's Messiah," 13.

the "morbid melancholy" increases, 14.

his reading, 16. Specimens of exercises, 17.

1731. quits college, 18.

1732. becomes usher of Bosworth school, 20.
1733. at Birmingham, and translates Lobo, 21.
1734. returns to Lichfield, 22.

proposes to print Politian's poems, 22.
offers to write for the "Gent. Mag.." 23.
1736. marries Mrs. Porter, and opens a school at Edial, 25.
1737. goes to London with Garrick, 27.

retires to lodgings at Greenwich, 29.
designs to translate Father Paul, 29.

returns to Lichfield and finishes" Irene," 29.
removes to London with his wife, 30.

1738. becomes a writer in the "Gent. Mag.," 31.
writes the debates in parliament, 32.

publishes London," sells it for ten guineas, 33.
fails to obtain the degree of A. M., 37.

1739. publishes "Marmor Norfolciense," 40.
1740. writes Lives of Blake, Drake, and Barretier, 43.
1741. translates the " Jests of Herocles," Guyon's Disser-
tation on the Amazons," and Fontenelle's "Panegyric
on Dr. Morin," 44.

1742. writes "Essay on the Account of the Conduct of the
Duchess of Marlborough," Lives of Burman and
of Sydenham, and proposals for "Bibliotheca Har-
leiana," 46.
1743. writes Considerations on the Dispute between Cron-
saz and Warburton," &c., and dedication to Dr. Mead,
of James's" Medicinal Dictionary," 47.

1744. publishes the "Life of Savage," and writes "Preface
to the Harl. Miscell.." 49. 53.

1745. publishes "Miscellaneous Observations on Macbeth,
with Remarks on Hanmer's Shakspeare," 53.
no details of his life for the years 1745-6, 54.
1747. publishes the prospectus of his Dictionary, 56.
forms the King's lead Club, Ivy Lane, 58.

1748. visits Tunbridge Wells, 58.

writes" Life of Roscommon," "Preface to Dodsley's
Preceptor," and Vision of Theodore the Hermit,"

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

his "Irene" acted at Drury Lane, 60.

1750. begins to publish" The Rambler:" his prayer on er m
mencing the undertaking, 62. Writes a prologue for
the benefit of Milton's grand-daughter, 72.
1751. writes Life of Cheynel," Letter for Lauder, and
dedication to Lenox's " Female Quixote,” 72
1752. works at the Dictionary and Rambler, 74.
death of his wife, and grief for her, 75,
writes her funeral sermon and epitaph, 77.
circle of his friends at this time, 79.
1753. writes papers T in " Adventurer," 75.81.
1754. writes"Life of Cave," 84. Visits Oxford, 28.
obtains the degree of A. M. from Oxford, 90.

1755. publishes his Dictionary, 91.

projects a Bibliothèque," 93.

his depressed state of mind, 98.

the Academy della Crusca and the French Academy
present him with their "Dictionaries," s

his scheme of life for Sunday, 99.

1756. publishes an abridgment of Dictionary, 103.*
writes in The Universal Visitor," 103,

edits the "Literary Magazine," 163.
composes sermons for clergymen, 107.
proposes an edition of Shakspeare, 167.

offered a living, but declines taking orders, 167,

1757. dictates a speech at a public meeting on the expedit.ms
to Rochfort, 107.

1758. commences the " Idler," 110.

he breaks up housekeeping, and removes to chambers
in the Temple, 110.

1759. death of his mother, 113.

writes his "Rasselas," to pay for her funeral, 11%
makes an excursion to Oxford, 117.

writes a "Dissertation on the Greek Comedr.” thg
Introduction to " The World Displayed," and Three
Letters concerning Blackfriars' Bridge," 11%.
1760. writes" Address of the Painters to George HII. 'the
dedication to Baretti's Italian Dictionary, zda má
view of Tytler's "Vindication of Mary Queen
Scots," 119.

forms resolutions for his conduct and studies, 119.
1761. writes preface to " Rolt's Dictionary," 121.
1762. writes dedication of Kennedy's Astronomical Che
tology," and preface to the Catalogue of the Artals
exhibition, 121. E

obtains a pension of 3001. a-year, 126.

accompanies Sir Joshua Reynolds into Devon, 127.
1763. writes character of Collins, Life of Ascham,” dedi
cation to Hoole's "Tasso," and Detectiɔn (4 Lær lan
posture of the Cock-lane Ghest, 13.

Boswell becomes acquainted with him, 131.

1764. the "Literary Club" founded, 163.

afflicted with severe hypochondria, 163.

writes review of Grainger's " Sugar Cane,” and of Gua
smith's Traveller," 164.

[blocks in formation]

visits Oxford, Lichfield, and Brightm, 157.
appears at the Old Bailey as a w 'nesa, 47.

1770. publishes "The False Alarm," 213.

1771. publishes "Thoughts on the late Transact, ita fragmb>
ing Falkland's Islands," .

design of bringing him into parliament, 222
prepares a 4th edition of the Dictionary, Zo
1772. writes law arguments for Boswell, 241.
sketches of his state of mind, 247.

1773. publishes new edition of Dictionary, 186.
writes preface to "Macbean's Dict scary a
Geography," 246.

attempts to learn the Low Dutch fyngvazek
journey with Boswell to the Hebrides, 2
presented with the freedom of Aberá vp. 24
1774. writing his “Journey to the Hebrides, &..
visits North Wales with the Ti-raits, 415.
visits Mr. Burke at Beaconsfieht, 423.
writes" The Patriot," 425,

1775. publishes his "Journey to the Hebrides,* £5.
publishes Taxation no fyranay.” 434
receives degree of D.C.L. iron Oxforo, 441
visits France with the Thrales, 4'9

1776. writes proposals for an Analysis of the Crika" Late


JOHNSON, SAMUEL, -continued.

visits Oxford and Lichfield, 481., and Bath, 508.
1777. engages to write "The Lives of the Poets," 530.

writes dedication of the works of Bishop Pearce, 531.
visits Oxford and Derbyshire, 538.

exerts himself in behalf of Dr. Dodd, 541.

1778. his visit to Warley Camp, 618.

squabbles of his inmates, 620.

1779. publishes the first four volumes of "The Lives of the
Poets," 622.

1780. employed on " The Lives of the Poets," G42.

1781. completes his "Lives of the Poets," 665.

death of Mr. Thrale, 681. J. one of his executors, 682.
loses his friend Mr. Strahan, 687.

plans a life of greater diligence, 698.
purposes to study Italian literature, 698.

visits Oxford, Birmingham, and Lichfield, 698.

1782. loses his old friend Robert Levett, 700.
declining state of his health, 702.

visits Oxford, 708.

takes leave of Streatham, 710.

1783. has a stroke of the palsy, 734.

visits Lichfield and Oxford, 736.
founds the Essex Head Club, 746.
troubled with spasmodic asthma, 746.

1784. visits Oxford, 758.

his friends project a tour to Italy, 772. 775, 776.
visits Lichfield, Birmingham, and Oxford, 783.
expiatory visit to Uttoxeter, 791.

details of his last illness and DEATH, 793-807.839-846.
WILL, 801.

FUNERAL in Westminster Abbey, 807.

Monument in St. Paul's, 8C8.

Epitaphs by Mr. Flood and Dr. Parr, 809.

Chronological Catalogue of his PROSE WORKS, 821.
List of various PORTRAITS of him, 811.

List of various intended DESIGNS, 794, 820
RECOLLECTIONS of him by Miss Reynolds, 830.

Miscellaneous Anecdotes of. By Mr. Wickins, 835. By
the Rev. Mr. Parker, by Mrs. Rose, by Mr. Robert
Barclay, by Mr. Green, 836.

Leading points of his habits, manners, and character.
Johnson, his peculiarities of person and manner, 7, 8, 9. 16.
23, 24. 26, 41, 42. 87. 165, 166. 176. 195. 265, 269. 282. 371.
409. 420. 511.

-, very imperfect sight, 466. 511. 835.

inability to discriminate features, 556. 835.
defective hearing, 835.

-, gesticulations, 42. 269. 439.677.

-, peculiar march, 677. Loud tone of voice, 835.

-, remarkable laugh, 457.

heat and irritability of blood, 721.

dress, 269. 606. 832.

general traits of character and mode of living. 8, 9. 12.
18. 24, 25. 36. 41. 48. 51. 58. 63. 79. 81. 216. 268. 371.
morbid melancholy, 14. 42. 91. 98. 116. 165. 188. 211. 269.
336. 482 496. 526. 553. 640. 661. 737. 764. 831.
envy, 51. 134. 600.

uncouth habits, 409. 835.

occasional rudeness, 393. 397. 420. 487. 510. 518. 593. 628.
658. 663. 685. 691.832

readiness to take offence at a slight, 79. 85. 832.

eating, 159, 160. 269. 599. 835., and drinking, 160. 508.
-, respect for birth and family, 220.


profound reverence for the hierarchy, 679.723.
bow to an archbishop, 723.

insensibility to music and painting, 123. 373. 470. 770.

alleged superstition, 165. 228.

personal courage, 430. Activity, 834. 836.

great love of late hours, 563.

disregard of public abuse, 624. 663. 672. 675.
abhorrence of affectation, 662.

love of chemistry, 40. 634.

, knowledge of trades, 348. 355.

extensive knowledge of literary history,

alleged deficiency in Greek, 794, 795.

, power and extent of his memory, 6. 9. 86.

political prejudices, 41.

prejudice against the Scotch, 269. 432, 433.

unjust contempt for foreigners, 659.

oratorical powers, 223.

conversational powers, 58. 216. 267. 630. 692. 738.

dexterity at retort, 719.

bow-wow way of speaking, 439.

mode of reading, 561, and recitation, 834.

rule to talk his best, 719.831.

, great talent for humour, 58.

, powers of improvisation, 471.

dislike to be teased with questions, 585.

extraordinary fertility of his mind, 64.

tenderness, benevolence, humanity, and affability, 19.

48. 77, 78. 113, 114. 118, 119. 127. 163. 166. 187. 217.438.535.
588. 599. 612. 779. 834.

candour and amiableness, 438.

Johnson, ceremony to ladies, 467. 832.
gratitude, 168.

kindness to servants, 722.

constancy to those once employed, 769.
fondness for animals, 722.

charity, 536. 570. 632. 758. 834.

love of the poor, 127. 142. 216. 697.
kindness to authors, 624.

rigid honesty, 18.

early and systematic piety, 5. 15. 24. 41. 100. 113. 792.
inviolable regard to truth, 45. 149. 479. 372.

would only write for pay, 41. 107. 171.

kindness to children, 503. 722.

-, confidence in the efficacy of prayer, 285. 296. 831--834.

, dread of death, 206. 211. 397. 430. 545. 595. 748. 755.

objection to the use of parenthesis, 720.
writing by fits and starts, 789.

-, rapid composition, 59 63. 285. 299. 445. 513. 665, 695.
the "Ramblers" written hastily, 63. 568. 100 lines of
"The Vanity of Human Wishes," in a day, 177. " Rasselas,"
in a week, 115. "False Alarm" in twenty-eight hours,
213. A sermon after dinner, 285. Forty-eight pages of the
"Life of Savage" at a sitting, 285. Six sheets of trans-
lation from the French in a day, 285. "The Patriot"
in one day, 426.

-, at sixty-seven purposes to apply vigorously to the
Greek and Italian languages, 523.

style characterised, 69, 70, 71.582. 666.
various imitations of, 795.

W. S., of Connecticut, Johnson's letter to, 248.
Commodore, 241.

of the lay monastery, 398.

Charles, author of

Adventures of a Guinea," 359.

Samuel, author of "Hurlo Thrumbo," 366.

, the equestrian, 136. 573.

Thomas, 427., and Samuel, 632. 802.

Miss (Mrs. Whiting), 801.

Mrs. (widow of a clergyman), 129.

Johnsoniana," the collection so called, 479. G06.
Johnstone, Arthur, his poems, 156. 294. 750.

Sir James, 757.

Jones, Sir William, 37. 218. 259. 298. 629. 646. 676.
Philip, 483.

Miss, 108.

Jonson, Ben, 72. 404.

Jorden, Rev. Mr, 12, 13. 18. 89. 837.

Jortin, Dr., his sermons, 579. His epitaph, 711.
"Joseph Andrews," Fielding's, 238.

Journal, Johnson advises keeping one, 148, 251. 449. 508. 716.
des Savans, 186.

Journey. See Hebrides.

Jubilee, 198.

Judges, private life of, 402. Trading, 445. Why they should

not hold their places for life, 448.

-, an opinion of the Twelve, 613.
Judgment, 450.

Julian, Emperor, 74.
Julien, M., 298.

Junius, 58. 177. 222. 625. 765.
Juries, 499.

Justamond, J. O., 530.

Juvenal, 33, 34. 59. 390. 581. 617.

-, Holyday's notes on, praised, 841.

[blocks in formation]

Kimchi, Rabbi, 3.
Kindersley, Mr., 740.
Kindness, 555. 709.

King, Dr. William, 92, 93. 117.631. 452.

Dr., on the happiness of a future state, 593.
Archbishop, his "Essay on Evil," 635.
Lord, his Life of Locke," 155.

King, Johnson's interview with the, 185.
Kings, their situation, 144. 151. 185. 343. 670.
Kingsborough, Earldom, 377.

"Kingsburgh," (Alex. Macdonald), 324, 325, 333. 352, 355.
King's-Head Club. 58.

Kippis, Dr., 117. 223. 292. 552, 553. 792. J.'s opinion of, 836.
Knapton, Miss, 56. 96.

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 575.

Knight, Lady, 24. 74. 76. 181. Anecdotes of Johnson, 76. And

of Mrs. Williams, 74. 181.

-, Captain Sir Joseph, 480, 481.

Joseph, the negro, 566.

Knights Templars, College of, 340.

Knitting, 577. Johnson attempts to learn, 449. 758.

Knolies, 27.

Knowledge, 142. 182. 252. 449. 484, 506. 608.

Knowles, Mary, 517, 518. 591, 592, 593. 595. Dialogue with
Johnson, 596.

Knox, John, the reformer, 26. 283, 284.

Rev. Vicesimus, imitates Johnson's style, 70. 773. 797.
Mr. John, opinion of Johnson's "Journey," 431.

Konigsmark, Count, 190.

Kristrom, Mr., 231.

Labefactation of all principles, 453.

La Bletrie, 74.

La Bruyère, 450.

Lactantius, 538.

Lade, Sir John, Johnson's verses on, 805.

Ladies, Johnson's politeness to, 832.

Lafontaine. 61.

Lambesc, Prince, 462.

Landed property, 473.

Landlords, 209. 333. 343. 366. 370. 443. 579.712.
Langley, Rev. Mr., 416.

Charles, Esq., husband of " Alley Croker," 580.
Langton, Bennet, Esq., 8. 29. 59. 79, 80. 85. 108, 109. 112.
121. 128. 163. 177, 178. 188. 194. 197. 203. 222. 260. 263. 265,
266. 292. 298. 337. 378. 413. 428. 430. 445. 451. 457. 479. 486.
509, 510. 523, 524. 528. 537. 548. 556. 570. 579. 583, 589. 597.
602, 603. 614. 618. 646. 662. 680. 686. 703. 736. 740. 756.803.

Johnson's letters to, 95. 108. 112. 121. 177, 178. 188.
222. 225, 226. 413. 451. 457. 535. 620. 697. 703. 740. 751. 779.
786. Character of, 834.

collection of Johnson's sayings, 655.

letter to Boswell, 646.

Miss, Johnson's letter to, 227.

Miss Jane, 427. 565. Johnson's letter to, 753.

Mr., Senior, 260. 509. Mrs., 363.

Peregrine, Esq., his economy, 178.
Bishop, 80.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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Le Despenser, Lord, 35.

Leeds, Francis, Duke of, lines on, 658.

Legitimation by subsequent marriage, 487.

Legrand, 21.

Leibnitz, 231. 363.

Leicester, Dudley, Earl of, 418.

Leinster, Duke of, 198.

Leisure for intellectual improvement, 252.
Leith, 280.

Leland, Rev. Dr. Thomas, 168. 263. 531.600.
Johnson's letter to, 168.
Counsellor, 693.

Leland's "Itinerary," 420.

Leman, Sir William, 53.

Lending money, means of influence, 235.

Lenox, Mrs. Charlotte, 79. 83. 99. 117. 124. 427. 657. 755.
"Leonidas," Glover's, 301.

Le Roy, Mr., 460.

Leslie, Charles, 759.

., John, 284.

Letham, Prior, plane tree there, 286.

Letter-writing, 687.

Letters, the sanctity of private, 193.

"none received in the grave," 806.

Lettsom, Dr., 515.

Levellers, 152.

Lever, Sir Ashton, 775.

Levett, Mr., 19. 49. 62. Johnson's letter to, 48.

Robert, 76. 78. 125. 149. 173. 250, 501, 569, 604, 620, 624.

Johnson's letters to, 421. 459. 463.524.
death, and verses on, 700.

Lewis, David, and his lines on Pope, 765.
Mr. F., 71.

Dean and Mrs., 125.

Lewson, (Leveson), Mrs., 646.
Lexiphanes," Campbell's, 188.
Libels, 366. 479. 499. 527.

from the pulpit, 513.
Liberality, Johnson's, 571.
Liberty, 194. 261.628.

On the dead, 499.

Political, 194. Of conscience, $.

Of conscience and liberty of teaching, distinction be
tween, 730. Of the press, 194. 499. Of the pulpit, 93
523. And necessity, 677.

Libraries, size of several great, 284.

Library, Johnson's, 149. 803.

Licensers of the stage, 40.

Lichfield, its inhabitants, 489.

-, Johnson's visits to, 30. 125. 187. 191. 214, 245, $3.435.
458. 488, 489. 790.

veneration of the corporation of, for Johnson, 790.
Lord, Chancellor of Oxford, 600.

Liddell, Sir Henry, 235.

Lies, 120. 149. 765.

Life, rules for the conduct of, 709.


Johnson's extreme attachment to, 804.

Dryden's philosophical lines on, 764.
human, 773.

reflections on, 124. 127. 179. 214. 511. 524. 337, 538. 716.

on living it over again, 764.

"Lilliburlero," ballad of, its political effects, 446.

Lilliput Parliament, 321.

Lindsay, Lady, 404.

Linen, advantages of wearing, 337.

Linley, Miss, 453.

Linlithgow, 297.

Lintot, the bookseller, 28. 149.

Liquors, Johnson's scale of, 627. 680.

"Literary Anecdotes," Nichols's, 789.

Literary fame, 199. 257. 450.

frauds, 72. 82. 107. 122. 701.

labours, Johnson's, 794.

man, life of, 686.

journals, 186.

property, 149. 264. 279. 286. 411. 693.

Literary Magazine," J.'s contributions to, 103. 107. 109.
Literature, French and English compared, 372.

small quantity of, in the world, 598.

dignity of, 600.

Liturgy of our church commended, 762.

[ocr errors][merged small]
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Lochbuy, the Laird and Lady of, 383, 384.

Loch Lomond, 391. 627.

Lock, William, Esq., 668.

Locke, John, 155. 293. 656.

--, his verses, 293.

plan of education imperfect, 618.

Lockhart, Sir George, 342.

Lockman, Mr., 656.

Lodgings, list of Johnson's various, in London, 30, 58.
Lofft, Capel, Esq., 756.

Loggan's drawing of company at Tunbridge Wells, 26. 58.
Lombe, Mr. John, his silk-mill, 549.

"London," Johnson's poem of, 23. 33. 36, 37. 59.

London, 27, 28. 443. 449. 501. 553. 565. 578. 581. 597. 619. 625.
635, 712. 724. 728. 791.

- field of genius and exertion, 27. Fountain of intelli-
gence and pleasure, 412. Preeminence over every other
place, 625. No place cures vanity so well as, 217.

"Art of Living" in, 28.

[blocks in formation]

Lyttelton, his Life of Henry II., 185. 504. His " Dialogues of the
Dead," 218. 673. His extreme anxiety as an author, 504.
Johnson's life of, 672. 837.

Thomas, the second Lord, 424. 650. His visions, 763.
Lady, 442.

Mr., 224.

Mr. (Lord Westcote) and Miss, 511.

Macallen, Eupham, the fanatic woman, 275.

Macartney, George, Earl of, 124. 437. 501. 577. 646. 658. 673.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, his blundering criticisms on
former edition; on the epigram ad Lauram parituram,
47. On the omission of indecent expressions, 176. On
the execution of Montrose, 367. On Prince Titi, 461. On
Orta Çikoi, 626. One of his suggestions adopted, 484.


Rev. Kenneth, his account of St. Kilda, 191.229.301.457.
Mrs. Catharine, 78. 152. 167. 252. 442. 457. 509. 517.

M'Aulay, Rev. John, 388. 390.

Macbean, Alexander, 39. 57. 246. 502. 654. 684. 774.
Macbeth, 54. 205, 206. 300. 305, 627.
"Maccaroni," 324.

Maccaronic verses, etymology of, 591.
Macclesfield, George, Earl of, 88.

Anne Maron, Countess of, the reputed mother of
Savage, 50, 51. 53.

Macconochie, Mr., afterwards Lord Meadowbank, 566.
Maccruslick, Sandie Macleod, 318. 322.

Macdonald, Sir James, 153. 231. 312, 313. 321. 331. 352. 364.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Colonel, son of Flora, 411.

Macdonalds, the, 383. 410.

Macfarlane, Mr., the antiquary, 314.
McFarquhar, 383.

Macghie, Dr. William, 58, 107.147.399.

Macginnis, Johnson's guide, 382.
McGregor, Clan, 304. 383.

Mac Ian, 383.

Mackenzie, Sir George, 335.

Henry, Esq., 122. His novels, 359.

John, 327, 328.

, clan of, 309.

Mackinnon, Mr., of Corrichatachin and his lady, 314, 315.

329. 353. 355.

Mackinnon's Cave, 380.

Mackintosh, Sir James, 200. 230. 253. 412. 433. 446, 505. 507.
519. 593. 768, 769.

J., watchmaker, 308.

Macklin, Charles, the actor, 131. 495.

Macky, 450.

Maclaurin, Colin, 498. His epitaph, 279.

John, afterwards Lord Dreghorn, 159. 278, 279. 401.
451. 566.

Maclean, Alex., Laird of Col, 299. 379. Alex., his son, 469.
Donald. See Col

Sir Allan, 376. 394. 457. 527. 536.

Rev. Hector, 363.

Dr. Alexander, his description of Johnson, 372, 373. 383.

Captain Laughlan, 362, 363. 366.

Miss, 375.

of Torloisk, 433.

Laird of Lochbuy, 383.

Mr., of Corneck, 366. 369.

Mr., nephew to Laird of the Isle of Muck, 341.

Macleod, General John, Laird of, 299. 312. 317. 321, 333. 336.


Johnson's letter to, 356.

his" Memoirs" of his own life, 321.

Lady, 334, 335. 339, 340, 341. 356.

, some account of, 334.

Miss, of Rasay, 322. 535.

Sir Roderick, 334, 335. 346.

Rev. Neal, 382, 383.

Malcolm, 316. 324. 327. 329. 331.

Alexander, or Sandie, 317, 318. 322. 331. 334.
Mr., of Ulinish, 344, 345.

Professor, 293, 294. 350.

Captain, a Dutch officer, 310.

Colonel, of Talisker, 317, 318. 336. 350. 352.
Doctor, 317. 324. 327, 328, 329.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Medal given to Home by Sheridan, 437.

Medicated baths, 208.

Meditation on a pudding, 387.

Mediterranean, the, 505.

Meeke, Rev. Mr., 89, 90.

Melancholy, 7. 15. 28. $1. 152. 188. 336. 482,496. 522 525.13
640. 643. 661. 737. 831.

Johnson's remedy against, 152. 482. 496. 553. 621.
Johnson projects a history of his, 189.
Melancthon, Boswell's letter from the tomb of, 533, 54.
Melcombe, George Bubb Dodington, Lord, 65, 6x. 674.
Melmoth, William, Esq., 645. His" Letters
Member of Parliament, duty on election committee, 575
Memis, Dr., 428. 430, 454. 525, 527.

quoted 76

Memory, 6. 221. 266. 285. 392. 559. 636. 658. 693, 833.
"Menagiana," 259, 468. 605. 612, 718.

Mental diseases, how to be treated, 152. 482.

Menzies, Mr., of Culdares, 402.

Merchants, 139. 170. 378. Enlarged views of our great, 65
Mercheta Mulierum, 376.

Mercier's Tableau de Paris, 452.

Merit, intrinsic, 151. Meu of, not neglected, 715.
Metaphysical tailor, 720.

Metaphysics, 16.

Metcalfe, Philip, Esq., 521. 710, 752.

Method, advantages of, 524.

Methodism, 216.

[blocks in formation]

Rev. Joseph Milner's defence of, 156.

Meynell, Hugh, Esq., 20. His saying of London, €26.
Mickle, William Julius, 241. 248. 346. 386, 387. 506.

his Lusiad," 506. 744.

Microscopes, 186.

Micyllus, Jacobus, 416.

Middle state, doctrine of a, 77. 389.

rank, in France, want of, 462. 466.

Middlesex election, 213. 637.

Middleton, Lady Diana, 295.

Midgeley, Dr. Samuel, 723.

Midnight Conversation," Hogarth's, 614.

Migration of birds, 260.

Military character, respect paid to, 203. 497.

Miller, Andrew, the bookseller, anecdotes of, 56. 94. 630.
Lady, her vase at Bath-Easton, 442.

Sir John, 443, 515.

Professor John, 393.

Captain and Mrs., 442.

[ocr errors]

Philip, his
Milman, Mr., 445.

Gardener's Dictionary," 298.

Milner, Rev. Joseph, his defence of the Methodists, 155.

-, Dr. Isaac, 156.

Milton, 2. 58. 69. 72. 258, 259. 269. 385. 420. 468. 618, £
636. 6G0.667. 675, 678. 763. 771.

his Tractate on Education," 618.

his picture of man, 678.

Lauder's forgery against, 72.

"The Apotheosis of," not written by Johnson, 48.
his granddaughter, Johnson's prologue tor, 72.
Johnson's Life of, 667.

Johnson abhors his politics, but just to his poetical

inerit, 72. 258.

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