페이지 이미지
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The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme. Instructs him to express to foreign office views of United States re report that China must resort to foreign loan to continue Whangpoo conservancy work. Same subject. Incloses copies of correspondence with foreign office re present status of work. Agreement between China and Japan relative to Chientao, and concerning mines and railways in Manchuria. (Same as telegram of Nov. 11, 1909, to embassy at Tokyo.) Same subject. Gives China's understanding of article 4 of agreement of Sept. 4 with Japan concerning Manchuria.

Same subject. (Same as telegram of Nov. 16, 1909, 12 noon, to embassy at London.) The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme. Approves his action re Aide Memoire to the Chinese Government from diplomatic body concerning Whangpoo River work.

Agreements between China and Japan relative to Chientao, and concerning mines and railways in Manchuria. Incloses reply of Chinese Government to inquiry of United States re Chinese-Japanese agreement relative to Manchuria. The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme. Asks department's views re revival of provisions of Whangpoo conservancy protocol of 1901 in case China fails to carry out agreement of 1905. Same subject. Expresses satisfaction that work on the Whangpoo is to be resumed. Desires to know how China proposes to provide funds for the work.

Same subject. Reports relative to rumored loan by British capitalists to carry on Whangpoo River conservancy work.

Same subject. Says while department is of opinion that Whangpoo conservancy protocol of 1901 with China may be enforced, thinks revival of its provisions inadvisable.

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826 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Merry.... July 2

July 21 Mr. Calvo to Mr. Knox..... July 24

Fourth International Sanitary Convention to be held at San Jose, Costa Rica, Dec. 25, 1909-Jan. 2, 1910. States that copies of the call for the assembling of the convention have been transmitted to each diplomatic mission in the Western Hemisphere. Arbitration convention between the United States and Costa Rica. Text. Fourth International Sanitary Convention to be held at San Jose, Costa Rica, Dec. 25, 1909-Jan. 2, 1910. Transmits formal invitation to the United States to be represented at the Fourth International Sanitary Conference.




22591°-FR 1909-IV

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Severing of diplomatic relations between the United States and Nicaragua. Reports revolution in Nicaragua.

Same subject. Reports offensive invasion of Costa Rica by Nicaraguan army while fighting revolutionists.

Same subject. Department expresses hope that Costa Rica will continue to take means to compel faithful observance of treaties of Washington. Same subject. Says Costa Rican President promises adherence to Washington conventions. Same subject. Quotes department's reply to representations on behalf of Costa Rica, Salvador, and Guatemala relative to Washington conventions. Same subject. Quotes note of Dec. 1 to the Nicaraguan chargé.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][ocr errors]

Same subject. Transmits message of Zelaya tendering his resignation as President of Nicaragua. Fourth International Sanitary Convention to be held €52 at San Jose, Costa Rica, Dec. 25, 1909-Jan. 2, 1910. Reports first meeting on Dec. 25 of Fourth International Sanitary Convention.

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Memorandum from the Jan. 23
French Embassy.

Memorandum to the Jan. 28
French Embassy.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Jusserand Apr. 30

Execution of provisions of act of Algeciras. Asks if
United States has objection to France and Spain
being intrusted for another year with duty of pre-
venting smuggling of contraband into Morocco.
Same subject. Says the United States has no ob-
jection to France and Spain being intrusted for
another year with duty of preventing smuggling of
contraband into Morocco.

Termination of commercial agreement between the
United States and France. Informs him of ter-
mination of commercial agreements between the
United States and France under new tariff act.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. White...do..... Same subject. Quotes note of Apr. 30 to the French

Mr. Knox to Mr. White (telegram).

ambassador in Washington re termination of com-
mercial agreements with France.





Mr. White to Mr. Knox telegram).

June 9
June 10

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Same to same (telegram)... June 12

Mr. Wilson to Mr. White... June 19

Same to same (telegram)... July 9
Same to same (telegram)... July 27
Mr. Knox to Mr. Lèfevre- Aug. 7

Mr. Lefevre-Pontalis to Mr.

Same subject. Reports attitude of French Govern-
ment re American participation in Chinese railway

Same subject. Minister for foreign affairs surprised
that United States did not make known desire to
participate before signature of Chinese loan agree-

Revolution in Turkey. Directs him to convey to
French Government expression of United States
appreciation for aid rendered to Americans in

Hukuang loan. See telegram of this date to Great

Same subject. See telegram of this date to China...
Termination of commercial agreement between the
United States and France. Informs him as to
effect of new tariff act on commercial agreements
between the United States and France.

Aug. 10 Same subject. Asks reasons for differential treat-
ment by United States re termination of commer-
cial agreements with France and those with other

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Lèfevre- Aug. 23

Mr. Lefevre-Pontalis to Mr. Aug. 25

Same to same.

Same subject. Informs him as to differential treat-
ment re termination of commercial agreements
with the United States and France and those with
other countries.

Same subject. Asks whether the President has not
some constitutional means of postponing enforce-
ment of duties in new tariff against French products.

Aug. 28 Continued enjoyment of administrative provisions of
commercial agreement between the United States
and Germany. Asks if France will enjoy a con-
tinuance of the present tariff rules until Feb. 7,
1910, the same as Germany.
Joint international commission for the investigation
of the opium question in the Far East. (Same as
Sept. 21, 1909, to the Italian ambassador.)

Mr. Knox to Mr. Lefèvre- Sept. 21


Mr. Adee to Mr. Lèfevre-

Oct. 8 Termination of commercial agreements between the
United States and France. Says there is no con-
stitutional means available to the President of the
United States of extending provisions of commer-
cial agreements with France.
Same subject. Says as date of termination of com-
mercial agreements between the United States and
France falls on Sunday, arrangements have been
made to keep French customshouse open on that

Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Knox. Oct. 27




187 249








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Mr. Wilson to Mr. White Oct. 30
Mr. Knox to Mr. Jusserand. Nov. 5



Mr. Wilson to Mr. White

Nov. 16

Hukuang loan. See telegram of this date to China..
Termination of commercial agreements between the
United States and France. Says United States
customhouse will remain open on Sunday, Oct. 31,
as date of termination of commercial agreements
with France falls on that day.
Agreements between China and Japan relative to
Chientao, and concerning mines and railways in
Manchuria. (Same as telegram of Nov. 16, 1909,
12 noon, to embassy at London).

Mr. Knox to Mr. Jusserand. Nov. 18 Continued enjoyment by France of administrative

Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Knox. Nov. 27

Same to same.

Nov. 29

Same to same..

Dec. 1

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provisions of commercial agreement between the
United States and Germany. Explains how the
new administrative provisions of the United States
tariff law are to apply to French products.
Readmission of French citizens to United States on
return from military service in France. Protests
against refusal of immigration authorities to admit
Frenchman into United States on his return from
military service in France.
Same subject. Protests against treatment accorded
citizens returning from military service in France
by the United States immigration authorities.
Continued enjoyment by France of administrative
provisions of commercial agreement between the
United States and Germany. Expresses thanks
for department's statement re application to French
products of provisions of commercial agreement
with Germany.

9 Hukuang loan. Directs him to endeavor to have
foreign office induce French bankers to complete

Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Knox. Dec. 14

Readmission of French citizens to United States on
return from military service in France. Again
calls attention to cases.

Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Knox. Dec. 16 Hukuang loan. Says French Government will not

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Jusserand Dec. 21

Mr. Knox to Mr. Blanchard Dec. 27

approve Chinese loan agreement until British
group agrees to equal share for French.
Readmission of French citizens to United States on
return from military service in France. Further
discusses the question, and holds that previous
residence, while a factor to be considered, is non-
conclusive of rights to reenter United States.
The Hukuang loan. Suggests certain concessions
in Chinese loan agreement. Instructs him to as-
certain if proposal is acceptable to French Govern-














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Prohibition against acceptance of foreign appoint-
ments by American consular officers. Asks if
American consular agent at Tripoli can accept ap-
pointment as German vice consul at that place.
Same subject. Informs him that a person holding
office under the United States can not accept office
from a foreign State without consent of Congress.
Citizenship of Mrs. I. Mathias. Instructs him to in-
vestigate case of Mrs. Mathias, divorced wife of an
American citizen, who wishes to enter a German
sanitarium for the insane on same grounds as a
German subject.

Count von Bernstorff to Feb. 16 Prohibition against acceptance of foreign appoint-
Mr. Bacon.

Mr. Hill to Mr. Bacon..... Feb. 24

28 Mr. Bacon to Count von Feb. 27 Sternburg.

ments by American consular officers. Asks that
Congress be asked to consent to the appointment
of American consular agent at Tripoli as German
vice consul at that place.
Information necessary for presentation of military
service cases to German Government. Re military
service case of Gottlob Blickle, outlines necessary
formalities in such cases.

Prohibition against acceptance of foreign appoint-
ments by American consular officers. Says de-
partment hesitates to set a precedent by asking
consent of Congress in this case.







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Mr. Knox to Count von Apr. 19 Prohibition against acceptance of foreign appoint-

Mr. Wilson to Count von

Mar. 2 Citizenship of Mrs. I. Mathias. Says as Mrs. Mathias
was granted an absolute divorce from her American
husband and is therefore no longer held to be an
American citizen, objection to her entrance into
a German asylum would appear to be removed.
ments by American consular officers. Informs
him that the American consular agent at Tripoli
has been instructed to exercise good offices for Ger-
man interests and subjects in Tripoli.
Termination of commercial agreement between the
United States and Germany. Notice of termina-
tion of commercial agreements under act of July
24, 1897.

Apr. 30

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hill (tel- ...do..... Same subject. Quotes note of Apr. 30, 1909, to the egram).

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German ambassador in Washington re termination
of commercial agreements between the United
States and Germany.

Information necessary for presentation of military
service cases to the German Government. Fur-
nishes the information requested.

The Hukuang loan. Reports German view re loan
for construction of Hankow-Szechwan railway in







Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill (tele-...do..... gram).

Mr. Hill to Mr. Knox (tele- June 16 gram).

Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great



Same subject. Transmit memorandum from for-
eign office re American participation in Hankow-
Szechwan loan.

Same to same (telegram)... June 22 Same subject. Says German Government has recom

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hill (tel- June 25 egram).

Mr. Hill to Mr. Knox (tele- June 29

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hill (tel- July 9
Same to same (telegram)... July 27
Aug. 1
Mr. Knox to Count von Aug. 7

mended to their bankers American participation
in Chinese loan.


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Same subject. Transmits copy of note from the
German foreign office re termination of commer-
cial agreement.
Information necessary for presentation of military
service cases to German Government. Reports re
military service case of Gottlob Blickle.
Joint international commission for the investigation
of the opium question in the Far East. (Same as
Sept. 21, 1909, to the Italian ambassador.)
Sept. 24 Termination of commercial agreement between the
United States and Germany. Says commercial
agreement between the United States and Ger-
many terminates Feb. 7, 1910.





Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hill
Same to same (telegram)...

Oct. 30
Nov. 16

Hukuang loan. (See telegram of this date to China.).



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Agreements between China and Japan relative to
Chientao, and concerning mines and railways in
Manchuria. (Same as telegram of Nov. 16, 1909,
12 noon, to embassy at London.)
Hukuang loan. (See telegram of this date to Great

Same subject. Gives terms of Germany's approval
of appointment of American engineer for section of
Hukuang Railway.

Same subject. Says United States is joining with
British Government in urging France to sign Chi-
nese loan agreement. Expresses hope that Ger-
many will take similar action.




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