페이지 이미지
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Mr. Durand to Mr. Adee... July 25

Mr. Adee to Mr. Durand... Aug. 3

Mr. Durand to Mr. Loomis. Sept. 19

Mr. Loomis to Mr. Durand. Sept. 27


Mr. Bryce to Mr. Root..... Mar. 27
Mr. Howard to Mr. Adee... Aug. 11

Mr. Adee to Mr. Howard... Sept. 5
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Bacon.... Sept. 25
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryce.... Sept. 29
Mr. Root to Messrs. Stock- Nov. 21
ton and Wilson.

Hukuang loan. British Government thinks time
has come for China to fulfill promise re railway
construction. Asks if American capitalists still
wish to participate.
Same subject. Says department has not been in-
formed of intentions of American capitalists re
participation in railway construction in China.
Same subject. Asks i department has heard any-
thing from American capitalists as to participation
in Chinese railway construction.
Same subject. Says notwithstanding publicity
given matter, department has no intimation from
American capitalists as to participation in Chinese
railway construction.

International Naval Conference. Proposes confer


Same subject. Submits memorandum embodying
British views as to scope of London Naval Confer-


Same subject. Submits views of United States in re
London Naval Conference.

Same subject. Outlines views of British Govern-
ment in re naval conference to be held in London.
Same subject. His note of the 25th instant will have
the department's consideration.










Same subject. Instructions to delegates appointed
to represent the United States.




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Memorandum to the Brit- Jan. ish embassy.

Mr. Root to Mr. Bryce..... Jan. 16

Mr. Bacon to Mr. Reid Jan. 26 (telegram).

Joint international commission for the investigation
of the opium question in the Far East. Says
Austria-Hungary and Italy have been invited to
participate in opium commission.

Mr. Root to Mr. Bryce..... Jan. 27 Special agreement between the United States and

Great Britain relating to North Atlantic fisheries.
Refers to understanding as to special agreement
between the United States and Great Britain re-
garding North Atlantic fisheries, and gives views
as to question 5 of agreement.

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Root........do..... Same subject. Refers to special agreement between

the United States and Great Britain re North At-
lantic fisheries, and gives views of British Govern-
ment as to question 5 of agreement.

Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryce.... Feb. 20 Exemption of Colombian war vessels from the pay

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ment of Panama Canal tolls. Assures British
Government that free passage of Colombian war-
ships through Panama Canal will not constitute a
precedent for the exception of any other nation.
Special agreement between the United States and
Great Britain relating to North Atlantic coast
fisheries. Advises him of ratification of special
agreement between the United States and Great
Britain re North Atlantic coast fisheries.
Exemption of Colombian war vessels from the pay-
ment of Panama Canal tolls. Says, in view of de-
partment's assurances, British Government with-
draws contemplated protest against free passage of
Colombian war vessels through Panama Canal.
International Naval Conference. Report of dele-
gates appointed to represent the United States.
4 Special agreement between the United States and
Great Britain relating to North Atlantic coast
fisheries. Text.

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Bacon.... Feb. 24

Messrs. Stockton and Wilson to Mr. Bacon.

Mar. 2

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Bacon.......do..... Same subject. Says British Government confirms special agreement between the United States and Great Britain re North Atlantic coast fisheries.

Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryce... ...do..... Same subject. Advises him that this Government

76 Mr. Innes to Mr. Knox..... Mar. 25

considers the special agreement between the
United States and Great Britain re North Atlantic
coast fisheries as in full force and effect from and
after Mar. 4, 1909.

International Naval Conference. Informs depart-
ment of closing of naval conference and expresses
gratitude for United States' attitude toward con-











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1909. Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce.... Mar. 31


Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (tele- Apr. 18
Same to same.

Apr. 21

Apr. 23

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid
Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox (tele- Apr. 25

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryce... Apr. 30

Same subject. Says department is gratified to learn
that the attitude of the United States at London
Naval Conference was satisfactory to British Gov-

Revolution in Turkey. (Repeats telegram of Apr.
18 to embassy at Constantinople.)
Payment of income taxes by American consular off-
cers in Great Britain. Incloses department memo-
randum re payment of income taxes in Great
Britain by American consular officers.
Revolution in Turkey. Asks what steps are being
taken for protection of foreigners.

Same subject. Says he is assured British warships
sent to Turkish waters adequate to protect Amer-
icans as well as British.

Termination of commercial agreements between the
United States and Great Britain. Notice of termi-
nation under new tariff law of commercial agree-
ments between Great Britain and the United

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid...do..... Same subject. Quotes note of Apr. 30, 1909, to the


Mr. Wilson to Mr. Carter... May
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (tele-


June 2





Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid.... June 3

Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox...... June 8

Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid...... June 9

British ambassador in Washington re termination
of commercial agreement with Great Britain.
Revolution in Turkey. Expresses thanks for pro-
tection of American citizens.

The Hukuang loan. Instructed to report views of
British foreign office re China's assurances of 1904
concerning railway loans.

Same subject. Incloses copies of correspondence re
China's assurances of 1904 concerning railway

Same subject. Incloses foreign office correspond-
ence re British views concerning railway construc-
tion in China.

Revolution in Turkey. Directs him to express to
the British Government this Government's appre-
ciation for assistance rendered Americans in Tur-

Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (tele- ...do..... The Hukuang loan. Informs foreign office that

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox.... June 14

United States favors formation of American, Brit-
ish, French, and German financial group in China.
Thinks British and American capital should have
prior consideration.

Same subject. Says British Government expresses
hope that United States will not place obstacles in
way of Chinese loan agreement in view of state-
ment that American financiers had not intimated
desire to participate.

Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox..... June 16 Investigation of affairs in the Kongo. Transmits

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correspondence between the British foreign office
and the Belgian minister relative to the annexation
of the Independent State of the Kongo by Belgium.
Payment of income taxes by American consular offi-
cers in Great Britain. Says British Government
is unable to grant exemption from income tax to
foreign consular officers.

Revolution in Turkey. Directs him to convey to
British Government expression of United States'
appreciation for aid rendered to Americans in

The Hukuang loan. Says Great Britain approves
American participation in Hankow-Szechuen loan
to China.

Same subject. Says United States can not relin-
quish its right to American participation in Han-
kow-Szechuen loan.

Same subject. Explains attitude of Great Britain
re American participation in Hankow-Szechuen
loan to China.

Same subject. Incloses correspondence with Brit-
ish foreign office re American participation in
Hankow-Szechuen loan to China.

Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (tele- June 30 Same subject. Instructs him to telegraph provision

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid July 9

in Hankow-Szechuen loan agreement for supply-
ing materials.

Same subject. Says United States must have equal
participation in Hankow-Szechuen loan and will
not withdraw protest at Peking.

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1909. Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox.... July 13

Mr. Adee to Mr. Bryce..... July 21





International Naval Conference.

Says all powers

who took part in London Naval Conference have
signed the declaration of London.
Same subject. Acknowledges note stating that all
powers taking part in naval conference have signed
declaration of London.

Mr. Reid to Sir E. Grey.... July 22 Agreement affected by exchange of notes between

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid July 27
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce.... Aug. 6

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox.... Sept. 7

Same to same..
Sept. 8
Sir E. Grey to Mr. Carter.....do.....

Mr. Adee to Mr. Bryce (tele-

Sept. 11

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox.... Sept. 20
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce.... Sept. 21

Mr. Adee to Mr. Bryce..... Sept. 23


Mr. Bryce to Mr. Adee..... Oct. 14



Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid

Oct. 17

Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox..... Oct. 20
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryce... Oct. 26

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid Oct. 30
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (tele- Nov. 11

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid

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United States and Great Britain-Newfoundland
fisheries. Suggests renewal of modus vivendi of
1908 between the United States and Great Britain
re North Atlantic coast fisheries.
Hukuang loan. See telegram of this date to China..
Termination of commercial agreement between the
United States and Great Britain. Informs him
that the commercial agreement of 1907 between
Great Britain and the United States, will expire
Feb. 7, 1910.

Extension of provisions of extradition treaties be-
tween the United States and Great Britain to
British protectorates. Refers to law enacted rela-
tive to surrender of fugitive criminals between
British protectorates and foreign States and their
dependencies, and incloses list of British protec-
torates in Africa.

The Hukuang loan. Submits proposal for solution
of difficulties re Chinese railway loan negotiations.
Agreement affected by exchange of notes between
United States and Great Britain-Newfoundland
fisheries. Says British Government agrees to
renewal of modus vivendi of 1908 between the
United States and Great Britain re North Atlantic
coast fisheries.

The Hukuang loan. Says United States has sub-
mitted to China terms of American participation
in loan, and that British suggestion can not be
considered while these negotiations are pending.
International Naval Conference. Transmits copy of
final protocol of London Naval Conference.
Joint international commission for the investiga-
tion of the opium question in the Far East. (Same
as Sept. 21, 1909, to the Italian ambassador.)
Extension of provisions of extradition treaties be-
tween the United States and Great Britain to
British protectorates. Gives views of depart-
ment re the surrender of fugitive criminals be-
tween British protectorates and foreign States.
International Naval Conference. Transmits copy
of circular dispatch inviting accession to the decla-
ration of London of all the nonsignatory powers.
The Hukuang loan. Instructs him to inform depart-
ment as to British attitude re American participa-
tion in Chinese railway loan.

Same subject. Transmits British foreign office
memorandum re Chinese railway loan negotiations.
International Naval Conference, London, Dec. 4,
1908-Feb. 26, 1909. Gives department's views
relative to circular inviting accession to declara-
tion of London of all nonsignatory powers.
Hukuang loan. See telegram of this date to China.
Same subject. Says Germany favors American
terms of participation in Chinese loan. Expresses
hope that Great Britain will issue instructions to
bankers to sign agreement.

Nov. 16 Agreements between China and Japan relative to
Chientao, and concerning mines and railways in
Manchuria. Transmits official statement given
out by the department relative to assurances given
by China and Japan as to concessions in Manchuria.
The Hukuang loan. Transmits memorandum from
British foreign office containing British views re
Chinese loan negotiations


Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (tele- Nov. 17

Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox...... Nov. 29

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Murder of William Wright, an American citizen, in Guatemala. Instructs him to investigate, and if facts are as reported to request prompt punishment of murderers.

Same subject. Reports in re his investigation... Same subject. Instructs him to demand the dismissal of García, the jefe politico. Same subject. Says department approves steps taken and awaits result.

Same subject. Reports results of his investigation, and incloses copy of note to foreign office demanding dismissal of jefe politico at Livingston. Same subject. Approves his course, and instructs to keep department advised of his representations to Guatemalan Government. Same subject. Transmits copies of notes from the Guatemalan foreign office in re removal of Alberto García as jefe politico of Livingston. Same subject. Says there was no friction with Guatemalan Government as result of removal of Alberto García. Will continue to give attention to arrest and punishment of murderers of William Wright.

Same subject. Says department is gratified to learn that Guatemalan Government has removed Alberto García as jefe politico of Livingston. Same subject. Approves his course in matter of removal of Alberto García as jefe politico of Livingston, and instructs him to continue to give attention to arrest and punishment of murderers of William Wright. Application to American citizens of Guatemalan decree providing for imprisonment, in case of fire, of beneficiary of insurance policy. Transmits translation of Guatemalan decree regarding fire insurance.












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1909. Mr. Heimké to Mr. Knox.. Sept. 21


Mr. Adee to Mr. Sands....


Same to same.

Same to same.

Murder of William Wright, an American citizen, in
Guatemala. Reports arrest and imprisonment of
principal aggressor in murder of William Wright
in Guatemala.
Oct. 7 Application to American citizens of Guatemalan de-
cree providing for imprisonment, in case of fire, of
beneficiary of insurance policy. Instructs him to
say that department deems the decree of the
Guatemalan Government regarding fire insurance
a wide departure from correct juridical principles.
Oct. 12 Jurisdiction of American consular officers over
estates of American citizens dying abroad. In-
structs him to caution consular officers in Guate-
mala as to the extent of their jurisdiction in wind-
ing up estates.

Oct. 22 Murder of William Wright, an American citizen, in
Guatemala. Referring to arrest of principal ag-
gressor in murder of William Wright, says depart-
ment awaits further proceedings in case.

Mr. Sands to Mr. Knox.... Nov. 1 Application to American citizens of Guatemalan de


Same to same.

Nov. 24

cree providing for imprisonment, in case of fire, of
beneficiary of insurance policy. Transmits copy
of his note to Guatemalan foreign office setting
forth department's views regarding fire insurance

Same subject. Transmits copy of note from Guate-
malan foreign office acknowledging his note
setting forth views as to Guatemalan decree inr e
fire insurance.







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Mr. Bacon to Mr. Fiallos...do.... Same subject. Sends greeting on opening of Central

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Mr. Root to Mr. Muñoz ...do .... Same subject. Expresses thanks for announcement (telegram).

Mr. Brown to Mr. Knox... Aug. 12 Application of Honduranean navigation laws to

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foreign vessels. Transmits correspondence in re
proposed nationalization of vessels owned by for-
eigners residing in Honduras.
Honduranean law respecting registration of foreign-
ers. Refers to the arrest and detention of John
Hulse, an American citizen, and incloses copies of
notes exchanged with the Honduranean foreign
office on the question of registration.
Application of Honduranean laws to foreign vessels.
Gives department's view.
Honduranean law respecting registration of foreign-
ers. Approves his action regarding the arrest and
detention in Honduras of John Hulse, an American
citizen, and gives department's views in re matric-
ulation of foreigners as a condition precedent to
recognition of their nationality.




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