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HAVE felt for a long time that one of the greatest wants of the English Church is a MANUAL, or FORM OF PRIVATE DEVOTION, of some such kind as the present, to put into the hands of her sons and daughters; for though there are many truly excellent devotional works, I know of none to take the place which the present one is intended to occupy, and which it is humbly hoped it may supply, to the glory of GOD, in the edification of souls by the HOLY SPIRIT, to their salvation, through the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

It is well known how much a good title to a book has to do with its making its way to popularity, and therewith and thereby to its usefulness, and that even when it intrinsically deserves the most extensive circulation, irrespective of any such adventitious aid.

Being well aware of this, I had long appreciated the name given to the book of which many of the following pages form not only the best portion, but in truth the only portion that can be considered good by an English Churchman.

I need scarcely observe, that our Reformers, in retaining the Old Faith, while they preserved everything in the Book of Common Prayer that was Catholic and ancient, removed everything that was uncatholic and modern. In the same way, I have been careful to keep only those portions of the present book that were of the former character, and as such deserve the happy title of the GARDEN OF THE SOUL, and to omit everything that was of the latter and later kind.

To Members of the Church of England it will be need. less to give the evident and Scriptural reasons of this; but for others I may here say that, even independent of those, there are abundant grounds for such omissions, as furnished by the records and writings of foreign divines, which exhibit such wide differences of opinion on all the points of doctrine referred to, such as the worship, in any way or degree, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Invocation of Saints,

the doctrine of the Mass, and Prayers to or for the Dead, as either without warrant of Holy Scripture or plainly repugnant to the Word of GOD.

The principal feature of the PARADISE OF THE SOUL is its completeness as a MANUAL OF DEVOTION, for it blends solid instruction with prayer, and provides the Churchman with all that is requisite to sanctify every day, and in more special manner the LORD'S Day, whether by public, or domestic, or personal acts of worship. It contains, moreover, many favourite devotions, as well as fuller instructions and prayers for the solemn duty of receiving the Holy Communion. It is humbly hoped that every one will approve the design of bringing so useful a book within the reach of our brethren and sisters. He who has undertaken the direction of this edition has considered it a work of charity, tending, both of itself and in its consequences, to the honour of GOD, and to the diffusion of true piety towards Him. And this encourages him to hope that GOD'S blessing will be upon his work. To Him he consequently commends it. May those who use this little book sometimes, of their charity, remember before GOD to ask for His blessing on it. A few short prayers of his own have been added at the beginning, and some others, taken from, in the hope that they may be the means of keeping many in, the "NARROW WAY."

The size of this book will make it as convenient, as it is humbly hoped it will be found useful, to take on a journey and read from time to time when travelling, as well as daily when at home.

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Instructions and Devotions for the

As soon as you are awake, give your first thoughts to

LORY be to GOD the FATHER, Who created me, to GOD the SON, Who redeemed me, to GOD the HOLY GHOST, Who sanctifieth me, both now and for ever.


While you are dressing, try to think of your Saviour, the mercies of God, your own sinfulness, and the temptations before you, or say some Psalm or Hymn. When you are dressed, say your morning prayers before you do anything else. These must be said well, if you wish to spend the day well. Think Whom you are to pray to, and that you must speak to GOD with great reverence, and sorrow for your sins.

Remember that you are in GOD'S Presence.

BELIEVE, O most mighty GOD, that Thou art

I indeed present, and that no thought, word, or deed of mine is hidden from Thee. I am not worthy to come before Thee. Have mercy on me, and help me by Thy HOLY SPIRIT to lift up my soul to Thee, for CHRIST'S sake. Amen.

Thank GOD for His mercies.

LORY be to Thee, O most blessed LORD GOD,
for all Thy mercies to me.
Thou hast made me

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