페이지 이미지

Mr. PRESIDENT: It is a comforting thought that-
It is not all of life to live,

Nor all of death to die.

That in this life we may reasonably look beyond for something better, and that when death comes we may confidently accept the words of Kant, and say, "The other world is not another place, but another view;" or, as another has said, "Death is not the end of life, but an event in life."

Mr. President, MARRIOTT BROSIUS was my friend, and the few words that I shall speak to-day will be uttered simply as a tribute of friendship, leaving to others the recital of his public career as an honored Representative of the great State of Pennsylvania, which Commonwealth he so long served with distinguished fidelity and acknowledged ability.

For six years it was my privilege to live under the same roof with Mr. BROSIUS, and thus to observe him in his daily walk and conversation. During all that time I never knew him to speak a harsh word or to utter a sentence that might not have been spoken in any presence. He was a genial, kind-hearted, broad-minded, generous man-a Christian gentleman in the truest sense of the term. A tender husband, a loving father, a patriotic and high-minded citizen, a loyal friend-what better tribute can be paid to his memory? How well I remember his cordial greeting, his helpful words, his bright and witty sayings. In his presence there was constant sunshine; in his soul, perpetual tenderness and love.

Mr. BROSIUS was simple and democratic in his tastes, yet he was a true aristocrat, the manifestations of which are integrity,

courtesy, and honor. So far as I know, he had the respect and confidence of all with whom he came in social or official contact. His cheerfulness was contagious, his courtesy unvarying, and his sense of honor beyond criticism. If he ever was misunderstood or misrepresented, he gave answer in kind words and in a life fashioned upon generous lines and high ideals. He was a sincere man. There were no shams or hypocrisies in his nature. What he professed to believe he believed with all his heart. He lived above the little meannesses and frivolities of life, with aspirations for better things than the husks and follies of this world.

At his home and throughout his Congressional district he was trusted and loved by all classes, and in the performance of his public duties was beyond criticism, being patient, consistent, and honest in all things. He attended promptly to all the little matters that come to a man in public life, and at the same time did not neglect the larger affairs of legislation and statecraft, paying special attention to the great questions of currency and finance. He was a friend of the deserving poor, an ardent sympathizer with the soldiers of the country, of which he was one, carrying through life the proof of his service in at badly crippled arm. He was loyal in his friendships, popular among his associates, eloquent in debate, and enthusiastic in the advocacy of any cause in which he became thoroughly enlisted. In short, Mr. BROSIUS was a well-rounded and thoroughly selfpoised man, whose service to the country, both in peace and war, will not be forgotten, and whose memory will be held in tender remembrance by all who were privileged to enjoy his friendship. He was withal a true American, deeply interested in the educational and moral progress of State and nation. Such men shed luster on the institutions of our country, and greatly contribute to the welfare and advancement of all classes of our people.

Mr. President, on a bleak and dreary day I stood by the open grave of my friend. A great concourse of people had come from far and near to testify, by their presence and their tears, the loss that they had sustained. The beautiful home was crowded with men and women who felt that they had sustained a personal loss; and when all that was mortal of MARRIOTT BROSIUS had been consigned to the tomb, in a spot from which a great sweep of hill and valley delights the eye, a solemn hush fell upon all, and the voice of grief came up from many hearts in audible expression. And then to some of us came the beautiful words of dear Phillips Brooks:

* * *

If we could only know the presence of God into which our friend enters on the other side, the higher standards, the larger fellowship with all his race, and the new assurance of the personal immortality with God; if we could know all this, how all else would give way to something almost like a burst of triumph as the soul that we loved went forth to such vast enlargement, to such glorious consummation of its life.

Mr. President, in that wonderful lecture of Ruskin's on "The Mystery of Life" are to be found the loftiest and grandest sentiments that should govern and control the human will— the subordination of evil, and the cultivation of the pure, the noble, and the true. Our friend lived up to that standard. The Golden Rule was his watchword, and the principles of the Christian religion his guiding star. Thus living and thus dying, may it not truthfully be said of him:

Life's race well run,
Life's work all done,

Life's victory won,

Now cometh rest.


Mr. PRESIDENT: Upon a sudden request, with which my heart bids me to comply, I rise to speak a few unstudied words in tribute to the memory of MARRIOTT BROSIUS.

I esteemed and shall always esteem it an honor that I knew him and was admitted to his friendship. He possessed in more than an ordinary degree the qualities which compel not only respect but admiration and which invited confidence.

He realized, as a member of Congress, that this is a great people, a great Government, with vast, far-reaching, and complicated interests which can only be conserved by the wise solution of troublesome problems demanding the utmost fidelity, investigation, and thought.

I speak no perfunctory word when I say of Mr. BROSIUS that I believe no man ever came into the legislative service of this country with higher aspirations and a nobler purpose to bear every burden which public life could possibly put upon one than did he. He was essentially a strong man, a rugged man, educated-finely educated, Mr. President-mainly, I have thought sometimes, in the rough school of life and experience in contact with the world, in the last analysis the finest school after all.

He was a man brave in every way. He was brave as a soldier, and he bore through life, without secret repining or open complaint, pain from wounds received in battle under the flag which he loved.

He was as brave in private life and in public life as he was as a soldier under the flag. No duty appalled him. He never shrank from any responsibility, and it is a great thing to be able to say of one that when his day is done, when he has gone

to rest, he shrank from the performance of no duty, that his career was a lofty one and an honorable one, and that in it and through it he left an impress upon the institutions and the legislation of his country which never will be forgotten.

I agree with the Senator from Maryland [Mr. McComas], although his opportunity of accurate knowledge and judgment was far better than mine, in his statement that Mr. BROSIUS was a natural orator. I have listened to him sometimes with rapt and intense eagerness and interest. He was a man of pleasing, aye, fascinating personality. He was a lover of literature. He was a student of books, a man of exquisite taste, who had ready always for his use the riches of the best literature.

He was a fine lawyer, as I had opportunity more than once to know. He was very jealous of the commercial honor, as he deemed it, of the United States, and a more indefatigable and assiduous laborer in public life and in the public interest I have not met.

Mr. President, it was with a shock of pain that I learned of his death. It came to him, as it might have come to him upon the field of battle, without premonition or warning. It is not a bad way to die for one who is prepared to die, and MARRIOTT BROSIUS was prepared to die. It is true, as has been spoken of him by the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. Penrose], that in his death Pennsylvania lost one of the noblest of her citizens and the country lost one of the bravest, truest, most faithful and patriotic of public servants.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the adoption of the resolutions.

The resolutions were unanimously agreed to; and under the third resolution, the Senate (at 4 o'clock and 58 minutes p. m.) adjourned until to-morrow, Saturday, February 15, 1902, at 12 o'clock meridian.


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