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upon our policy with respect to the Indians, upon pensions, and especially upon the subjects of tariff and silver.

It would serve no good purpose for me to catalogue in detail the subjects treated of by our friend during the various Congresses of which he was a member subsequent to this. When the Republican party again came into possession of the House in the Fifty-fourth Congress, Mr. BROSIUS became again a member of the Committee on Banking and Currency and chairman of the Committee on Civil-Service Reform in which positions he continued through the Fifty-fifth Congress. In the Fifty-sixth Congress he realized a cherished ambition in succeeding to the chairmanship of the Committee on Banking and Currency.

It was during that Congress that the present currency law went upon the statute book and the gold standard was adopted. It will be seen from the various committees upon which he served that his public services covered a wide field. His career, however, is most conspicuously identified with the currency question and his uniformly earnest and able efforts in the cause of sound money. He was, too, a faithful champion of the merit system and its unfailing defender on the floor of the House.

If we should confine ourselves to his services in the House alone we should miss a great part, and an interesting part, of his career. He was a much-sought campaigner in every party contest, a bright after-dinner speaker, a cultured and scholarly lecturer, and one whose addresses on economic questions were in demand before bankers and other societies in many parts of the Union.

It is not because of his public services, however, that I like to think of MARRIOTT BROSIUS. I like, rather, to recall what he was than to recall what he did-though what he did he did because he was what he was. He was a typical self

made American; a living demonstration of the possibilities of American citizenship. And yet there are many such, whose characters exhibit the industry, the courage, the adaptability to circumstances, the aggressiveness that bring fame. and fortune, but who do not have the finer qualities that adorn character in its highest reach.

Mr. BROSIUS was an exemplary Christian gentleman, of pure life and lofty purpose, loyal to duty in every avenue of life, and, besides, a scholar of unusual culture and accomplishment. Of fine presence, possessed of a resonant voice and choice command of language, he was an orator of mark, and delighted in public speaking. His style was ornate; he was fond of the rhetorical. He once told me that it was his habit whenever he came across a sentence or a paragraph that pleased him, in prose or in verse, to copy it, and that he had accumulated several volumes filled with such quotations. He had a splendid memory. It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that his speeches abound in wit and anecdote, in historical allusion, and in words of wisdom gathered from many sources.

He was a clear thinker, a cogent reasoner. He was an industrious man, spending not much time in play; and yet there was nothing about him of reserve or moroseness. He was bright and cheery as the day, and apparently always happy.

Of good Quaker stock, there was yet war in his blood for the right, and when the cloud burst in 1861, the cloud of civil war, he shouldered his musket and throughout a long career of military life encountered all the hardships of a soldier's life. It was his fortune to face death on many a field of blood and to come back to the pursuits of peace bearing in his body wounds of battle never to be healed.

He was a good lawyer, loyal to court and to client, and delaying no man's cause for lucre or malice.

He had other qualities to which we may only in general terms refer. Of what he was as husband and father only those whom he loved and who loved him could adequately speak. To the depths of their sorrow we may not penetrate; upon that ground, sacred, we may not tread.

Suffice it to know that he who in all his relations with his fellow-men was without stain must also have been, as we know he was, chiefest of the loving and the loved in the home circle. Citizen, soldier, lawyer, statesman, husband, and fatherpure, able, faithful, the record of his life is secure. Being dead, he yet speaketh.


Mr. SPEAKER: The first sentence written by the most illustrious general of the war of the rebellion in his preface to his classical memoirs is this: "Man proposes and God disposes. Fortunate it is for human kind and for the world that there is a supreme, all-wise, and all-loving Being to shape and direct the course of man. Fortunate, also, is it that that Being hides from us the day and the hour when we are to go hence. If man knew from the beginning what and when was to be his ending, it is hardly possible for us to conceive what kind of a world we would have here on earth. laudable selfishness and ambition would be destroyed. youth we would not lay the foundation so deep and broad upon which to build our future action. It is questionable whether man himself would be much superior in point of intellect and energy to the animals about him.



In youth we prepare ourselves for manhood and for the duties which devolve upon us as members of our complex civilization.

In manhood we build substantial and lasting buildings. We construct railroads and canals. We enter into business affairs which long outlast the life of every man originally engaged in them. We legislate for ourselves and for generations to follow. To me this seems to indicate that we possess a spark of that life given to us from above, which is to last through the countless ages. In the language of the poet —

The thoughts we are thinking, our fathers would think;
From the death we are shrinking from, they, too, would shrink;
To the life we are clinging to, they, too, would cling—

But it speeds from the earth like a bird on the wing.

The man in whose memory the House of Representatives is holding these exercises was born and lived and died as other men. He was a product of our own country, and in his veins flowed the blood of ancestors that had come to the New World to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience and to enjoy civil and religious liberty. In his youth he attended the public school, the great kindergarten of democracy, and thus early in life he came into personal contact with the boys and girls who were soon to become the future men and women of the Republic. The public school is the bulwark of our liberty, and is the proper place to send, in early life, every boy and girl in our land. The private school later on has a place to fill in the needs of education, but in the early stages no school can so well equip a boy and girl for future usefulness as the public school.

The fact that Mr. BROSIUS attended the public school in his early youth gave to him much of the success which attended him in later life. It is there that one learns self-control and self-independence, and also learns to give and take in the struggle of life. It is there that the spirit of patriotism and of liberty is taught which later on develops so strongly in the American people. When the call from Father Abraham came for men to preserve the Union, Mr. BROSIUS offered himself. He enlisted as a private soldier and went forth to do and to die, if need be, for his country's preservation. He was found in the thickest of the fight, contending against the most valiant foe that ever confronted an opposing army. It was an American fighting an American, and the world has never seen since the dawn of history such courage and brain pitted against courage and brain. By sheer bravery and merit and not. through favoritism he rose from the ranks to the position of a second lieutenant. In one of the severest engagements of the war he was wounded, and felt its effects and bore in his person

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