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ive and eloquent sermon, after which the body was borne to the grave in Greenwood Cemetery, the pavements on both sides of the streets the entire distance ten squares-being thronged with loving friends, who, with weeping eyes, were braving the rainfall to have a look at the casket which contained the body of him whom they loved in life and whose memory they will ever cherish.

Go to the grave, for there thy Saviour lay
In death's embrace ere He rose on high,
And all the ransomed by that narrow way
Pass to eternal life beyond the sky.
There is no such state as death,

The change is a translation

From fields and scenes of labor here,

Which is only our probation.

In conclusion, I desire to say that could you, upon the morning his spirit winged its flight from earth, have withdrawn the veil which shields the portals of heaven from mortal gaze, and for one moment viewed the blood-washed throng on high, you would there have seen Lincoln and Grant and Garfield and Stevens and Smith and Harrison, with many others whose memories we delight to honor, all greeting our own MARRIOTT BROSIUS, while a gentle voice from out the blue vault of heaven could have been heard saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Then

Bring hither springtime flowers,
And strew our comrade's grave,
Though faded be the offering,
It speaks the love we gave
To him, our gifted brother,
Hero of forensic war;
In Congress halls and forum,
A bright and shining star;
The soldier and the statesman,

The orator and bard,

A chieftain of the many

Famed sons of the Old Guard.


Mr. SPEAKER: In offering my tribute to the memory of the late Representative from Pennsylvania, I shall not employ the language of mere laudation, but will only seek to give expression to the admiration I had for the man and the sincere respect I felt for his character. It was my privilege to serve on the committee of which he was chairman, that of Banking and Currency. He was a kindly, courteous gentleman. Intensely in earnest, life to him meant something. It was duty, and he seemed to project his own upon the idea that we are "only remembered by what we have done." A man of real convictions himself, he was tolerant of the opinions and beliefs of others.

He was painstaking and methodical. With an intelligent mind, disciplined by studious thought, he was at all times prepared to reason out his own conclusions with clearness and force. Of his private and domestic life I can not speak. It was not my pleasure to know him around the hearthstone, and I must therefore leave to those who enjoyed that pleasure to speak concerning his home life. Though holding convictions exactly the opposite to his own touching almost every important question that has divided this great country into two political parties, I am not blinded to the real merit of MARRIOTT BROSIUS, and only tell you what I believe to be true when I say that in his death a patriotic, genial, kindly citizen passed away, and that this House, the country, and his own great Commonwealth lost a faithful, thoughtful, conscientious, and able public servant.

The death of such a man, Mr. Speaker, always brings sorrow to those who knew and loved him. His family, his wife and children, mourn, and no word that any member of this body could say can still the pain their hearts must feel, but they may find consolation in the fact that he was pure in heart and eloquent of tongue, courageous in action and wise in counsel and as a public servant, and that the name and character he has builded up will outlive even the records of this House. They may find comfort in that knowledge.


Mr. SPEAKER: The death of Hon. MARRIOTT BROSIUS was untimely. After his advent into Congress he rapidly increased in the stature of statesmanship and usefulness. He had grown out of some limitations that were observable when he came here and had become a broad-minded, clear-headed, warm-hearted statesman. He took comprehensive views of public questions and not the narrow view of a provincial. He had strong views and strong opinions and never hesitated to make them known on proper occasions. He was a modest man, but when duty was upon him, he did that duty. There were questions that occasionally became pending here about which I differed from him, and each of us was tenacious of our opinions and judgments, but he never lost just consideration and fair appreciation for the opinions of his opponent. It was a delight to discuss with him questions about which we differed. delight to put forth the hardest possible blows of fair debate, for you might rest assured that you would get one of equal force in return and get no loss of friendship.

It was a

He made a special study of the subject of our financial system and thoroughly fitted himself for the position of chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency. He was conservative in his views upon the questions involved in this subject. He was intelligent and learned and his death was untimely, and as to this particular branch of legislation the country sustained a very severe loss.

He was an eloquent man and combined the natural gifts of oratory with the results of severe and long, persistent training. There were defects in his oratory which he always admitted and always regretted. Rising to the height of an eloquent

paragraph he could not easily and promptly regain the lower measures of argument, and he struggled against this condition. and talked about it and frankly admitted it, but as an orator on the stump, a lecturer on the platform, a debater in Congress he had few superiors.

He was an honest, upright, truthful man. He was not a demagogue, and he never feared to utter his full sentiments. He would not steer to the right or to the left to please anybody upon any question if in doing so he would do violence to his own judgment and his own conscience. Such a man would necessarily be popular at home. Brosius was. He did not, perhaps, have the hurrah boys of the campaign following him, but he had the deep-seated, warm-hearted confidence of his constituents. He was faithful to them and they had apprecia


In his life as a private citizen, in his contact with men and women, he was a gentleman first and always. At the hotel where he lived his association with other members of Congress was of that charming character that adhered to him and made him earnest friends. He was not a boastful man. He had consideration for the opinions of others. He was a growing man, as I have already said, and he was coming to the front on a national scale and would have been a great leader of superior political force.

I know nothing about his domestic relations except that they were charming. His death came suddenly, like the lightning flash that fells the giant oak and splinters it to the ground. It came as a shock to his fellow-members of Congress. It came as a blow to his constituents. His grateful countrymen will bear him in mind as a representative of true manhood, manly courage, and accomplished statesmanship.

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