Judicious Collection of the most Popular and Captivating ON EVERY SUBJECT THAT CHARM THE EAR, Selected from the Harmonic Treasures of the INTERSPERSED WITH MANY Driginals and Translations : WITH AN ESSAY ON SINGING AND SONG WRITING : TO WHICH IS ADDED, BIOGRAPHICAL ANECDOTES OF THE MOST CELEBRATED SONG WRITERS. VOL. II. BY C. H. WILSON, Esq. THIRD EDITION. "I have often wished that fome perfon of tafte would collect a number of those fongs, FARQUHAR. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. DEAN, 107, NEWGATE STREET, By T. Plummer, Seething Lane, L$03. ADVERTISEMENT. THE proprietors of the Myrtle and Vine having completed the first colume of their labours, would deem themselves deficient in gratitude if they did not embrace the present favourable opportunity of returning thanks to their numerous and respectable subscribers for the highly distinguished patronage they have so liberally received; and think they cannot adopt a mode more expressive of their feelings, than, by redoubling their efforts to render the work still more worthy of acceptance; being gratefully conscious of the number and value of their literary correspondents, and having engaged several artists of eminently distinguished merit, to devote their time and study to the exterior embellishments, they can confidently assume the merit of ushering into the world the most complete and elegant work of the kind hitherto published. To conclude;-whatever may be their future success, they will spare no pains nor expence to retain that preference comparative merit alone can render permanent; at the same time request that their well wishers will recommend the work to their friends, as it is only by a considerable sale that the proprietors can reimburse themselves the immense expence the work has cost them. |