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party in 1901. He wrote Modern Socialism; Socialism: What It Is and What It Is Not; The Trust Question, etc.


Vail, STEPHEN, manufacturer; near Morristown, N. J., June 28, 1780; received a common school education; became owner of the Speedwell iron works near Morristown, N. J., in 1804, where the engine of the Savannah, the first steamship that crossed the Atlantic, was built. He contributed money to aid Professor Morse in the construction of the electric telegraph, and the first practical exhibition of the new invention was made at his works. He died in Morristown, N. J., June 12, 1864.

Vail, ALFRED, inventor; born in Morristown, N. J., Sept. 25, 1807; graduated at the University of the City of New York in 1836; became interested in the experiments of PROF. SAMUEL F. B. MORSE (q. c.), whom he greatly aided in the perfection of the telegraph. In 1837 he constructed a miniature telegraph line on the plan of Morse's invention, which was examined and pronounced practicable by a committee of Congress. Subsequently he built the first Morse machine, and became the assistant superintendent of the telegraph line constructed between Baltimore and Washington. On May 24, 1844, he received from Washington the first message sent over telegraph wires. His Vail, STEPHEN MONTFORD, clergyman; inventions include the lever and grooved born in Union Dale, Westchester co., N. Y., roller; the alphabetical application of the Jan. 10, 1818; graduated at Morse dot-and-dash system; the first com- College in 1838, and at the Union Theobination of the horizontal lever to move logical Seminary in 1842; began to preach a pencil, pen, or style; a telegraphic alpha- in the Methodist Episcopal Church and bet of dots, spaces, and dashes; and the founded the first church of that denomifinger-key. He published The American nation in Brunswick, Me.; was Professor Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. He died in of Languages in Amenia Seminary in Morristown, N. J., Jan. 18, 1859. Vail, CHARLES H., clergyman; born in Sharon, Conn., and Pine Plains, N. Y.; 1843; held pastorates in Fishkill, N. Y., Tully, N. Y., April 28, 1866; received a Professor of Oriental Languages in the common school education; studied music General Biblical Institute of the Methoin New York and taught; graduated dist Episcopal Church, Concord, N. H., at St. Lawrence University, Canton, in in 1849; and became United States con1892; and later studied theology. He sul for Rhenish Bavaria in 1869. He was pastor of All Saints' Church, Albany, wrote for the Methodist press; and pubN. Y., in 1893-94; and of the First Uni- lished versalist Church, Jersey City, N. J., in polity. He died in Jersey City, N. J., essays on slavery and church 1894-1901; was nominated for governor Nov. 26, 1880.

of New Jersey by the Social Democratic



Vale, GILBERT, author; born in London,

England, in 1788; received a classical education; came to the United States in 1829; engaged in literary work in New York and Brooklyn; editor of the Citizen and of the World for several years, and later of the Beacon, a scientific and literary journal; invented a combined celestial sphere and terrestrial globe as a model for instruction in astronomy. His publications include Fanaticism, Its Source and Influence; and the Life of Thomas Paine. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1866.

Vale-Blake, EUPHEMIA, author; born in Rye, Sussex, England, May 7, 1824; came to the United States early in life; received a private education; and married Daniel S. Blake in 1863. She wrote History of Newburyport, Mass.; Arctic Experiences, etc.

Valentine, DAVID THOMAS, historian; born in East Chester, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1801; received an academic education; removed to New York City in 1817; appointed clerk to the marine court in 1823; was deputy clerk to the common council in 1831-37; published an annual Manual of the Corporation and Common Council of New York in 1842-67, which is highly prized for its historical collections. He also wrote a History of New York (2 volumes). He died in New York City. Feb. 25, 1869.

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politician, he was sent to Congress in 1857, in which body he was active until 1863, opposing all war measures of the government, and openly showing sympathy with the Confederates. His utterances proclaiming him to be an enemy of his country, he was arrested at his own house, near Dayton, May 4, 1863, under a military order, on a charge of treasonable conduct." He was tried by a courtmartial at Cincinnati, convicted, and sentenced to close confinement in a fortress for the remainder of the war. This sentence was modified by President Lincoln, who directed him to be sent within the Confederate lines, and, in the event of his returning without leave, to suffer the



Valentine, EDWARD VIRGINIUS, sculptor; born in Richmond, Va., Nov. 12, 1838; received a private education: studied drawing and modelling in Richmond and went to Paris for further study in 1859. On his return to the United States he opened a studio in Richmond penalty prescribed by the court. On his and exhibited a statuette of Robert E. release he went to Canada, and while there Lee. Among his works are portrait busts of General Beauregard, Gen. James E. B. Stuart, "Stonewall" Jackson, Edwin Booth, and a marble figure of Gen. Robert E. Lee, in the mausoleum of the Memorial Chapel in Washington and Lee University.

was the Democratic candidate for governor
of Ohio in 1863, but was defeated by John
Brough by 100,000 majority.
He was
permitted to return to his home, and was
a member of the national Democratic con-
ventions in Chicago in 1864 and in New
York in 1868. While engaged in a suit in
court in Lebanon, O., he was mortally
wounded by a pistol which he was handling
in explaining an alleged fact to the jury,
and died there, June 17, 1871.

Vallandigham, CLEMENT LAIRD, legislator; born in New Lisbon, O., July 29, 1820; was of Huguenot descent: studied at Jefferson College, Ohio; was principal of an academy at Snow Hill, Md.; and Valley Forge. Washington's army enwas admitted to the bar in 1842. In 1845- camped at Whitemarsh, in a beautiful 46 he was a member of the State legislat- valley about 14 miles from Philadelphia, ure. and for ten years afterwards edited where he remained until Dec. 11, 1777, the Dayton Empire. An earnest Democratic and proceeded with his half-clad, half-bare

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The place was chosen because it was cold and starved with hunger, and there farther from the danger of sudden attacks their genuine patriotism was fully tested. from the foe, and where he might more easily afford protection for the Congress session of Philadelphia and of the DelaThe British under Howe had full possitting at York. Blood-stains, made by ware below, and Pennsylvania was divided the lacerated feet of his barefooted sol- among its people and in its legislature diers, marked the line of their march to by political factions. General uneasiness Valley Forge. There, upon the slopes of prevailed; and when Washington sought a narrow valley on the borders of the refuge at Valley Forge, the Pennsylvania

legislature adopted a remonstrance against ships and exposures, have decreased nearly that measure. To this cruel missive 2,000 men. Numbers are still obliged to Washington replied, after censuring the quartermaster-general (Mifflin), a Pennsylvanian, for neglect of duty: "For the want of a two-days supply of provisions, an opportunity scarcely ever offered of taking an advantage of the enemy that has not been either totally obstructed or greatly impeded. Men are confined in hospitals or in farmers' houses for want of shoes. We have this day [Dec. 23] no less than 2,873 men in camp unfit for duty because they are barefooted and otherwise naked. Our whole strength in Continental troops amounts to no more than 8,200 in camp fit for duty. Since the 4th inst., our numbers fit for duty, from hard

sit all night by fires. Gentlemen reprobate going into winter-quarters as much as if they thought the soldiers were made of sticks or stones. I can assure those gentlemen that it is a much easier and less distressing thing to draw remonstrances in a comfortable room by a good fireside than to occupy a cold, bleak hill, and sleep under frost and snow without clothes or blankets. However, although they seem to have little feeling for the naked and distressed soldiers, I feel superabundantly for them; and from my soul I pity those miseries which it is neither in my power to relieve nor prevent." At the same time the British army was

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nental army.

shout, "The American States." Washington and his wife, and other officers and their wives, attended the religious services of the New Jersey brigade. Then the commander-in-chief dined in public with all the officers. Patriotic toasts were given, and loud huzzas greeted Washington when he left the table. As the season advanced comforts abounded at Valley Forge, the army increased, and on June 18 the encampment broke up and the army began a chase of the British across New Jersey when the latter had evacuated Philadelphia.

A patriotic movement has been started to have the site of the Valley Forge encampment preserved as a public reservation, and on Oct. 19, 1901, the Daughters of the Revolution dedicated there a monument to the memory of the revolutionary soldiers who died during the encampment. The monument is a handsome obelisk of granite, 50 feet high, and at its base appear two bronze panels, one containing the seal of the society and the other representing a scene of camp-life at Valley Forge. Above these the original colonial flag with thirteen stars has been carved in the shaft. The inscription reads: "To the Soldiers of Washington's Army who Sleep in Valley Forge, 1777-78."

made as weak by indulgence in the city as were the American soldiers by physical privations, and Franklin was justified in commander of the Department of New Valverde, BATTLE AT. General Canby, saying, "Howe did not take Philadelphia: Mexico, was at Fort Craig, on the Rio Philadelphia took Howe." At Valley Grande, early in 1862. At that time Col. Forge Baron Steuben entered upon his H. H. Sibley, a Louisianian, had invaded duties as inspector-general of the Conti- New Mexico with 2,300 Texas Rangers, There the joyful news many of them veterans who had fought reached the American army of a treaty the Indians. of alliance with France. It was promul- tion demanding from the inhabitants aid Sibley issued a proclamagated by Washington in general orders on for and allegiance to his troops. Feeling May 6, 1778. He set apart the next day confident of success, he moved towards as one of rejoicing and grateful acknowl- Fort Craig to attack Canby. His light edgment of the divine goodness in raising field-pieces could not injure the fort, so up a powerful friend "in one of the he crossed the Rio Grande below and princes of the earth." It was celebrated out of reach of the guns of the fort for with tokens of delight. brigades were drawn up to hear discourses this he was successful. The several the purpose of drawing Canby out. by their respective chaplains. The men force across the river to occupy an emiCanby threw a were placed in specified positions to fire nence commanding the fort, which it was a feu de joie with muskets and cannonthree times three discharges of thirteen There a skirmish ensued, and the Nationthought Sibley might attempt to gain. "Long live the King of France"; at the day (Feb. 21) At the first the army huzzaed, als retired to the fort. On the following Second, "Long live the friendly European cavalry, artillery, and infantry, under powers"; and at the third there was a Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts, crossed the




a considerable force of

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