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ate description and criticism, all swimming in the delicious gold and purple of that lotos-land

"A beaker full of the warm South."

A good deal of practical shrewdness gives point to what else might diffuse itself into a dreamy transcendentalism. The thin vein of Romanism which here and there shows itself, will hardly do more than excite a smile among the unbelievers. This book shows much labor, not always concealing the tool-marks, and will make a pleasant summer day's companion.

25.-The Hebrew Lawgiver. By JOHN M. LOWRIE, D.D. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1865.

THE author has made a careful study of his subject in the direction of biographical exposition and religious edification, taking the biblical text for his guide. He attempts no critical work in this field, further than a popular statement of the general ground on which the authenticity of the Mosaic books is rested. In his somewhat extended preface, he tells us that his volumes were written before the beginning of the Colenso debate, into which he does not enter. He very minutely follows out the Pentateuchal history, bestowing much labor upon the leading topics involved. For the purposes which it contemplates, the work is useful. Its style is clear and direct. But what a magical power true genius can throw into language, Ruskin's descriptions of the death and burial of Aaron and Moses will show to any one who will read his glowing pages in conjunction with the chapters here devoted to these events.

26.-War of the Rebellion: or Scylla and Charybdis. Consisting of observations upon the Causes, Course and Consequences of the late Civil War in the United States. By H. S. FOOTE. 12mo. New York: Harper & Brothers. Boston: Williams & Co. 1866.

THIS book outlines the politics of the country for the last thirty years, and a perusal of it deepens our conviction of the depravity of man, specially of profound politicians. It gives much side light, and from a new quarter, on the causes of the Rebellion, showing that the Union had been in serious danger for several years before the war. The style is poor, much of it shuffling, more like that of the politician than of the statesman, yet the book is very readable from its sketchy character, touching the heads of great events and persons. It gives us a look at the Rebellion through Southern eyes, which is not unprofitable, and draws on our sympathies for the many whom the few led and forced so blindly into the

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awful conflict. The work seems to be a candid one, and should have a prominent place among the partizan histories of the Civil War in its causes and management.

27.-The Shadow of Christianity: or the Genesis of the Christian State. A Treatise for the times by the author of the Apocatastasis. New York: Hurd & Houghton. Boston: E. P. Dutton & Co.

THIS is a book of five chapters: The Church: The Commonwealth: The Pagan State: The Christian State: The American Republic. Under these heads there is a discussion of principles that lie at the foundation of civil government. The treatment of the theme is elaborate and staid, and the ideas are set forth in an abstract and seminal way. It is by no means a popular treatise, nor will it be likely to gain a multitude of readers, but those few only who do the labored reading and thinking and leading for the multitude.

28.-Christianity and Statesmanship, with kindred topics. By WILLIAM HAGUE, D.D., Author of "Home Life," "Guide to Conversation on the New Testament," etc. A new, revised, enlarged, and improved edition. Boston: Gould & Lincoln. 1865. [Second notice.] THIS volume contains eleven essays, of which the first is on Christianity and Statesmanship, and the last on Christianity and Slavery. The first, based on an exposition of the Second Psalm, is a development and illustration of the fact that statesmanship has been almost uniformly hostile to Christianity. We think the author attributes altogether too much importance to this opposition in its relation to the comparatively limited progress which Christianity has made hitherto. He is equally at fault, as we judge, in the broad assertion that "There is ample ground for the position that the great reason of the limitation that has been set to the progress of Christianity, is to be found in that union of Church and State, which is a chief element of the grand apostasy." This position is hardly sustained by the history of Christianity in New England during the last two centuries and a half, where no such union has existed, as compared with the religious condition of England for the same period, from which our fathers were driven out by the persecutions of the state church, and where that proud and intolerant Establishment is still impregnable. An anti-Christian statesmanship and an unscriptural ecclesiastical establishment are only some of the manifold forms assumed by the universal and deep seated opposition of the world to Jesus Christ.

The last essay, on Christianity and Slavery, which is very elabo

rate, and contains a careful examination of all the important passages in the New Testament bearing on the subject, establishes, most conclusively and undeniably, the point, that compliance with the very positive apostolic injunctions would leave nothing but the faintest shade of a shadow of slavery, furnishing small justification of the things which were done in our sunny South in the years which are past.

In the essay on Christianity and the Turkish Power, we have a rapid and readable sketch of the rise of the Turkish Power in Europe at the beginning of the 14th century, and its growth till the appearance of the cloud in the North which burst out in the great Russian war of our own day. The author's residence in Constantinople for a time, gave him advantages in the treatment of this subject, which he has turned to account. Among the remaining papers are delineations of Wycliffe, Adoniram Judson, and John Quincy Adams, all abounding in interesting incident and broad scriptural statement. The style of some of the papers is better adapted to the ear of a popular audience, for which they seem to have been originally prepared, than for the eye of a critic. The thought, for the same reason, perhaps, is more highly colored in some instances, than a severe philosophy would approve.

29.-Spiritualism Identical with Ancient Sorcery, New Testament
Demonology and Modern Witchcraft: With the Testimony of
God and Man against it. By W. M'DONALD. pp. 212.
York: Carlton & Porter. 1866.

ANOTHER illustration of Solomon's saying, that there is nothing new under the sun. We think that the author fully establishes the startling proposition contained in his title-page. Modern Spiritualism is nothing more than the revival of an old imposture, and those who embrace it are either deliberate impostors, or the silly dupes of passion and fanaticism. This work was prepared at the request of the "Providence District Ministers' Association," and published under their sanction and earnest recommendation. It should be extensively circulated, and carefully read. Indeed, if circulated it is sure to be read, for the numerous facts which the author has collected and digested impart a thrilling interest to his volume. Is it not an exceedingly humiliating fact that in this day of boasted enlightenment, there is such a disposition to run after quacks and impostors of every description, and that true science and experience and wisdom are at such a ruinous discount? Can it be, that in highly educated Massachusetts, respectable people will turn their backs on a physician of thorough training and decided skill, and go to a

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woman who knows more when she is asleep than when she is awake?

30.- OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED. Family Prayers. By the Rt. Rev. HENRY W. LEE, D.D., of Iowa. E. P. Dutton & Company. Brief, varied, devout, pertinent.

Silver Mining Regions of Colorado. By J. P. WHITNEY. Van Nostrand.

The Freedman's Third Reader. American Tract Society, Boston. Shakespeare's Mental Photographs. Hurd & Houghton.

Cherry and Violet. A Tale of the Great Plague. By the Author of "Mary Powell." M. W. Dodd. Old English life and people of two centuries ago, reproduced with close verisimilitude and charming naturalness. The account of the great plague and fire in London is very thrilling.



MONTHLY RELIGIOUS MAGAZINE. An article in the December number (1865) of the Monthly Religious Magazine, by one of its contributors, has attracted our attention, by the boldness and manifest inaccuracy of some of its statements. Our readers may thereby understand better what liberal men, claiming to be conservative, think and say about evangelical truth and efforts. It is understood that this Magazine was established as a conservative periodical to meet and counteract the tendencies of the liberal party to extremes. If the Conservatives will say such things, what will not the Extremists say?

"Protestantism," we are told, "has ceased long since to make any gains from Roman Catholicism," and "Christianity itself has come to a dead stand in its conflict with Heathenism." Now, are these broad and confident statements in accordance with facts? No gains! At a dead stand! Then the reports of the various benevolent associations, in this country and in Europe, for the spread of Christianity, are not trustworthy, for they tell of many converts made from the ranks both of Popery and Heathenism. The Romanists have, by immigration particularly, greatly increased in the United States, but have they not diminished in the old world,

Are there no more Prot

and in the Papal States of the new? estants in Italy, France, and Germany now than there were twenty, ten, or even five years ago?

In regard to the inroads of Christianity upon Heathenism, the above statement is most palpably untrue. For evidence of this, look in whatever direction you will to fields of missionary effort, and no candid mind can refuse to acknowledge that the inroads are not only manifest but marked.

In the January number of the Missionary Herald, for this year, is this statement:

In 1839 there were fifty two missionary churches (American Board), with seven thousand three hundred and eleven members. In Massachusetts, three hundred seventy five churches (evangelical Congregational), with fifty two thousand eight hundred and twenty three members. During the next twenty five years, the additions to the missionary churches were fifty five thousand four hundred and eighty, to the Congregational churches of Massachusetts fifty five thousand seven hundred and sixty six. The average number of the missionary churches for the whole time were less than one hundred and five; in Massachusetts four hundred and fifty two; the average yearly number of admissions to the missionary churches, twenty one; to the Massachusetts churches not quite five. For the past twenty six years the comparison stands thus: Total number of additions by profession in Massachusetts, fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety six, an annual average of about five to each church and five and a half to each pastor. In the missionary churches, total number fifty six thousand five hundred and thirty five, or twenty annually to each church, and fourteen and one half to each missionary."

Such statements as these, some more and some less encouraging, perhaps, are made by other Missionary Boards. Was the writer of the article in question ignorant of these facts? and if he was, was he justified in the statements he has put before the public? Again, the writer says, "the institutions of religion are becoming more and more deserted." Now, the reports of no evangelical denomination, at least in the loyal States, bear him out in this statement. Does his own (Unitarian) do it? He can best answer this question.

He asks, "What is the cause of this state of things?" He answers, "Not the lack of Christian effort, but the kind of Christianity we are using." "One cause," he asserts, "is the division so long made between morality and piety, practical goodness and the salvation of the soul." The meaning of this language we have in what follows. "In Protestant denominations, with all the stress that is laid on sincerity of heart and spirituality of worship, as superior to any

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