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1st. For the ship, her tackle, apparel, and stores;

2dly. For all freight due and payable;

3dly. For the value of the cargo of merchandize, if any;

4thly. For the slaves on board at the time of detention, according to the computed value of such Slaves at the place of destination; deducting therefrom the usual fair average mortality for the unexpired period of the regular voyage; deducting also for all charges and expences payable upon the sale of such cargoes, including commission of sale when payable at such port; and

5thly. For all other regular charges in such cases of total loss; and in all other cases not of total loss, the claimant or claimants shall be indemnified,

First, for all special damages and expences occasioned to the ship by the detention, and for loss of freight when due or payable; Secondly, a demurrage when due, according to the schedule annexed to the present Article;

Thirdly, a daily allowance for the subsistence of slaves, of one shilling, or one hundred and eighty reis for each person, without distinction of sex or age, for so many days as it shall appear to the Commission that the voyage has been or may be delayed by reason of such detention; as likewise,

Fourthly, for any deterioration of cargo or slaves;

Fifthly, for any diminution in the value of the cargo of slaves, proceeding from an increased mortality beyond the average amount of the voyage, or from sickness occasioned by detention; this value to be ascertained by their computed price at the place of destination, as in the above case of total loss;

Sixthly, an allowance of five per cent. on the amount of capital employed in the purchase and maintenance of cargo, for the period of delay occasioned by the detention; and

Seventhly, for all premium of insurance on additional risks.

The claimant or claimants shall likewise be entitled to interest, at the rate of five per cent. per annum on the sum awarded, until

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dicada, até que ella tenha sido paga pelo Governo a que pertencer o navio que tiver feito a preza; o importe total de taes indemnidades deverá ser calculado na moeda do paiz a que pertencer o navio detido; e liquidado ao cambio corrente do dia da sentença da commissao, excepto a totalidade da manutençao dos escravos, que será paga ao par, como acima fica estipulado.

As duas altas Partes Contractantes, dezejando evitar, quanto for possivel, toda a especie de fraude na execuçao da Convençaŏ Addicional da data de hoje, convierao que, no cazo em que se provasse de huma maniera evidente e convincente para os Juizes de ambas as naçoens, e sem lhes ser precizo recorrer á decizaŏ do Commissario Arbitro, que o captor fôra induzido a erro por culpa voluntaria e reprehensivel do capitao do navio detido; nesse cazo somente nao terá o navio detido direito a receber, durante os dias de detençao, a compensação pela demora estipulada no prezente Artigo.

Cedula para regular a estalia, ou compensaçao diaria das despezas da demora.

Por hum navio de 100 toneladas até 120 inclusive, £5

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IX. Quando o dono de qualquer navio, suspeito de fazer commercio illicito de escravos, que tiver sido posto em liberdade, em consequencia de sentença de huma das Commissoens mixtas (ou no cazo acima especificado de perda total) reclamar indemnidades pela perda de escravos que possa haver suffrido, nunca elle poderá pretender mais escravos alem do numero que o seu navio tinha direito de transportar, conforme as leis Portuguezas, o qual numero deverá sempre ser especificado no seu passeporte.

paid by the Government to which the capturing ship belongs : the whole amount of such indemnifications being calculated in the money of the country to which the captured ship belongs, and to be liquidated at exchange current at the time of award, excepting the sum for the subsistence of slaves, which shall be paid at par, as above stipulated.

The two high Contracting Parties wishing to avoid, as much as possible, every species of fraud in the execution of the Additional Convention of this date, have agreed, that if it should be proved, in a manner evident to the conviction of the Judges of the two nations, and without having recourse to the decision of a Commissioner of Arbitration, that the captor has been led into error by a voluntary and reprehensible fault, on the part of the captain of the detained ship; in that case only, the detained ship shall not have the right of receiving, during the days of her detention, the demurrage stipulated by the present Article.

Schedule of demurrage or daily allowance for a Vessel of

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IX. When the proprietor of a ship, suspected of carrying on an illicit trade in slaves, released in consequence of a sentence of one of the mixed Commissions, (or in the case, as above-mentioned, of total loss) shall claim indemnification for the loss of slaves which he may have suffered, he shall in no case be entitled to claim for more than the number of slaves which his vessel was, by the Portugueze laws, authorised to carry, which number shall always be declared in his passport.

X. A Commissaŭ mixta, estabelecida em Londres pelo Artigo nono da Convençao da data de hoje, receberá e decidirá todas as reclamaçoens feitas á cerca de navios Portuguezes e suas cargas aprezadas pelos cruzadores Britannicos por motivo de commercio illicito de escravos, desde o 1 de Junho de 1814, até á época em que a Convenção da data de hoje tiver sido posta em plena execuçao; adjudicando-lhes, em conformidade do Artigo nono da dita Convençao Addicional, huma indemnizaçao justa e completta, conforme as base3 estabelecidas nos Artigos precedentes, tanto no cazo de perda total, como por despezas feitas, e prejuizos soffridos pelos donos e outros interessados nos ditos navios e cargas. A sobredita commissao estabelecida em Londres será composta da mesma maneira e será guiada pelos mesmos principios ja enunciados nos Artigos 1, 2, e 3, deste regulamento para as commissoens estabelecidas na costa de Africa e no Brasil.

XI. Nao será permittido a nenhum dos Juizes Commissarios, nem aos Arbitros, nem ao Secretario de qualquer das Commissoens mixtas, debaixo de qualquer pretexto que seja, o pedir, ou receber de nenhuma das partes interessadas nas sentenças que derem, emolumentos alguns em razao dos deveres que lhes saŏ prescriptos pelo prezente regulamento.

XII. Quando as partes interessadas julgarem ter motivo de se queixar de qualquer injustiça evidente da parte das Commissoens mixtas, poderao representa-la aos seus Governos respectivos, os quaes se rezervao o direito de se entenderem mutuamente para mudar, quando o julgarem conveniente, os individuos de que se composerem estas Commissoens.

XIII. No cazo que algum navio seja detido indevidamente .com o pretexto das estipulaçoens da Convençao Addicional da data de hoje, e sem que o captor se ache authorizado, nem pelo theor da sobredita Convençao, nem pelas instrucçoens a ella annexas; o Governo ao qual pertencer o navio detido, terá o direito de pedir reparaçao; e em tal cazo o Governo ao qual pertencer o captor se obriga a mandar proceder efficazmente a hum exame do motivo de queixa, e a fazer com que o captor receba, no cazo

X. The mixt Commission established in London by Article IX of the Convention of this, date, shall hear and determine all claims for Portugueze ships and cargoes, captured by British cruizers on account of the unlawful trading in slaves, since the 1st of June, 1814, till the period when the Convention of this date is to be in complete execution; awarding to them, conformably to Article IX of the Additional Convention of this date, a just and complete compensation, upon the basis laid down in the preceding Articles, either for total loss, or for losses and damages sustained by the owners and proprietors of the said ships and cargoes. The said Commission established in London, shall be composed and proceed exactly upon the same basis determined in Articles 1, 2, and 3, of the present regulation for the Commissions established on the coast of Africa and the Brazils.

XI. It shall not be permitted to any of the Commissary Judges nor to the Arbitrators, nor to the Secretary of any of the mixt Commissions, to demand or receive, from any one of the parties concerned in the sentences which they shall pronounce, any emolument, under any pretext whatsoever, for the performance of the duties which are imposed upon them by the present regulation.

XII. When the parties interested shall imagine they have cause to complain of any evident injustice on the part of the mixt Commissions, they may represent it to their respective Governments, who reserve to themselves the right of mutual correspondence for removing, when they think fit, the individuals who may compose these Commissions.

XIII. In the case of a vessel detained unjustly, under pretence of the stipulations of the Additional Convention of this date, and in which the captor should neither be authorised by the tenour of the above-mentioned Convention, nor of the instructions annexed to it, the Government to which the detained vessel may belong, shall be entitled to demand reparation; and in such case, the Government to which the captor may belong, binds itself to cause the subject of complaint to be fully examined, and to inflict upon the captor, if he be found to have deserved it, a punishment

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