
To the Northern Illinois State Normal School, DeKalb.. $ 69,000 00
To the Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston..
To the Illinois State Normal University, Normal......
To the Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb..
To the Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale.

Total ..

55,000 00

70,000 00

60,000 00

48,500 00

$302,500 00

§ 2. For the purpose of defraying the ordinary expenses of said State institutions for the year beginning July 1, 1908, the sum of $302,500.00 is appropriated, payable quarterly in advance, and that the said appropriation shall be apportioned between the said institutions. and at the same rate thereafter until the expiration of the first fiscal quarter after the adjournment of the next General Assembly, as follows: To the Northern Illinois State Normal School, DeKalb.. $ 69,000 00 To the Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston. To the Illinois State Normal University, Normal..... To the Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb... To the Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale.


55,000 00

70,000 00

60,000 00

48,500 00

$302,500 00

§ 3. That there be, and is hereby, further appropriated to the Illinois State Normal University, at Normal, and to the Southern Illinois Normal University, at Carbondale, for additional ordinary expenses, to each one-half of the interest on the college and seminary fund.

§ 4. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer for said sum so appropriated for ordinary expenses, quarterly, upon the order of the trustees of said institutions, respectively, signed by the president and attested by the secretary, with the corporate seal attached: Provided, that no part of said sum shall be due and payable to any of said institutions respectively, until a detailed statement of receipts from all sources together with a detailed statement of the expenditures accompanied by the original vouchers, is filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts for all previous expenditures incurred, and said detailed statement of receipts and expenditures shall show the balance on hand at the beginning of the period for which said statement is made, the total amount received and expended, and the balance on hand at the close of the quarter for which the same is made.

APPROVED May 27, 1907.


1. Appropriates $311,000 to the insti- $ 2. How drawn.
tutions named for the purposes

[blocks in formation]

AN ACT making appropriations for the State educational institutions herein named:

SECTION I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the following sums be

and are hereby appropriated in the State institutions named in this Act for the purposes herein stated, for the two years beginning July 1, 1907, the aggregate amount of which is $311,000.00, and that the said sums so appropriated shall be apportioned between the said institutions as follows:

To the Northern Illinois Normal School, DeKalbFor rebuilding stay wall..

For completion of lake..

For tree planting

For boiler for heating plant...

For museum ..

For extension of manual training plant...


To Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston








For improvement of grounds-$2,500.00 per annum. .$ 5,000.00


For library-$3,000.00 per annum.

For laboratory-$1,000.00 per annum.

For summer school-$2,000.00 per annum.





For woman's building and gymnasium


To the Illinois State Normal University, NormalFor the erection and completion of a manual arts building and auditorium..

For enlargement of heating plant and extraordinary repairs upon the buildings of said Illinois State normal University..



. $100,000.00



To the Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb—
For additions to library-$3,000.00 per annum.
For the care and improvement of grounds.

.$ 6,000.00


For repairs on building and power house-$2,000.00 per



For expense of trustees-$500.00 per annum..


For paving east driveway and for additional concrete walks the sum of.....




To the Southern Illinois Normal University at CarbondaleRepairing steam heating plant

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Installing manual training equipment. .

Gallery and gymnasium.

For erection of modern building for model school....


$ 1,000.00

1,000.00 50,000.00


§ 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrants upon the State Treasurer for the aforesaid sums of money upon the order of the board of trustees of said educational institutions, herein named, respectively, signed by the president and attested by the secretary of said boards, respectively, with the corporate seals of said institutions attached and approved by the Governor: Provided, said orders shall be accompanied by statements in detail of all expenditures made in pursuance of the aforesaid appropriations respectively, and no warrant shall be issued until such statements in detail are filed by the respective institutions to which the appropriation is made: And, provided, further, that such detailed statements of receipts and expenditures and balance on hand shall be made separately, by such institutions, respectively, for each and every appropriation made to said institution.

APPROVED May 27, 1907.


§ 1. Appropriates for ordinary expenses and items enumerated, $710,845 per annum; for veterinary college, etc., $30,000.


§ 2. Appropriates for items enumerated as additions to the plant, $51.100.00.

§ 3. How drawn.

APPROVED MAY 27, 1907.)

AN ACT making appropriations for the University of Illinois. SECTION I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:

1. That there be and is hereby appropriated to the University of Illinois for the payment of salaries and for the ordinary operating expenses the sum of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) per annum.

2. For materials for shop practice the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) per annum.

3. For increase of historic, scientific and artistic cabinets and collections, two thousand dollars ($2,000) per annum.

4. For additions to the library, twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per annum.

5. For additions to apparatus and appliances, three thousand dollars ($3,000) per annum.

6. For fire protection, fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) per annum 7. For maintenance and extension of engineering college and equipment of the Engineering Experiment Station, seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) per annum.

8. For painting and repairs on buildings and improvements to grounds, fourteen thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars ($14,345) per annum.

9. For carrying on the State water survey six thousand dollars ($6,000) per annum.

10. For draining, fencing and repairs on experimental farms, five thousand dollars ($5,000) per annum.

II. For maintenance of the department of social and political science and industrial economics, including instruction in banking, insurance, railway administration, twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per annum.

12. For maintenance of the school of music three thousand dollars ($3,000) per annum.

13. For agricultural extension and also to enable the college to meet the demands for instruction at the farmers' institute six thousand dollars ($6,000) per annum.

14. For equipment and support of the law school fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) per annum.

15. For equipment and maintenance of the chemical laboratory, ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per annum.

16. For equipment and maintenance of the school of pharmacy, five thousand dollars ($5,000) per annum.

17. For maintenance of the graduate school, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per annum.

18. For maintenance of veterinary college and research laboratory, thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), provided suitable site, buildings and equipment are furnished, within the city of Chicago, free of charge, to be approved by the trustees.

19. For maintenance of school of household and domestic science, ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per annum.

§ 2. That there be and is hereby appropriated to the University of Illinois the following sums for additions to the plant:

I. For additional equipment of water station, three thousand dollars ($3,000).


For increase of the telephone exchange, fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500).

3. For enlarging the general heating and lighting plant, thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000).

4. For purchase of farm land, eleven thousand six hundred dollars ($11,600).

§ 3. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the sums hereby appropriated, payable out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon the order of the board of trustees of said university, attested by its secretary, and with the corporate seal of the university: Provided, that no part of said sum shall be due and payable to said university until satisfactory vouchers in detail, approved by the Governor, shall be filed with the Auditor for all previous expenditures incurred by the university on account of the appropriations hitherto made: And, provided, further, that vouchers shall be taken in duplicate, and original or duplicate vouchers shall be forwarded to the Auditor of Public Accounts for the expenditures of the sums appropriated in this act.

APPROVED May 27, 1907.



1. Appropriates interest on endowment fund.

§ 2. How drawn.


AN ACT appropriating to the University of Illinois the money granted in an act of Congress, approved August 30, 1890, entitled. "An Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to the more perfect endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agri culture and the mechanic arts," established under the provisions of an act of Congress approved July 2, 1862. And the money granted by an act of Congress approved March 4, 1907, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the sum or sums of money which may have accrued or may hereafter (before the first day of July, 1909) accrue to the State of Illinois, under the provisions of an Act of the Congress of the United States, approved August 30, 1890, entitled "An Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of public lands to the more perfect endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, established under the provisions of an act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862." And the money granted by an act of Congress approved March 4, 1907, entitled An Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, are hereby appropriated to the University of Illinois, and whenever any portion of the said money shall be received by the State Treasurer it shall immediately be due and payable into the treasury of said university.

§ 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the sums hereby appropriated, upon the order of the chairman of the board of trustees of said university, countersigned by its secretary and with the corporate seal of said university.

[blocks in formation]

AN ACT to make an appropriation for the benefit, aid and maintenance of the Illinois Firemen's Association.

WHEREAS, The Illinois Firemen's Association is an organization representing the firemen, and especially the volunteer firemen of the State, and is organized under the laws of this State, and,

WHEREAS, The aims of the Illinois Firemen's Association are the education of firemen in the fire service, and the betterment of the ser

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