페이지 이미지
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GA, v. To go. North

GAAM, (1) adj. Clammy. Wills.
(2) v. To daub with dirt. Berks.
GAB, S. (A. N.) Talkativeness.

adj. Ill-contrived, as GABBERN, rooms; large. West. GABBE, v. (1.-N.) To talk idly; to jest; to lie.

GABBER, (1) v. To talk nonsense. (2) s. A jester. GABBERIES, 8. (1) Deceits. Minsh. (2) Prattle; jests. GABBLE-RATCHES, 8. Birds which make a great noise in the evenings. North.

GABBO, 8. The game of thrce GOBRO, Card loe.

A ballad-singer.

GABEL, 8. (4.-N.) An excise.
GABERDINE, 8. (Fr.) A coarse cloak
or mantle.
GABLE, (1) s. (Fr.) A cable.
(2) adj. High.
GABLE-POLES, 8. Rods placed out-

A large-holed sieve.

side the roof to secure the thatch. GABLET, 8. A small ornamental gable or canopy over a tabernacle or niche.

GABLICK, S. A crow-bar. Linc.
GABLOCKS, S. Spurs for fighting-
GABRIEL-BELL, 8. A local name

for the saints' bell or ting-tang. GABRIEL-RATCHET, 8. The name of a ghost or night spirit. North. GABY, 8. A simpleton. GACH, 8. Filth or dirt of children. Glouc.

GAD, (1) 8. (A.-S.) A goad, or sharp point of metal; a spear; a pole pointed with metal.

And, come, I will go get a leaf of brass,
And with a gud of steel will write these
And lay it by.

Tit. Andr., iv, 1.

The boys [at Horncastle] annually keep up the festival of the floralia on Mayday, making a procession to this hill with May gads, as they call them, in their hands: this is a white willow wand, the bark peeled off, tied round with Cowslips, a thyrsus of the Bacchanals: at night they have a bonfire and other merriment, which is really a sacrifice or religious festival.

Stukeley's Itiner. Curios., 1776, i, 31.

(2) s. A measuring rod of ten

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4. He's a puppy-I can liken him to nothing but my bald heffer when she's got the gad-breeze in her tail.

The Country Farmer's Catechism, 1703. GADDRE, 8. A sheep's or calf's pluck.

GADE, 8. A gadling.
GADER, v. To gather.
GADGER, S. A gauger. North.
GAD-HOOK, S. A long pole with an
iron crook. Somerset.
GADING, 8. A going about; a
GADDING, pilgrimage.

GADLING, 8. (A.-S.) A worthless
GAD-NAIL, S. A sort of long stout



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