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His Catholick Majesty is, at the same time, of opinion, that the greatest blessing which he can procure to Peninsular Spain, is to put an end to a devastating and parricidal War; and that, placed in the midst of Brethren, united by the ties of religion, of blood, of language, of habits, and even of interests, his voice will be listened to for the general advantage of all.

But His Catholick Majesty extends his views much further, and considers this grand question as the cause of Europe. A long space of time elapsed before the beneficent effects of the discovery of the New, were felt in the Old World; and no one could foresee them or calculate upon them: it was an immense, unknown, and unbounded career, which determined their extent. His Majesty thinks that the same judgment should be formed of the great events which now agitate America, the effects of which must necessarily influence the fate of Europe, and that in a very rapid manner. It is impossible to calculate either the degree of this influence, or the alteration which it must produce in the mutual relations of the two Worlds; but His Majesty does not hesitate to affirm, that the transaction which will fix the destiny of the Spanish American Provinces, and arrest the blind and impetuous course of Revolution, will be one of the greatest blessings for the civilized World.

Their necessities, customs, and relations of every kind, have multiplied the ties which unite the two Hemispheres; and it may easily be conceived, that that vast Continent, drawn into a conflict of the passions, and become the theatre of Revolution, the end of which cannot be foreseen, must exercise a pernicious influence over the political and moral relations of Europe, which is only beginning to repose. after 30 Years of convulsions.

There may be, perhaps, superficial minds, who think they see a consolidated Nation, and a solid and a stable Government, in each Province which has declared its Independence, and who, without regard to the obstacles of every nature, to the principles of publick right and the most known maxims of the Law of Nations, imagine that a Province legitimatizes its independent existence, and acquires the right of being recognized as such by other Powers, by the simple fact of its being detached from that State of which it formed a part.

But a sad experience has demonstrated to Governments the lamentable effects which such an overthrow of principles produces; they foresee that the results of its propagation will be as fatal to Legitimate Governments as to the integrity of Nations; and they are fully aware of the consequences which would be occasioned to Europe, by a sanction of the indefinite right of insurrection demanded, by some Persons, for America.

His Catholick Majesty, therefore, not only deems to be interested in this question, the Nations who possess Ultra-marine Colonies, to which the same theory, which it is wished to legitimatize in the Spanish

American Provinces, may be applied, but considers this subject as being intimately connected with those conservative principles which form the safety of Governments and the guarantees of Society.

All other considerations are insignificant in comparison with the latter; and therefore His Catholick Majesty forbears to recur to the less important reasons which, in ordinary times, diplomacy would employ in the support and defence of justice.

In looking at the question, in reference to the political balance of power, Spain presents, in all her relations, new and powerful motives for determining other Powers to preserve the strictest impartiality towards her. Exempt from every kind of ambitious pretensionplaced, relatively to other Nations in an inoffensive position, and exclusively occupied with the establishment and consolidation of her internal happiness-she ought not to provoke either suspicion or rivalry, nor to excite a desire to dismember the different parts of the Monarchy, with the object of weakening her. Spain, whatever her strength may be, cannot menace the repose or the safety of other Nations, but, rich and flourishing, she may have an advantageous influence in preserving the equilibrium of the Powers. An instinct of honour and integrity has united the dispersed elements of her power; and, whilst she was engaged in the most unequal struggle, she afforded time to the Continent to rise against the common Enemy, and to destroy his oppressive yoke. This fact alone renders every other reflection and comment unnecessary; it is sufficient to inspire interest in favour of a magnanimous Nation, and to convince the World that her influence will be always beneficial, but never offensive. This is the position amongst Nations which nature and policy have assigned to Spain. European Governments acted upon this great political principle, when they caused the colossal power of Spain to be destroyed, which, during 2 Centuries, had alarmed Europe. After a long conflict, it remained to be considered how to fix the destiny of this Kingdom, which was looked upon as connected with the federative system of Europe, and the advantage was then recognized of consolidating its power, by secur ing for it in America a point of support, which, by increasing its import ance, rendered it the better qualified to maintain the equilibrium of the political balance of Europe.

This consideration in favour of the general interest appeared of such importance, that Spain was bound not to transfer or alienate, in any form, the smallest portion of her Territory in America; and, in order to render her possession of it still more secure and inviolable, and, at the same time, to dispel every motive for mistrust, she was deprived of the power of granting to other Nations, by any means or under any pretext whatever, the advantage of trading with that Quarter.

Time has, nevertheless, produced on this point a very important change; and a less restricted policy, the changes in the commercial relations, the adoption of more economical principles, and a multitude of

other causes combined, have convinced Spain, that the continuance of the commercial monopoly, which had been formerly regarded as the principal bond of union between the two great parts of the Spanish Monarchy, would be as injurious to the welfare of the Peninsula, as it would be to that of the American Provinces.

His Catholick Majesty is, moreover, of opinion, that no ties are durable except those which are founded on mutual interest; that European Spain can obtain commercial advantages by means of her industry and Navigation, without aspiring to exclusive privileges; that new necessities and desires, consequent upon the progress of civilization and wealth, render it necessary to adopt towards the Provinces beyond seas, a more frank and liberal system; and that, instead of uselessly struggling against the spirit of mercantile speculation, which exercises such an influence over the political conduct of modern Nations, the true interest of Spain consists in encouraging that spirit as a useful Ally, instead of converting it into an irreconcileable Enemy.

In order to obtain such important results, all the Laws and Arrangements which have been made since the restoration of the Constitutional Government in Spain, have had a beneficent, generous, and favourable tendency towards the colonization of Foreigners in Spanish America, and the freedom of commerce with that distant Territory. The trial made in the Island of Cuba has been sufficient, practically, to demonstrate, that the interests of the Spanish Provinces, both in Europe and America, correspond with those in general of other Nations.

His Catholick Majesty, by these simple and natural means, is enabled to remove the only obstacle which could prevent an entire conformity between the policy of Spain and that of other Cabinets. When the Government of that Country, solid and stable, and recognized as the faithful observer of Treaties, is disposed to negotiate with its Insurgent Provinces of America, and offers to other Nations the greatest commercial advantages; it would be impossible to point out (though the question were reduced to a simple calculation of advantage) an object which could serve as a counterpoise in the opposite direction.

Civil war and anarchy, which are often the consequence of Revolution, and more particularly when, as in America, its elements are heterogeneous and opposite, are assuredly not calculated to multiply the exchangeable productions of a Country, nor to attract Foreigners, by offering them that security which leaves no doubt, and which is the soul of commerce; neither can vacillating Governments do so, which are precarious in their nature and without any guarantee, and which cannot secure to themselves even the advantages which they promise. Buenos Ayres, abandoned to itself, has endeavoured in vain, for the last 12 Years, to consolidate a Government; and the wretchedness and depopulation of the Provinces of Terra Firma have removed, instead of having advanced, the epoch of their prosperity and happiness. In affairs

of this description, and when facts come to the support of reasoning, it would be useless to oppose vague and indefinite hopes to certain and evident results.

But it appears that a new calamity has arisen to increase the evils which might have been anticipated. The insurrection of the American Continent has revived Piracy on the High Seas, and has carried it to a pitch, not exceeded, perhaps, by any instances recorded in the history of former crimes of that class; and commerce in general begins to feel the danger of this immoral and barbarous warfare, which knows no other Law than that of sordid gain, and pillages indiscriminately the industrious Subjects of all Nations.

Thus, by an extraordinary concatenation of circumstances, every thing concurs in demonstrating the utility, and the urgency, of a definitive arrangement of a Question which has such vast and profound ramifications; and every thing contributes to impress upon the Spanish Government the folly of retarding through any secondary motive, an accommodation of such vital importance.

His Catholick Majesty, in entering upon this frank and amicable Negociation with the Insurgent Provinces, expects, with the greatest confidence, to find in all Governments, that circumspection and cautious conduct, which are dictated by justice, recommended by policy, and counselled by sentiments of impartiality and good will.

Whilst the Spanish Nation endeavours to put an end to this domestick misunderstanding, the same inviolable respect which she professes for the rights of other Nations inspires her with the just expectation of being treated with reciprocal consideration and regard. She cannot even suspect, on the part of the Powers who desire to preserve friendship and good understanding with her, that any rash step will be taken, which might imply a supposition that the Question is already solved, the decision of which, peculiarly and exclusively, belongs to Spain alone, in the exercise of her legitimate and recognized rights, which she has never renounced. The steps which have been taken to induce the different Powers to a recognition of the Independence of the Insurgent Provinces of America, will afford to the Cabinets in question, a solemn occasion to sanction the fundamental principles upon which are founded the integrity of Territory, the repose of Nations, and the publick morality of Governments.

The tenour and spirit of Treaties-the good faith which ought to reign between Powers in amity-the conviction of a duty which is equally supported by a generous and an enlightened policy-the real welfare of the Insurgent Provinces-and the general advantage of all Civilized States-afford to His Catholick Majesty as many guarantees, that his laudable desires will obtain from His August Allies the most favourable and friendly reception. (A true Copy.)

H. E. The Marquis of Londonderry.


AUSTRIA, FRANCE, PRUSSIA, AND RUSSIA, AND SPAIN. 895 CORRESPONDENCE between the Ministers of Austria, France, Russia and Prussia, at Madrid, and the Spanish Government, respecting the safety of The King and Royal Family of Spain.―July 1822.

The Foreign Ministers to the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs. MONSIEUR, Madrid, le 7 Juillet, 1822. APRES les déplorables Evènemens qui viennent de se passer dans la Capitale, les Soussignés, en proie aux plus vives alarmes, tant par l'affreuse situation actuelle de Sa Majesté Catholique et de Sa Famille, que par les dangers qui planent sur leurs augustes têtes, s'adressent de nouveau à Son Excellence M. Martinez de la Rosa, pour réitérer avec toute la solemnité requise par d'aussi immenses intérêts, les déclarations verbales qu'ils ont eu l'honneur de lui adresser hier collectivement.

Le sort de l'Espagne, et de l'Europe entière, depend aujourd'hui de la sureté et de l'inviolabilité de Sa Majesté Catholique et de Sa Famille: ce dépôt précieux repose entre les mains du Gouvernement du Roi, et les Soussignés se plaisent à renouveler l'hommage qu'il ne peut être confié à des Ministres plus honorables, et plus dignes de confiance.

Les Soussignés, entièrement satisfaits des explications pleines de noblesse, de loyauté, et de dévouement à Sa Majesté Catholique, reçues hier de la bouche de Son Excellence M. Martinez de la Rosa, n'en trahiroient pas moins le plus sacré de leurs devoirs, s'ils ne réitéroient dans ce moment, au nom de leurs Souverains respectifs, de la manière la plus formelle, la déclaration, que de la conduite qui sera tenue envers Sa Majesté Catholique, vont irrévocablement dépendre les rapports de l'Espagne avec l'Europe entière, et que le plus léger outrage à Sa Majesté Royale, plongeroit la Péninsule dans un abyme de calamités.

Son Excellence M. Martinez de la Rosa.

The Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Foreign Ministers. MESSIEURS, Madrid, le 8 Juillet, 1822.

ON connait assez les Evènemens déplorables survenus ces jours derniers, depuis qu'un Corps respectable spécialement destiné à la garde de la Personne Sacré de Sa Majesté Catholique, est sorti sans aucun ordre de ses Quartiers, a abandonné la Capitale, et s'est établie à deux lieues de Madrid dans la Résidence Royale du Pardo. Cet incident inattendu a placé le Gouvernement dans une position aussi difficile que singulière : il s'est trouvé privé d'un des principaux appuis qui lui servaient à maintenir l'Ordre public; la force destinée à faire exécuter les Lois a secoué le joug de la subordination et de l'obéissance, et des Mi

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