페이지 이미지

creation, of character, 139–140; impulse | diction (Part II), 193-232, 346–362.

to, 200.

crisis (see climax, issue, situation).
criticism, value of composition in im-
proving, 136, 202; suggestions for the
writing of, 273-274 (see review); sug-
gestions for the criticism of daily
themes, 334.

cross-examination, 292.

culmination, 151, 152 (see climax, con-


Daily themes, 332, 335.

DANTE, Inferno.

dictionaries, as records of usage, 194–


difference, Mill's Canon of, 79.
dilemma, 102-103, 290.

directness (see force), natural and ac-
quired, 231-232.

division, for exposition, 40-42, 266; for
three speakers in debate, 117-120,

drama, mode of, and mode of story,
151-153, 307-308; Greek, parts of,
152, 307-308.

dramatic method ("by effects") in de-
scription, 185-186.

DAUDET, ALPHONSE, Trente ans de dramatic reverse, 152, 307–308.


debate, division among three speakers,
117-120, 293-298; rebuttal (see refu-
tation), 105-109, 114-115, 117-118,


definition, 43, 44, 266-267, 291-292, 293.
DEFOE, Robinson Crusoe, 172, 307.
deliberative oratory, 125-126.

demonstration, not usually attainable,
86, 88-89, 289.

denotation, and connotation, 198, 208-

Mail-Coach, 15, 17, 29, 30; Levana
and Our Ladies of Sorrow, 228-
229; Pope, 242; Rhetoric, 286; Con-
versation, 302.
description, 171-174, 332-345 (see sub-
headings in Contents).
details, and the whole, in logical com-
position, 45-46, 115-124; in literary
composition, 131-132; in description,
174-180, 337; details for themselves,
as salient, characteristic, or pictu-
resque, 175-178.

development, of character, 143, 162,

304; of plot, 149-153, 304.
dialect, to express local or personal
peculiarity, 140-141, 304.
dialogue, 134, 140-141, 144-145, 146,

157-160, 185, 304.
DICKENS, David Copperfield, 141, 145,
147, 305; The Old Curiosity Shop,
224; A Tale of Two Cities, 256.

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dramatic unities, 147, 169.


EARLE, JOHN, English Prose, 349..
Thumbnail Sketches, 190.
effects, description by, 185-186.
EGGER, E., Histoire de la Critique chez
les Grecs, 306.

eighteenth century, prose of the, 211,

elegance, 207-212; as choiceness, 208;
as reserve, 209-210; preciosity, ped-
antry, and bombast, 210-211; stress
on elegance in manuals of rhetoric,
211; stress in the eighteenth cen-
tury, 211-212; corrected by force,

ELIOT, GEORGE, Middlemarch, 164,
304, 305; Adam Bede, 338.
ellipsis, undue, 27.

EMERSON, R. W., Intellect, 20.
emotion (see feeling).
emphasis, general, in logical composi-
tion, 9, 10; of a paragraph, position,
17, 121, 246, proportion, 18, 21, 120-
121, 246-247, in relation to the cohe-
rence of the whole, 19, 246; of a
sentence, 28-36, in relation to the
coherence of the paragraph, 32, 36,
250-251, at the beginning, 33-34,
after a pause, 34, 121; in argument,
120-121; general, in literary compo-
sition, 136; in narration, one main

character, 141-142, dominance of fall, a stage of Greek tragedy, 152-

climax, 148-150, 306-307, subordina-
tion of antecedent action, dialogue,
and description, 153-162, 173; in
description, 174-175.

energizing knowledge, the office of
persuasion, 40.

enthymeme, 77, 86.

epic, 138, 163-165, 302, 303, 304-305.
epigram, in balanced sentences, 35,

ERSKINE, LORD, Defence of Lord
George Gordon, 292.

essay, the, as a literary form, 57-58,
129, 300.

essays, directions for (see themes).
etymology, suggestion of, 209.
euphony, 222-223, 354.

evidence, of cause, 79-82; circumstan-
tial, 82-83, 287; analyzed, 95-98,
109-114, 280, 292; corroboration
sought, 106, 280; testimony as to
fact, III-113, 280.


fallacies, 96-100; petitio principii, 95;
non sequitur, 96; non causa pro
causa, 96; post hoc, 97; ignoratio
elenchi, 99; argumentum ad homi-
nem, 99, 290; ad terrorem, 99; of
objections, 99.

familiar words, for force, 213
feeling, appeal to, 61-63, 124, 284–286;
and reason, not appealed to sepa-
rately, 63; in the peroration, 117,
124; a measure of literary composi-
tion, 129-130; suggested, not sum-
marized, or explained, 130, 140, 160-
162; dominance of a single, 133;
description by the feelings of the
describer, 185-188; suggested by
diction, 209 (see force), 212-215; re-
serve in expression of, 188, 209, 215,
218-219 (see elegance); rhythm as
the expression of, 224.
FIELDING, Tom Jones, 141, 163, 305.

example, as a means of exposition, 13, figures, 189, 214-215, 353.

38, 244.

exclusion, logical, 101-102, 290–291.
exordium, 116.

expert testimony, 112.

explanation and suggestion, 129, 131,
149 (see exposition); to be com-
pressed in literary composition, 134,
140, 145, 149, 154-155, 160, 177, 180-
181, 183.

explicit reference, 9, 13, 16, 122.

G. R., Theme-Writing, 274, 286,

for, and therefore, in argumentative
plan, 74.

force, 212-215; and correctness, 194,
197; emotional directness, 213; con-
crete and specific, 213-214; figure,
214-215; corrected by elegance, 215-
221; violence, 215, 218-219.

forensic oratory, 125-126.
forms, of composition (see literary

exposition, 37-59, 257-274 (for sub- foreign words, 349.
headings see Contents).
"expository plan," 55-56.
expression, and repression, 187-188,
209-211 (see elegance); and idea,
205; daily themes an exercise in,

formulation, and impression, 133.
FREYTAG, GUSTAV, Die Technik des
Dramas, 307-308.

extensions, of the meaning of words, FROMENTIN, EUGÈNE, Une Année
dans le Sahel, 300-301, 336, 350; Un
Été dans le Sahara, 336-337.

195, 205.


Fable, Aristotle's distinction between
complicated and simple, 162, 169,
304, 310.

fact, and inference, 45, 109-114, 292;
testimony as to, III-113; and fiction,
in narration, 142, 163-165, 303-304.


GARDINER, J. H., The Forms of Prose
Literature, 242, 274.
general terms, lack suggestiveness,

generalization, an object of exposition, | HENRY, M. A., Cours Pratique et

37, 43-45; in argument, 74-75, 78-

81 (Mill's Canons), 82, 98; for
science and for art, 179.

generosity, a motive of romance, 167.

201, 350-352.

Raisonné de Style et de Composition,
237, 319-320.

HILL, A. S., Principles of Rhetoric,

genius, and technical skill, 139-140,"historical method," in argument, 292.
history, argument from (analogy), 84–
85; allusions to, in description, 177.
Holy Grail, a typical romance, 168.
homeliness, of style, 197, 220, 349.
HOMER, Iliad, 138; Odyssey, 165, 168.
horror, best suggested indirectly, 186.

GENUNG, JOHN F., The Working
Principles of Rhetoric, 344.
gesture, in narration and description,
130; to express character, 140, 143;
to forward plot, 154.

GIBBON, The Decline and Fall of the House-that-Jack-built sentence, 24.

Roman Empire, 35.

HUGO, Les Misérables, 182.

GILLESPIE, ELIZABETH D., A Book of HUXLEY, T. H., The Physical Basis
Remembrance, 321-322.
of Life, 102, 287.

GOLDSMITH, The Vicar of Wakefield, hypotaxis, 253 (see sentence emphasis).
130, 176.
hypotheses, forming of, 82, 289.

gradation, artistic coherence, 134, 304;
consistency in development of char-
acter, 143-144.

grasp, the mastery aimed at in logical
composition, in exposition, 40; in
argument, 70-71, 105, 115, 122, 124.
grouping, a process of exposition, 38,
44; of argument, 114, 122.


HALE, E. E., JR., A Constructive Rheto-
ric, 351.

hanging participle, 251.

HARDY, THOMAS, Tess of the D'Ur-
bervilles, 178.

harmony, of scene and emotion, 186-
188; of diction, 222-232, 354-362;
the constant quality of good style,
222; the connotation of sound, 222;
euphony, 222-223, 354; rhythm,
223-227, 354-357; alliteration, 228-
232, 357-362.
HART, A. B., Revised Suggestions on
the Study of the History and Govern-
ment of the United States, 267.
(Criticisms of Art), 350; The Prose
Style of Poets, 355-356.

HEARN, LAFCADIO, Glimpses of Un-
familiar Japan, 177–178.
heightening, of diction, 188, 208, 213-
215 (see style, concrete, figure).


Idiom, 197, 349.
ignoratio elenchi, 99.

illusion, artistic (verisimilitude), 143,

illustration, in exposition, 13, 38, 244;
in persuasion, 62.

images, mental, the object of description,
171; and visual representation, 173–
174; concrete and specific suggest,
213-214; figures specify, 214-215.
imagination, a measure in literary

composition, 129, 164; over-stimu-
lated by a habit of figure, 215.
imitation, study of style by, 187-188,
202, 205-206, 217, 351.

incident, in narration (see plot, situa-

indentation, to mark paragraphs, 11.
induction, in exposition, 52; in argu-
ment, 78-83, 87-88, 286–287.
inevitable, a characteristic of literary
coherence, 133-134, 151.
inferences, and facts, 45, 109-111, 113-

114; refutation of (fallacies), 96–100.
interest, keeping the, in a story, 151.
interpretation, as giving artistic unity,
131-132, 163.

interruption, of movement, to be

avoided, 134-135, 145, 150-151, 153-
162, 173, 180-182, 184.

introduction, in argument, 73-74, 115- | language, and the artist, 198, 202–203.

116, 118, 279, 293.
"inversion for adjustment," 22.
issue, meeting the, in argument, 70, 72,
105-109, 115-116; determines a story,
141-142, 143, 148-149.
iteration, in paragraph development,
13; in definition, 44; in persuasion,
121, 123-124, 298.

JAMES, HENRY, The Lesson of the
Master, 157-160; Brooksmith, 190;
The Art of Fiction, 310.

JAMES, WILLIAM, The Will to Believe,

JANVIER, THOMAS, Colour Studies,


JOHNSON, CHARLES F., Elements of

Literary Criticism, 301, 303, 307.
the Western Islands of Scotland, 212;
Life of Addison, 212; Letter to the
Earl of Chesterfield, 220-221.
joint methods of agreement and differ-
ence, Mill's Canon of, 79.


KEATS, Ode on a Grecian Urn, 256.
KER, W. P., Epic and Romance, 303,

KILLICK, A. H., The Student's Hand-
book Synoptical and Explanatory of
Mr. J. S. Mill's System of Logic, 78,
79, 281, 286, 290.

kinds of composition, 1, 2, 129-130.
KIPLING, RUDYARD, 007, 171; Little
Tobrah, 306; Without Benefit of
Clergy, 309; Georgie Porgie, 309;
Dinah Shadd, 309; On Greenhow
Hill, 309; The City of Dreadful
Night, 336; Thrown Away, 344.


LAROUSSE, P., Grand Dictionnaire
Universel, 306.

LEGOUVE, L'Art de la Lecture, 284.
LEMAITRE, JULES, Impressions de
Théâtre, 337; Les Contemporains, 353.
length of sentences, 19-22.
LESSING, Laokoon, 307, 336.
letters, 137, 207, 304.

LEWIS, E. H., A First Book in Writing
English, 244, 247.

limiting, the theme in exposition, 45,
46; the issue in argument, 104-109;
the characters in narration, 141-142;
the time and place in narration, 143,
146-147, 152.

literal translation, 346.
literary composition, distinguished from
logical, 129.

literary forms, of exposition, 57-59;
of persuasion, 125–126; of narration,
162-170; of description, 173, 190.
literary quality, 200 (see style).
literature, and other arts, appeal to feel-
ing in, 130; subject-matter in, 131,
175, 198, 199, 200; and science, 163-
164; measured by style, 198-200.
"live questions," not to be settled by
demonstration, 87, 91.

"local colour," characteristic detail, in
description, 176, 177, 301, 337.
logical exclusion, 101-102, 290–291.
logical progress, in a sentence, 32, 33;
in exposition, 52; in argument, 117,
122-123; distinguished from literary,
I, 129, 133-135.
logical relevancy (unity) and literary,

logical subordination (see emphasis),
and literary, 136.

longer clause after the shorter, for
cadence, 223.


La Farge, John, An Artist's Letters | MACAULAY, Francis Bacon, 34; His-
from Japan, 184; Considerations on
Painting, 301, 336, 350; Ruskin, Arl
and Truth, 301.

tory of England, 35; Lord Mahon's
War of the Succession in Spain, 244–
245, 256; Machiavelli, 245.


tameron, 178, 303, 361-362.

the People of the United States, 331.

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Gibbons vs. Ogden (Selection IV),
71-73, 243, 244, 245, 250, 251, 255,
290, 293, 402, 437; Cherokees vs. the
State of Georgia, 293.

marvellous, the pleasure of romance
in, 164, 166.

mass (see emphasis, proportion).
MATHER, COTTON, Magnalia Christi
Americana, 324-331, 349.
Manhattan, 190; Speech-making, 284;
The Short-Story, 304, 306, 307, 310-
311; The Study of Fiction, 310; Parts
of Speech, 348-349.

MAUPASSANT, GUY DE, Pierre et Jean,
310, 352; Lettres de Flaubert à George
Sand, 354.

measure, 223, 354-355 (see rhythm).
mechanism, in literary composition,
should be simple and invisible, 134,
148, 154, 180-184.
memory, descriptive appeal to, 172.
MEREDITH, GEORGE, Diana of the
Crossways, 160-162; Vittoria, 163,
342-344; The Ordeal of Richard
Feverel, 165, 344; Lord Ormont and
his Aminta, 218-219.
metaphor, 215.

metonymy, 215.

metre, out of place in prose, 224 (see

MONTAGUE, EARL, Defence of the
Court of the Lord High Steward, 98.
mood, unity of, in artistic composition,
133, 146, 148, 155; expressed by the
diction, 209 (see elegance).

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Moral," of a story, 133, 149 (see
climax, conclusion).

MORE, SIR THOMAS, Apology, 357-358.
movement, artistic coherence, 134-135;
in narration, 149-162, 307-308; in
story and in drama, 151-153; ante-
cedent action should not delay, 154,
155-157; description should not de-
lay, 160-162, 173; dialogue should
forward, 157-160; in description,
180-182; in detail (see rhythm).
music, and literature, appeal to feeling
in, 130.

mystery, the mood of romance, 166-


Narration, 138-170, 303-331 (see sub-
headings in Contents).
narrative poems, 153, 162.
narrator, choice of a (for unity of plot),
147-148, 306.

nationality in the conception of good
style, 216.

native words, for force, 213.
nature, described through personal
feeling, 186-188.


Literature (Selection III), 32, 35, 243,
246, 301, 350, 383-402; A Grammar
of Assent, 81, 88, 93, 266, 280, 286,
289-290; Poetry Considered with
Reference to Aristotle's Poetics, 350.
non causa pro causa, 96.
non-restrictive clauses, 28.

MEYNELL, ALICE, Symmetry and Inci-
dent (Selection II), 53-54, 55-56,
242, 246, 247, 250, 256, 349, 359, 372-
MILL, JOHN STUART, Logic, 78-81, 87, non sequitur, 96.
281, 286, 287, 289, 290, 292, 293.
Mill's Canons of induction, 78–81.
mode, of drama and of story, 131-


modifiers, faulty placing, 27-28; put
first in periodic sentence, 28.
monotony, an affair of sentence-length,
22, 250; of measures, 223, 225, 354-

notes, taking, 44-50, 240; composing,
50-53, 240-241; analyzing, 53-56;
palmed off for novels, 163-164.
novel, defined, 162–163, 309-310; in its
two moods, 138-139, 163, 310; epic,
leading to realism, 138-139, 162–165;
romance, 138-139, 165-169, 310.
novelty, interest of, in literature, 176;
in diction, 197, 204, 206.

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