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[THIS Volume contains "PAUL'S LETTERS to his KinsfolK," written mostly during Sir Walter Scott's tour on the Continent in the summer of 1815, and being indeed, to a considerable extent, the substance of his private letters to his own family ;-together with "ABSTRACT OF THE EYRBIGGIA-SAGA," contributed to the extensive work entitled "Northern Antiquities," which was drawn up in 1813.]


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Commencement of the Battle-Spot where Bonaparte

was posted-Advance of French Cavalry-Determina-

tion of the British Troops-First Attack of the French

-Their partial success-Defence of Hougoumont-

Renewed Attack upon it-Resistance of the Black

Brunswickers-Formation of the Regiments into

Squares-Attack upon Mount St John-Inefficiency

of Light Cavalry-Temporary superiority of the French

-Charge of the Heavy Brigade-Instance of Military

Indifference-Feats of personal valour-Corporal Shaw

-Sir John Elley-French Cavalry beaten off-Alarm

at Brussels on the arrival of French Prisoners-Con-

test renewed on the Right Wing-Charges of French

Cavalry-Courage of individual Frenchmen-Coolness

of our Soldiers-Retreat of a Belgian Regiment—

Cowardice of the Hanoverian Hussars-The Centre

and Left again assaulted-La Haye Sainte stormed-

Dreadful Carnage at Hougoumont-Burning of the

Chateau-The Position successfully defended-Duke

of Wellington-He encourages the Troops-Losses

among his Staff-Sir W. De Lancey-Sir A. Gordon-

Lieut.-Col. Canning-Incessant Attacks of the French

-Determination of Wellington-Bulow's Division ap-

pears-They are met by Lobau-Caution of Blucher

-Grouchy attacks the Prussian Rear-Defence of the

Bridge of Wavre-The Bridge forced-Grouchy waits

for orders-March of Blucher-Reasons assigned by

the French for their Defeat-Blucher appears near

Sunset-Bonaparte miscalculates on Grouchy's sup-

port-Attack of the Imperial Guards-Position of the

British Advance of the Imperial Guards. Our

Guards meet them-The French fly-The British form

Line and pursue-Bonaparte-His Admiration of the

British His Flight-The English advance-Final

Rout of the French-Last Gun fired by Captain

Campbell-The Flight and Pursuit-Wellington and

Blucher meet-La Belle Alliance-Cruelty of the



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