페이지 이미지


U. States.-The War declared simultaneously
with the Invasion of Russia.-The British North
American Provinces the main object of the War.


Preliminary Remarks.-The Berlin Decree.-
Rigorous execution of the Decree.-British Or-
der in Council, 7th January, 1807.-The Order
in Council though strictly just, not perhaps the
Attempts to induce the belief that the war

best course open to the British Government.-

The United States raise no voice against Buona-

was only unpopular with the minority; from

parte's Decree. The affair of the Chesapeake, June 18 to July 12, 1812.-Declaration of Hos-
22nd June, 1807.-Right of Search.-Some tilities.-Spirit which actuated Canadians,-
merchant vessels of the United States under although from a knowledge of their weakness
it might lead them to deprecate hostilities, yet

British Convoy.-British Order in Council, 11th

Nov., 1807, and Milan Decree.-Distressing not adverse to Great Britain.—Remarks on the

predicament of the U. States.-Plea advanced

by France, and repeated by the United States.

Liberality of the British Government before the

Berlin and Milan Decrees.-Embargo Act of

United States Congress, 25th Dec., 1807.-Mr.

Rose's Mission.-Public feeling in the United

States unfriendly to Great Britian.-Additions

to the U. S. troops voted by Congress, with

supplies. Effect of the Embargo.-Non-inter-

course Act, 1st March, 1808.

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