
INSURANCE (continued)

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INSURANCE (continued)

list of policies issued, to be furnished insurance commissioner, 62. marine. See tit. Marine Insurance. includes what, 54, 3865. material misrepresentation, 3864. miscellaneous, includes what, 55. mortgage. See tit. Mortgage Insurance. includes what, 55.

mutual companies, stock notes of, how computed, 77.

name of new corporation to be determined by insurance commissioner, 74.

non-payment of premiums forfeits, 1232. non-waiver of agreement, 1233.

notice of loss, 1233.

time for giving notice of accident, etc., 1236.

notice of withdrawal of company, publication of, 84.

papers which companies are to file with insurance commissioner, 72.

parties to contract, 1234.

penal offenses of company, district attorney to be notified of, 84.

penalty against company for failure to

file statement, 78.

penalty against company, payable on demand, 86.

percentage due state where broker procures insurance for unauthorized companies, 2860.

plate glass. See tit. Plate Glass Insur


includes what, 54.

policies of company, as to valuation of, 83.

actuary to be appointed to value, 64. information to be furnished policyholders by insurance commissioner, 63.

to be separately valued, 83. policies of life companies to be registered with insurance commissioner, 85.

power of attorney to act as agent of company, power of duplicate, 85. presentation of false claim for insurance loss, a felony, 3265.

registration of policies of life insurance companies, 2403.

reinsurance, 1233.

requisite to do business, 55, 56.

restoration of authority to company after

revocation, 70.

INSURANCE (continued)

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retaliatory clause against company, 80. revocation of certificate of, for insol

vency, 70.

right to share in insurance money, 1233. sprinkling. See tit. Sprinkling Insurance. includes what, 55.

statement of accident company, 76. statement of company, failure of company to file, penalty, 78.

to be based on gold-coin valuation, 82. verification of, 74.

what to show where other than life, 74, 76.

statement of health company, 76. statement of life company, 76.

statements to be made by companies to insurance commissioner, verification, 74.

stock notes of mutual companies, how computed, 77.

surety. See tit. Surety Insurance.

includes what, 54.

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INSURANCE COMMISSIONER (continued) attorney, power of, to act as agent, filing duplicate, etc., 85. attorney-general to examine documents of insurance companies when, 61. bond for foreign corporation to be filed, 81, 2403.

separate bond to be required when, 81. certificate for deposits, contents of, 79. certificate of insurance company to do

business, 59, 2870, 3435.

certificate to do business, "authorized company," 60, 2870, 3435.

expires when, 59.

issuance of by insurance commissioner,


not to be renewed if company is in arrears for taxes, 59, 3436.

removal of surplus line broker of office from state, 61.

revocation of, 58, 59, 3445.

action to review facts, 3445.

of insolvent companies, of license of surplus line broker, 61.

surplus line broker, 59, 60.

duties of surplus line broker, 60. surrender of, 59.

to be issued by, 59.

transfer of suits to federal court by

company, revocation of license, 59. certificate of necessity to authorize title insurance companies to act, 928. certificate of necessity to mortgage insurance companies, 930.

classification of insurance, 2397. classification of risks and premium rates

to be filed, with, 2400.

contingent expenses of, 84.

corporation, name of new insurance, may be determined by, 74.

county clerks to be furnished with list of insurance companies by, 82. definition of certain words, 86. deposits, certificate for, contents of, 79. of securities by insurance companies when, 79.

required when, 79.

determination of name of new insurance

corporation, 74.

district attorney to be notified by of penal offenses, 84.

eligibility to be, 53.

employment of actuary by, 64.

estimate of condition of insurance com

pany, how made, 65, 68.

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INSURANCE COMMISSIONER (continued) examination, of affairs of insurance com

panies when, 62, 3438. access to books, 3438.

company formed in another state, 3438. condition of company estimated how, 3439.

inspection of books, 3438.

of documents of insurance company by attorney-general, 61.

of policies, etc., by, 61.

of securities, deficiencies to be made up when, 80.

expenditures of audited, 53. fees to be paid to, 71, 2402.

fines, payable on demand, 86.

foreign companies, deposit of securities by, 57.

amount of deposit, 57.
certificate of, 57.

deposit in other state to be certified,

deposit of securities in state treasury, 57.

foreign corporations, bonds from, when to be filed, 81.

separate bonds to be required when, 81.

fraternal societies exempt, 83.

full compliance with law to be required

by, 82.

furniture for, 53.

general duties of, 58.

gold-coin values, statements, etc., to be

based on, 82.

how conditions of insurance company may be estimated, 65, 68.

insolvency of insurance company, what

constitutes, 64.

insolvency proceedings, 71.

insolvent companies, notice of revoca

tion of certificate to do business, 70. insurance business classified, 54. license, new shall be issued to surplus line broker when, 61.

licensing insurance agent, 3436, 3441.
agent, who is, 3441.

application for license, 3441.
fees, 3442.

penalty for acting without license,

revoking or suspension of license, 3437, 3441, 3445.

action to review facts, 3442, 3445. 1917 Sup.-51.


INSURANCE COMMISSIONER (continued) time in force, 3442.

title insurance, etc., not affected, 3442. licensing insurance broker, 3436, 3442. as to who is a broker, 3442. application for, 3443.

fees, 3444.

issuance of, 3443.

non-resident broker, 3443.

penalty for acting without license, 3444.

revocation or suspension of license, 3442.

action to review facts, 3443. time in force, 3443.

title insurance, etc., not affected, 3444. life insurance companies, registration of policies of with, 85.

list of insurance companies to be furnished to county clerks by, 82. list of policies issued by insurance companies to be furnished to, 62. may determine name of new corporation, 74.

may issue subpoena, 64.

office of, 54, 84, 3435.

official bond of, 54.

papers which are to be filed with, 72.

penal offenses, district attorney to be

notified by, 84.

penalty for failure to file statement, to collect, 78.

penalties, payable on demand, 86.

policy must contain true statement of amount of premium, 3444.

bonuses, 3445.

commissions, agent's on own insur

ance, 3444.

discount on marine insurance, 3444. penalty, 3445.

producing books, etc., 3445.

rebates prohibited, 3444. responsibility of company, 3445. title insurance, etc., not affected, 3445. policies, life insurance companies to fur

nish data for valuation of, 83, 3444. policies null and void when, 61. policies of life insurance companies, registration with, 85.

policies, separate valuation of, 83. policy-holders may procure information about policies from, 63.

power of attorney to act as agent, filing duplicate, etc., 85.

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INSURANCE COMMISSIONER (continued) INSURANCE COMMISSIONER (continued) publication of annual statement by in- to furnish assessors with certain information, 82.

surance company, 74.

of notice of withdrawal, 84. records of, 64.

registration of policies of life insurance companies with, 85, 2403. report business of insolvency of companies by attorney-general, 71. report by for purposes of taxation, 3590. restoration of authority to do business after revocation of business, 70. retaliatory clause, 80.

revocation by of license to do business,


right of action against, 84.

rooms for, 53.

salary of, 53, 3435.

salary and expenses of, assessment for deficiency in, 72.

salary of deputy of, 53, 3435. securities, deficiencies of to be made up when, 80.

deposit of by insurance companies when, 79.

examination of, 80.

withdrawal of by insurance company,


separate valuation of policies, 83. special fund for, 53.

state compensation insurance fund, 3439. statement, failure of insurance company

to file, penalty to be collected by, 78. of accident insurance company, what must show, 76.

of health insurance company, what must show, 76.

of insurance company other than life, must show what, 74.

of life insurance company, what must show, 76.

to be based on gold-coin values, 82.

to be made to by insurance companies, 74.

stock notes of mutual companies, how

computed, 77.

subpoenas, may issue, 64.

suits to be instituted by, 58.

surplus line broker, 3436.

duties of, 3436.

license for, 3436.

tax on gross premiums, 80.

taxes, payable on demand, 86.

to collect penalty for failure to file state

ment, 78.

to furnish blanks to insurance companies, 77.

to furnish list of insurance companies to county clerks, 82.

transfer of suits to federal court by insurance company, revocation of license, 59.

valuation of policies, life insurance companies to furnish data for, 83. separate valuation of, 83.


answer by claiming exemption, 1460. burning, etc., property to defraud, 4101. certificate to do business. See tit. Insurance Commissioner.

license of agent. See tit. Insurance Commissioner.

tax on gross premiums of, 3584. transfer of cause to federal court. See tit. Insurance.

INSURANCE CORPORATIONS. See tits. Insurance; Insurance Commissioner. accumulations, investment of, 3812. capital, investment of, 3812.

certificate of insurance commissioners

necessary, 2870.

guarantee fund and investment of, 2869. investment of capital and accumulations of, 919, 920, 2867, 2869, 3912. life. See tits. Life Insurance Companies; Mutual Life, Health, and Accident Insurance Corporations.

report on stock and bonds held by, 921. securities in which capital may be invested, 920.

stock and bonds held by, report on, 921. valued how, 921.

surplus, investment of, 3812. INSURRECTION

proclamation of state of, 248.


drawing bank check with, 2095. INTEREST

as to generally, 2962.

in property.


See tit. Interest in Prop

on judgment, 2963.

on school bonds, rate of, 243.

when payable, 243.

paid to be noted by county treasurer, 577.

INTEREST (continued)

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to be paid upon unpaid warrants against

school districts, 173.

upon award of damages, 1274, 1275.
warrants drawing paid first, 576.

conditions in will imposing restraint
upon marriage, 986.

contingent, annotation, 985.
future, annotation, 983.

future interest suspending power of
alienation void, annotation, 988.
taking by unborn grandchildren, 985.
two or more future, 985.
vested, 984.


in divorce proceedings, 842.
establishment by school trustees, 3488.

duty of county recorder as to, 589.

as to annotation, 1418.
as to generally, annotations, 1127-1130.
as to time of payment, 1134.

as to time of performance, etc., 1133.
acts of parties, 1133.

construction of words and phrases in in-

strument, 1131.

description in deed imperfect and uncer-

tain, 1131.

determining place of execution, 1131.

of grant in lease, resort to circum-
stances, 1131.

of lease for beet farming, 1131.

partial rather than total forfeiture, 1133.
promise presumed, 1133.


as to generally, annotations, 1056, 1059-
1068, 1836, 2926, 3834.

on appeal from partial distribution, 2926.

as to generally, annotation, 1201.

as to generally, 3055.

appeal from order, 3055.

how and when takes place, 1418.

intervenor must have interest in subject-

matter, 1419.

rights of intervenor, 1419.

right to, in condemnation proceedings,



local option

elections, 3247.

judicial notice of, 3247.

law, purposes and interpretation, 3246.
license, mandamus to issue, 3247, 3250.
ordinances regulating and forbidding
sales, 3248.

powers of board of supervisors, annota-
tion, 542.

prosecution for unlawful sales, 3248.
appeal, 3249.

complaint or information, 3248.

as to generally, 3248.

deposition of absent witness, 3249.
must be in name of people, 3249, 3294.
regulation and licenses, as to generally,

mandamus to issue license, 3247, 3250.
sale of between 2 and 6 a. m. prohibited,


sale of near state buildings and grounds,
a misdemeanor, 2048, 3213.

sale of near university a misdemeanor,
2048, 3213.

sale of to drunkards or Indians, a misde-
meanor, 3253.

soliciting orders in non-license territory,
venue of the offense, 3249.

See tit. Automobile

annual to be made by certain officers,

of estates of decedents. See tit. Estates

of Decedents.

of ward's estate by guardian, 1943.
and Trusts,

as to generally, 1213.

statute of limitations as affecting, 1005.

certified copies of assessment-books for,


deed of right of way for as conferring
right to use water, 1076, 1077.


mode of trial of, 1529, 3976.

of fact, annotation, 1529, 3976.

of law, trial of, 3976.

parties may bring to trial, annotation,

special submitted to jury, annotation,

1542, 1544.

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