Biennial Supplement to Kerr's Cyclopedic California Codes: Containing All the Additions, Amendments, Amendments to Amendments, Changes and Repeals, Affecting the Various Codes of the State...Bender-Moss Company, 1917 - 894ÆäÀÌÁö |
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3431 ÆäÀÌÁö
... district attorney and county clerk , one copy . 5. To the reporter of the decisions , ten copies . 6. To the state library , ten copies . ¡× 412 . History : Enacted March 12 , 1872 ; amended February 28 , 1903 , Stats . and Amdts . 1903 ...
... district attorney and county clerk , one copy . 5. To the reporter of the decisions , ten copies . 6. To the state library , ten copies . ¡× 412 . History : Enacted March 12 , 1872 ; amended February 28 , 1903 , Stats . and Amdts . 1903 ...
3432 ÆäÀÌÁö
... county treasurers , district attorneys and other officers and persons in the administration and enforcement of the inheritance- or transfer - tax laws of this state , and shall prepare , publish and distribute such blank forms for use ...
... county treasurers , district attorneys and other officers and persons in the administration and enforcement of the inheritance- or transfer - tax laws of this state , and shall prepare , publish and distribute such blank forms for use ...
3434 ÆäÀÌÁö
... district attorney in any county of this state shall , for any reason , become disqualified from conducting any criminal prosecution within such county , the attorney - general may employ special counsel to conduct such prosecution , and ...
... district attorney in any county of this state shall , for any reason , become disqualified from conducting any criminal prosecution within such county , the attorney - general may employ special counsel to conduct such prosecution , and ...
3539 ÆäÀÌÁö
... district attorney of the county in the name and for the benefit of the county making such payment or payments , and when the property is sold , enough of the proceeds shall be paid into the county treasury of such county to satisfy the ...
... district attorney of the county in the name and for the benefit of the county making such payment or payments , and when the property is sold , enough of the proceeds shall be paid into the county treasury of such county to satisfy the ...
3542 ÆäÀÌÁö
... district attorney to institute proceedings , under title seven , part three , of the Code of Civil Procedure , and to pay therefor from the general road fund or the district road fund of the county . 5. Levy a property - tax for road ...
... district attorney to institute proceedings , under title seven , part three , of the Code of Civil Procedure , and to pay therefor from the general road fund or the district road fund of the county . 5. Levy a property - tax for road ...
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action affidavit allowed by law amended March appeal appointed April 27 assessment assessor auditor board of education board of supervisors bonds certificate city and county Civil Procedure Code Amdts commissioner compensation constables contract corporation county clerk county officers county seat county treasury defendant deputy district attorney dollars per annum dollars per month duties effect July 27 eight hundred dollars Enacted March 12 Enactment approved June expenses February 28 fees filed five hundred dollars fund hereby allowed History holder indorsement judgment July 31 jurors justices Kerr's Stats land manner March 21 monthly installments notice officers are paid party payable payment person plaintiff population receive a salary repealed sheriff subdivision superintendent of schools superior court tax-collector taxes thereof thousand dollars thousand eight hundred thousand five hundred thousand four hundred thousand two hundred three thousand tion townships treasurer trial trustees
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3908 ÆäÀÌÁö - Where a negotiable instrument is materially altered without the assent of all parties liable thereon, it is avoided except as against a party who has himself made, authorized or assented to the alteration and subsequent indorsers. But when an instrument has been materially altered and is in the hands of a holder in due course, not a party to the alteration, he may enforce payment thereof according to its original tenor.
3973 ÆäÀÌÁö - The court may, before, or after judgment, in furtherance of justice, and on such terms as may be proper, amend any pleading, process, or proceeding, by adding or striking out the name of any party, or by correcting a mistake in the name of a party, or a mistake in any other respect...
3895 ÆäÀÌÁö - To constitute notice of an infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating the same, the person to whom it is negotiated must have had actual knowledge of the infirmity or defect, or knowledge of such facts that his action in taking the instrument amounted to bad faith.
3889 ÆäÀÌÁö - Where a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under such signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.
3895 ÆäÀÌÁö - A holder in due course holds the instrument free from any defect of title of prior parties, and free from defenses available to prior parties among themselves, and may enforce payment of the instrument for the full amount thereof against all parties liable thereon.
3909 ÆäÀÌÁö - A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
3895 ÆäÀÌÁö - The title of a person who negotiates an instrument is defective within the meaning of this act when he obtained the instrument, or any signature thereto, by fraud, duress, or force and fear, or other unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it in breach of faith, or under such circumstances as amount to a fraud.
3896 ÆäÀÌÁö - In the hands of any holder other than a holder in due course, a negotiable instrument is subject to the same defenses as if it were non-negotiable. But a holder who derives his title through a holder in due course, and who is not himself a party to any fraud or illegality affecting the instrument, has all the rights of such former holder in respect of all parties prior to the latter.
3909 ÆäÀÌÁö - An inland bill of exchange is a bill which is, or on its face purports to be, both drawn and payable within this state. Any other bill is a foreign bill. Unless the contrary appears on the face of the bill, the holder may treat it as an inland bill.
3896 ÆäÀÌÁö - Every holder is deemed prima facie to be a holder in due course ; but when it is shown that the title of any person who has negotiated the instrument was defective, the burden is on the holder to prove that he or some person under whom he claims acquired the title as a holder in due course.