페이지 이미지

written, 'the vision of all this bloodiness is less terrible than that vision of the sheep triumphing, so dear to us moderns?'

The book is essentially stimulating; one feels that Goethe's words on Tieck's Dramaturgische Blätter are no less applicable to the earlier Kommentar: 'Gar mannigfaltige Betrachtungen erregte mir dies merkwürdige Büchelchen.' While the editors' work is not faultless the first volume of their new Neudrucke has a real value.




Professor G. McLean Harper of Princeton is known as the author of the Life of Wordsworth. In John Morley and other essays (London, H. Milford, 1920, 6s. 6d.), writing an easy and graceful English, in a tone of unaffected sincerity, he shows his thoughtful interest in many sides of life and literature. His own view of life is revealed in his very sympathetic essay on John Morley, written in 1911: but he is so far from being a narrow agnostic that he devotes one essay to an admiring study of a forgotten Christian mystic of the 18th century, David Brainerd. He writes finely of the austere sonnets of Michael Angelo: and with discriminating enthusiasm of the Comédie Humaine, which he has read from end to end. He introduces us to a new critic of marked individuality, W. C. Brownell: and he makes a further contribution to our knowledge of Wordsworth in two notable essays, one on Wordsworth's Love Poetry, the other on his life at Blois. Professor Harper in a visit to Blois read through the manuscript minutes of the Blois revolutionary society, 'Les amis de la constitution,' and found a minute of 3 Feb. 1792 in which permission was given to two Englishmen to attend the meetings of the society-one of them, with little doubt, being Wordsworth-and other minutes relating to the part played by Wordsworth's friend, Beaupuy. G. C. M. S.

Professor Henry A. Beers' Four Americans (New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press; London, H. Milford, 1920, 4s. 6d.) consists of four slight but pleasantly written essays on Roosevelt, Hawthorne, Emerson, Whitman. The treatment of the two former is something fuller than that of Emerson, who only appears as one figure in the society of Concord, and of Whitman who only receives a 'Wordlet' of five small pages, but in no case does the critic allow himself to be shaken from an attitude of rather cool detachment. Those among us whose view of life's values has been profoundly affected by Whitman will rub their eyes at being told that 'his poetry though animal to a degree is not unhuman.' But after this generous concession, the advocatus diaboli proceeds:

'Where was his perfect poem, his gem of flawless workmanship?' 'Was he the great poet of America, or even a great poet at all?' 'Our really democratic writers have been such as Mark Twain and James Whitcomb Riley.'

'I do not stand in terror of any critics, however authoritative; remembering how even the great Goethe was taken in by Macpherson's "Ossian.'

So if Professor Beers had only been a Goethe, he would probably have felt Whitman's sweep of soul and his sheer power as an artist. As it is, he cannot be 'taken in.'

The 'Wordlet' is provocative: the other essays contain much that will be interesting, at least to English readers. The qualities of Hawthorne are delicately discriminated: and the society of Concord is pictured once more. Professor Beers even assents to the opinion that the one of the Concord authors who will live longest is not Emerson, but Thoreau. G. C. M. S.

Bacon tells us that he found in his own nature a special adaptation for the contemplation of truth. 'For I had a mind at once versatile enough for the recognition of similitudes, and at the same time sufficiently steady and concentrated for the observation of subtle shades of difference.' Professor L. N. Broughton, author of The Theocritean Element in the Works of William Wordsworth (Halle, Max Niemeyer, 1920, M. 18), has hardly this double equipment. His essay, while laboriously showing points of resemblance between the two poets, shows little sense of the differences between them, and seems to me to add very little to our knowledge of either. G. C. M. S.

We have received the third volume of Studi danteschi edited by Michele Barbi (Florence, Sansoni. 1921. Lire 12,50). Under Il bacio di Ginevra e il bacio di Paolo, V. Crescini investigates, with illustrations drawn from both romantic and feudal sources, the apparent discrepancy between the scene in the Lancelot and Dante's famous lines in the fifth canto of the Inferno. Pio Rajna, in Il casato di Dante, discusses the history and correct spelling of the surname 'Alighieri.' Michele Barbi (L'ufficio di Dante per i lavori di via S. Procolo) places in its right perspective that curious episode in the life of the poet when, in the spring of 1301, he appears as officialis et superestans, for the straightening out of a Florentine street. The article is supplemented by an interesting appendix of documents. Among the Chiose e note varie are notes by Vandelli, Barbi, and Rajna illustrating readings adopted in the sexcentenary critical edition of the Opere; all, we think, convincing. Enrico Bianchi leaves us unsatisfied in an attempted defence of the theory that refers the 'disdegno di Guido' to Beatrice, but gives a suggestive interpretation of the 'cerchie eterne' of Inf. XVIII, 72. In addition there are critical notices of recent publications on the question of the Fiore and the Garisenda sonnet, and some useful bibliographical matter.

E. G. G.

CORRIGENDUM. Vol. XVI, p. 271, line 5: Delete the sentence Evelyn describes, etc.,' for which the writer desires to express his regret.


September-November, 1921.


ERMATINGER, E., Das dichterische Kunstwerk. Grundbegriffe und Urteilsbildung in der Literaturgeschichte. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 40 M.

HAMELIUS, P., Introduction à la littérature française et flamande de Belgique. Brussels, J. Lebègue.

LORCK, E., Die 'erlebte Rede.' Eine sprachliche Untersuchung. Heidelberg, C. Winter. 9 M.

PERRY, BLISS, A Study of Poetry. London, Constable. 12s. 6d.

ROBERTS, S. C., A History of the Cambridge University Press, 1521-1921. Cambridge, University Press. 178. 6d.

SCHRIJNEN, J., Einführung in das Studium der indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft. Übersetzt von W. Fischer. (Indogermanische Bibliothek, I, 1, xiv.) Heidelberg, C. Winter. 20 M.

SCHÜCK, H., Allmän litteraturhistoria. III. Renässans. Stockholm, H. Geber. 12 kr.

WARD, Sir A. W., Collected Papers. III, IV (Literary, I, II). Cambridge, University Press. Each 318. 6d.


NICHOLSON, G. G., Recherches philologiques romanes. Paris, H. Champion.


ALTROCCHI, R., The Calumny of Apelles in the Literature of the Quattrocento (Publ. M.L.A., Amer., xxxvi, 3, Sept.).

ARIOSTO, L., Orlando Furioso, a cura di F. Martini. Paris, Paravia. L. 12. BIAGI, V., Opere anonime e di dubbia autenticità della letteratura italiana. Florence, R. Bemporad. L. 10.

Cambridge Plain Italian Texts. Rosmini, Cinque Piaghe; G. Gozzi, La Gazzetta veneta; Alfieri, La virtù sconosciuta; Leopardi, Pensieri; Mazzini, Fede e avvenire. With Introductions by T. Okey. Cambridge, University Press.

Each 1s. 6d.

DANTE ALIGHIERI, Le Opere. Testo critico della Società Dantesca italiana. Florence, R. Bemporad. L. 25.

DANTE ALIGHIERI, La Divina Commedia, con il commento di T. Casini. Per cura di S. A. Barbi. 1. 6ta Ed. Florence, Sansoni. L. 6.

Dante Six Hundred Years After: Symposium. Three Addresses read before the Chicago Literary Club.

DELLA CASA, G., Il Galateo, con introd. e note di U. Scoti-Bertinelli. Turin, G. B. Paravia. L. 6.

DEL LUNGO, I., Dante. Prolusioni alle tre cantiche e commento all' 'Inferno.' Florence, Le Monnier.

DE SANCTIS, F., Pagine dantesche. Con prefazione di P. Arcari. Milan, Treves.

L. 8.

DONADONI, E., Scritti e Discorsi letterari. Florence, Sansoni. L. 10.

FARINELLI, A., Dante in Spagna, Francia, Inghilterra, Germania. Turin, Bocca. L. 40.

FOLIGNO, C., Dante: The Poet. (British Academy.) London, H. Milford. 18. 6d. GARDNER, E. G., Dante. Annual Master-Mind Lecture (British Academy). London, H. Milford. 1s. 6d.

GENNARI, L., Ritratto di un poeta: A. Fogazzaro. Bergamo, A. Savoldi. L. 6. GUARINI, B., Il pastor fido, ridotto alle sue scene principali per la rappresentazione di Bedford College, giugno 1921. Como, Tip. Cavalleri.

MISCIATELLI, P., Pagine dantesche. Siena, Giuntini Bentivoglio. L. 12.
Studi glottologici italiani, diretti da G. De Gregorio. VIII. Turin, G. Chiantore.
L. 50.

TASSO, T., La Gerusalemme liberata. Pref. di G. Mazzoni; note di A. Della
Torre. Turin, G. B. Paravia. L. 9.

TOYNBEE, P., Dante Studies. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 168.

ZIINO, M., Raffronti Manzoniani. Palermo, Trimarchi. L. 6.

Spanish and Portuguese.

BELL, A. F. G., Gil Vicente (Hispanic Notes and Monographs, Portuguese
Series, 1). Oxford, University Press. 58.

COTARELO, E., Ensayo sobre la vida y obras de don Pedro Calderón de la
Barca (Bol. Acad. Española, ix, 39, Oct.).

MOREL-FATIO, A., El puñal en latiga (Rev. litt. comp., i, 4, Oct.).

VINCENTE, GIL, Auto de la Sibila Casandra. Con prologo y notas de Á. Giráldez. Madrid, V. Suarez.

ZAUNER, A., Altspanisches Elementarbuch. 2. Aufl. (Samml. roman. Elementarbücher, i, 5). Heidelberg, C. Winter. 18 M.


(a) Old French.

LAUBSCHER, G. G., The Syntactical Causes of Case Reduction in Old French (Elliott Monographs, vii). Princeton, N. Y. 1 dol. 50.

MARIE DE FRANCE, Les Lais, I-IV. Introd. par E. Hoepffner (Bibl. Rom., 274-5). Strasbourg, J. H. E. Heitz.

Ysopet-Avionnet. The Latin and French Texts, ed. by K. McKenzie and W. A. Oldfather (Univ. of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, v, 4). Urbana. 1 dol. 50.

(b) Modern French.

BONNEFON, P., Scribe sous la monarchie de juillet (suite) (Rev. d'hist. lit.,

BOUILLIER, V., La Renommée de Montaigne en Allemagne. Paris, H. Champion. BURTON, J. M., H. de Balzac and his Figures of Speech (Elliott Monographs, viii). Princeton, N. J. 1 dol.

DIMOFF, P., Une source anglaise de l'Invention' d'André Chénier (Rev. litt. comp., i, 4, Oct.).

DROZ, E., Corneille et l'Astrée (Rev. d'hist. lit., June).

FOSTER, E. A., Le dernier séjour de J. J. Rousseau à Paris, 1770-78 (Smith College Studies in Mod. Languages, ii, 2, 3). Northampton, Mass.

GROS, E., Avant Corneille et Racine. Le 'Tite' de Magnon, 1660 (Rev. d'hist. lit., June).

HAVENS, G. R., The Abbé Prevost and English Literature (Elliott Monographs, ix). Princeton, N. J. 1 dol. 50.

JOURDAIN, E. F., Dramatic Theory and Practice in France, 1690-1808. London, Longmans, Green. 12s. 6d.

KLEMPERER, W., Einführung in das Mittelfranzösische (13.-17. Jahrh.). Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 24 M.

KÜCHLER, W., Ernest Renan. Der Dichter und der Künstler. Gotha, F. A. Perthes. 20 M.

MARTINO, P., Sur deux poèmes musulmans de Leconte de Lisle (Rev. lit. comp., i, 4, Oct.).

MORONCINI, E., A. de Musset e l'Italia. Rome, Albrighi. L. 10.

RAYNAUD, E., Les parents de Baudelaire (Merc. de France, Aug. 15). ROTH, G., Kirke White et 'Joseph Delorme' (Rev. lit. comp., i, 4, Oct.). TRONCHON, H., Herder et Lamartine (Rev. lit. comp., i, 4, Oct.). VERMALE, F., Notes sur Joseph de Maistre inconnu. Chambéry, Dardel. 4 fr.



JAKOBSEN, J., Etymologisk Ordbog over det norrøne Sprog på Shetland. 4 vols. Copenhagen, V. Prior. (1908-21.)

JÓNSSON, F., Norsk-islandske Kultur- og Sprogforhold i 9. og 10. Årh. (Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selskab.) 10 kr. 50.

Konungs Skuggsjá. Speculum regale. Udg. efter Håndskrifterne af det kgl. nordiske oldskriftselskab. 2 Parts. Copenhagen, Gyldendal. 4 kr.

STEFFEN, R., Översikt av svenska litteraturen, v. (1900-20). Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt. 9 kr. 75.

Vatnsdæla saga. Herausg. von W. H. Vogt. (Altnordische Sagabibliothek, xvi.) Halle, Niemeyer. 26 M.


(a) General.

The Year's Work in English Studies, 1919-20. Ed. for the English Association by Sir Sidney Lee. London, H. Milford. 6s.

(b) Old and Middle English.

AELFRIC, De vetere et novo testamento, Pentateuch, Josua, Buch der Richter und Hiob. (Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Prosa, i.) Unveränderter Neudruck. Hamburg, H. Grand. 50 M.

AELFRIC, Exameron Anglice, or The Old English Hexameron. Ed. by S. J. Crawford. (Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Prosa, x.) Hamburg, H. Grand. 30 M.

AURNER, N. S., Hengest. A Study in Early English Hero Legend (University of Iowa Studies: Humanistic Studies, ii, 1). Iowa, Univ. of Iowa. 1 dol.

Buik of Alexander, The. Ed. by R. L. Graeme Ritchie. II. (Scottish Text Society, New Series, xii.) Edinburgh, W. Blackwood.

CHAMBERS, R. W., Beowulf. An Introduction to the Study of the Poem. Cambridge, University Press. 308.

Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose. Ed. by K. Sisam. Oxford, University Press. 78. 6d.

LANGHANS, V., Der Reimvokal 'e' bei Chaucer (Schluss) (Anglia, xlv, 4). Pearl. Ed. by Sir I. Gollancz. London, Chatto and Windus. 7s. 6d.

Wheatley Manuscript, The. Ed. by Mabel Day. (Early English Text Society, Orig. Series, clv.) London, H. Milford. 30s.

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