페이지 이미지

the difficulty of enlivening which, the Lord said to him, "Son of man, can these bones live?" And when the Lord God had further said: "Behold I will cause breath to enter into them, and they shall live," Ezekiel, it is true, saw that "the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them above, but-there was no breath in them," so that it was still necessary to prophesy to the wind, and to say, "Come from the four winds, O breath! and breathe upon these slain, that they may live!" Our comfort is, that what appears to the reason of man to be impossible, is easily carried into effect by the wisdom, grace, and omnipotence of God!

It becomes now our pleasant duty, not so much for the purpose of gratifying curiosity, as for satisfying the anxious inquiries of the lovers of the word of God, to state the application of what has been quoted from the prophet; and to communicate what we consider as proofs of divine life, in those whom we have compared with the dry bones of Ezekiel; and of the efficacy and vital power of the word of God.

The Rev. John Korschunow, a priest in the parish of Ssonikow, in the district of Tschebokssar, has reported to the Archbishop Ambrosius, that a Tschuwaschian, of the name of Nikiforow, belonging to the village of Togaschew, together with his whole family, consisting of eight persons, and further that Matwejeco, belonging to the parish of Wembukas, who with his wife and sister had left their Mahometan parent, and lived in a separate cottage, regularly attend the church on Sunday, in order to hear the Gospel in their native tongue, and that they duly observe the Lord's Day, by abstaining from any kind of work. The priest Iljiun, of the parish of Tscheruyschewo, also writes, that several Tscheremissians who attend the service in their own language frequently express an ardent desire to join the Christian congregation, and to be received into the bosom of the church; and as a pleasing confirmation, he has added a list of thirty-eight Tscheremissians who have been converted to the Christian faith. In addition to the above, the Rev. Messieurs Pernajagoschewsky, Pomeranzew, and Pawlinsky, resident in the parish of Klein-Ssundyr, in the district of Kosmodemjanski, report that many Tscheremissians in their parishes, penetrated by the invigorating light of the Gospel of truth, have renounced their heathenish vows, and with true sincerity of heart joined the Christian church, solemnly engaging to attend divine service, and to abstain from such vices as are inevitably connected with the superstitious rites of their pagan worship. The number of such Tscheremissians as have been converted from darkness to the glorious light of the Gospel amounts to above 100 individuals, including men, women, and children. Lastly, the Rev. Mr. Rawwinow, of Koschwasch, states, that by means of reading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, thirty-seven persons in that place, and fifteen in the village of Torajew, have espoused the Christian faith, and that not only they, but many others, acknowledge their former religious system to be grounded on gross superstition.

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Together with about 2,000 Bible Associations; of which, more than 500 are Ladies' Associations.

* Including thirteen which contribute only a portion of their funds to this object.

+BIBLE SOCIETIES in Foreign Parts, and the Number of Bibles and Testaments printed or distributed by them respectively, with the aid of the British andForeign Bible Society.

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1. Basle Bible Society, instituted 1804

German, French, and Italian Bibles and Testaments, and Romanese Testa-1

2. Zurich Bible Society, instituted 1812, with an Auxiliary at Win


terthur ;

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8. Lausanne Bible Society, instituted 1814..

9. Geneva Bible Society, instituted 1814..

10. Neufchâtel Bible Society, instituted 1816.

11. Waldenses Bible Society, at La Tour, instituted 1816.

12. Glarus Bible Society, instituted 1819

13. Hungarian Bible Institution at Presburgh, formed in 1812

14. Würtemberg Bible Society, instituted at Stuttgardt, 1812, with 46

Bibles and Tests. 146,670










Slavonian and Wendish Testaments

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Branches at

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15. Grand Duchy of Baden Bible Society, instituted 1820, with

16. Strasburgh Bible Society, instituted 1815

17. Hesse-Darmstadt Bible Society, instituted 1817; comprehending, among other Auxiliaries, those previously formed at Michelstadt, in the Odenwald, and at Worms, and a Sister-Institution at Giessen, instituted 1817.


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18. Hanau Bible Society, instituted 1818.
19. Hesse-Cassel Bible Society, instituted 1818.

20. Ratisbon Bible Society, instituted 1805

German Testaments"

21. Hesse-Homburg Bible Society, instituted 1816.

22. Nassau, Duchy, Bible Society, instituted 1816.

23. Frankfort Bible Society, instituted 1816...

24. Waldeck and Pyrmont Bible Society, instituted 1817. 25. Lippe-Detmold Bible Society, instituted 1816

† All Foreign Societies have purchased and distributed Bibles, some to the amount of many thousand copies, but the exact number cannot in every instance be ascertained.

In addition to those printed by Societies, three Catholic Clergymen have published above 600,000 copies of the German New Testament.

Brought forward...

26 Hanover Bible Society, instituted 1814; with 23 Auxiliary Societies

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27. Bremen Bible Society, instituted 1815; with an Auxiliary at Vegesack.

Copies of Scriptures

Bibles and Tests. 557,261



28. Hamburgh-Altona Bible Society, instituted 1814; with Branches at Mohrenfleth, Bergedorf, Ritzebuettel


29. Luebeck (City of) Bible Society, instituted 1814.

30. Eutin Bible Society, for the Principality of Luebeck, instituted


31. Lauenburgh-Ratzeburgh Bible Society, instituted 1816.


32. Mecklenburgh-Schwerin Bible Society, instituted 1816. 33. Rostock Bible Society, instituted 1816.


34. Brunswick Bible Society, instituted 1815.

35. Prussian Bible Society, instituted at Berlin, 1805, enlarged 1814.
German, Polish, Bohemian, and Wendish Scriptures
This Society now numbers 43 Auxiliaries; viz.


Barth, Bergen, Breslau, Buchwald, Bunzlau, Cologne, Cöslin, Crossen, Dahme, Danzig, Elberfeldt, Erfurth, Finsterwalde, Francfort on the Oder, Freistadt, Görlitz, Greifswald, Guben, Gumbinnen, Halberstadt, Halle, Heiligenstadt, Iserlohn, Königsberg, Kreuznach, Liegnitz, Magdeburg, Marienwerder, Memel, Minden, Neuwied, Posen, Potsdam, Salzwedel, Sorau, Stendal, Stettin, Stralsund, Wesel, Wetzlar, Wernigerode, Wittenberg, and Züllichau, which at a moderate estimate have circulated.... 36. Eichsfeld Bible Society, instituted 1815; with an Auxiliary So

ciety at Nordhausen.

37. Eisenach Bible Society, established 1818.

38. Weimar Bible Society, instituted 1821.

39. Anhalt-Koethen Bible Society, instituted 1818.

40. Saxon Bible Society, instituted at Dresden, 1814; Auxiliaries in

Leipsig, Herrnhut, Budissen, &c.

German and Wendish Bibles

41. Bavarian Protestant Bible Institution, instituted 1821

42. Icelandic Bible Society, instituted 1815.*

43. Finnish Bible Society, at Abo, instituted 1812; with Auxiliaries


Kuopio, Uleaborg, Bjornaborg, Wasa, Tavastehus, Borgo, and Wiborg.
Finnish Bibles and Testaments (on standing types)

44. Russian Bible Society at St. Petersburgh, instituted 1813; with 289
Auxiliaries, Branches, and Associations, at





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These have undertaken the printing of the Scriptures in the following languages




Kiachta, and other places.

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Previous to the establishment of this Institution, 5,000 Bibles and 8,000 Testaments were printed, for the use of the Icelanders, by the British and Foreign Bible Society, and 2,000 of the latter by the Society at Fuehnen.

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45. Swedish Bible Society, instituted 1809; enlarged 1814; with its
Auxiliaries at

Gothenburgh, Westeras, Wisby, Lund, Upsala, Askersund, Hernosand,
Skara, Carlstadt, Wexio, Carlscrona, Linkoping, Calmar, &c.
Swedish Bibles and Testaments (on standing types)

46. Norwegian Bible Society, instituted 1816

47. Danish Bible Society, instituted 1814, with Auxiliaries at
Odensee, Aalborg, Kioge, Lyngbye, Friedericia, Zealand, Bornholm,
Fuehnen, Jutland, &c.

Danish Bibles and Testaments, and Danish and Faroese St. Matthew

48. Sleswig-Holstein Bible Society, instituted 1815; with Auxiliaries

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Copies of

Bibles and






in all, 121 Auxiliaries or Associations.
German Bibles and Testaments, of various sizes


50. Netherlands Bible Society, comprehending fifty-seven Constituent
Societies, in the principal towns in the kingdom.
Malay Bibles and Testaments, with Arabic characters
Ditto Bibles and Testaments, Roman characters
Dutch Bibles

[ocr errors]





51. Paris Protestant Bible Society, instituted 1818; with 96 Auxiliaries, Branches, and Associations at

Montauban, Lyons, Nismes, Montpellier, Rochelle, Bordeaux, Toulouse,
Tonniens, Marseilles, Colmar, and Muehlhaussen, &c. &c.
French Bibles and Testaments .......


aries at


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52. Ionian Bible Society, instituted at Corfu, 1819; with Auxili

Including 1000 Copies of the Gospel of St. Matthew in Modern Greek
and Albanian.


1. Calcutta Auxiliary Society, instituted 1811; with Branches at Malacca, Prince of Wales Island, Benares, and Cawnpore.

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3. Madras Auxiliary Society, instituted 1820; with Branches at Bel


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4. Colombo Auxiliary Society, (in the Island of Ceylon) instituted 1812; with Branch Societies at Galle, Trincomalie, and Jaffna.

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Ditto Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark ......... .......:

Carried forward.............

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


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1. American NATIONAL Bible Society, instituted at New York,
1816, with

FOUR HUNDRED and FIFTY-TWO Auxiliary Societies.

The number of Bibles and Testaments printed in various languages, by the
American National Bible Society, including 2000 Copies of the Gospel of St.
John in Mohawk, and of the Epistles of St. John in Delaware, is
2. Philadelphia Bible Society, with a number of Auxiliaries and
Associations, instituted 1808

Total ....


Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Copies of Scriptures

Bibles and Tests. 2,211,776

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