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in S. who had been presented, at the last Anniversary of our Society, with a Bible, brought a few weeks ago 15 silver-groschen to the clergyman whom he attended, with the intimation that it was his 'little all,' but that he felt impelled to offer it as a proof of his gratitude to the Bible Society for that excellent book which he had received from it the year before."

"To every clergyman," states the Fifth Report of the KREUZNACH Bible Society, "who applied to us, Bibles have been given for the purpose of presenting every newly married couple with a copy on their wedding day. All, without exception, have received this present offered to them on one of the most important days of their lives, with demonstrations of gratitude and joy, and many have in return made handsome donations to the Bible Society."

To the BERG Bible Society, which is about to print an edition of 10,000 New Testaments for the supply of schools, your Committee have voted 100%. "We had no conception," the Secretary writes, "that the want of Bibles would be found so great in this country. The same spirit which has been awakened in England, has, God be praised, found its

way to us."

To the brother of a young nobleman in the neighbourhood of Elberfeld 300 Testaments have been presented, he having informed the Committee, that he had many opportunities of distributing them with advantage.

In the Report of the THURINGIAN Society, it being stated that only 253 Bibles and 290 Testaments remained in store, and that of these 183 had been requested by the Government for distribution in prisons, and 150 for the poor of a town in the district of Gehren, your Committee resolved to aid these friends with a donation of 500 Bibles and 300 · German Testaments.

One hundred Bibles and 500 New Testaments

sent last year to Warsaw, have been so successfully distributed, under the superintendence of a Missionary from the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, to whom they were consigned, that a fresh supply has been requested by him. They have mostly been disposed of at a low price. Three hundred German Bibles and 500 German Testaments have been ordered to supply these demands, so happily created by the previous distribution.


In the last Report of the DANISH Bible Society, it appears that in connexion with its Auxiliaries, it has been successful in distributing about 60,000 Bibles and New Testaments.

The Institution in the Duchies of SLESWIG and HOLSTEIN, while it deplores the unfavourable circumstances under which its operations are conducted, in consequence of the distresses of the country, rejoices that in a period of so much gloom, it was not necessary to take measures for the formation of a Society, as one already existed, which could proceed undisturbedly in distributing on all sides that word which is alone replete with heavenly consolation, and able to sustain men in the hour of adversity, and to raise them above the evils inseparable from this transitory state.

From one of the Branches of the Bible Society in NORWAY, at Bergen, the Secretary writes, "Even here among Norwegian rocks, the long slumbering desire after the Divine word has been at length awakened in the souls of our fellow Christians; even here, do christian brethren unite in contributing towards the great and glorious work which so many others are engaged in carrying on."

To the SWEDISH Bible Society your Committee have had the pleasure of granting the sum of 5007; 3007. in aid of printing editions of the New Tes

tament in Swedish, and for distributing copies of the same in the Swedish, German, and Finnish languages; the remaining 2007. being intended to assist the Ladies' Association at Stockholm, and the distribution of the Scriptures among the poor of Dalecarlia. In an interesting address, delivered by Count Rosenblad, at the Anniversary of the Swedish Bible Society, it is observed by His Excellency, that, from calculations which have been made of the copies of the Scriptures in existence in Sweden, and of the number of persons who ought to be presented with them, but who may be supposed not to have the means of supplying themselves, at least 30,000 annually will be wanted for many years to come. Such calculations are valuable in this respect, that they lead to a just estimate of the insufficiency of past exertions, compared with what remains to be accomplished by those whose hearts are deeply interested in this work. Among such your Swedish friends may be most deservedly placed, for there have been printed at this Society' press 96,700 Bibles and 118,600 New Testaments, of which 82,772 of the former, and 111,456 of the latter, have been issued.

The Ladies' Association says, in returning thanks for its portion of the grant before mentioned, "If the members of the Ladies' Bible Society in Stockholm can claim any merit for the sincerity of their intentions to co-operate in the accomplishment of so grand and desirable an object, and if they have already witnessed instances of a happy result of their exertions, it is a duty which they cheerfully discharge, to own that they are indebted to the British and Foreign Bible Society for the example, the counsel, and the means, which have guided and facilitated their labours."

The Secretary of the WESTERAS Bible Society, acknowledging the gratitude felt for the care your Committee have shown for the Dalecarlian poor, after stating the efforts made by themselves to


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success, it is a matter of comfort to us, and we f relief in the conviction, that in this country, a particularly in Dalecarlia, there is a greater thi after religious knowledge than we can well press. Blessed poverty! may your Committee w exclaim; and blessed are they who have both the me and the will, by sending the Scriptures, to direct attention to Him who has said "I will pour wa upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the ground. I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, my blessing upon thine offspring."

The Tenth Report has been received from GOTHENBURG Auxiliary Society, from which it pears that, during the last year, it has circula 1505 Bibles, and 1836 Testaments; making a t in ten years, of 21,304 Bibles, and 15,104 Te ments. It nevertheless states, upon calculations have been made, "A great number of persons still remain in want of the Scriptures, not having means to procure them; especially the peasa who in the latter years have felt, and still fee many pressing wants for their temporal sup that they are scarcely able to spare any thin wards buying the Scriptures." Moved by suc affecting statement, your Committee have pl 1000 Swedish Testaments at the disposal of Institution.

With mingled feelings of regret and delight Committee now turn to RUSSIA; regret at the culties which have arisen in that quarter, and light at the retrospect of the labours of the R Bible Society. His Excellency Prince Ga having resigned the office of president, His Emi Archbishop Seraphim has been appointed hi cessor by an Imperial Rescript. Your Pres at the request of the Committee, has address Archbishop on this important occasion. At tl


meeting of the Committee at which His Eminence sided, the members present rose and congratulated him; and in reply he expressed a lively hope that the Lord would be pleased to shower down his blessings on the united and important labours of the Committee, and vouchsafe to them his almighty aid. His Excellency Prince Galitzin has written to your President a letter expressive of the interest felt by him in all the operations of the Bible Society in every part of the world, notwithstanding he has resigned the situation which he before occupied. By the Russian Society a periodical monthly paper has been issued during the past year. In the first number a general review is taken of the operations of the Society since its commencement; from which it appears that, in the space of eleven years, it has purchased or printed versions of the entire Scriptures or the New Testament, or parts thereof, in forty-one different languages or dialects, and distributed 448,109 copies, and has collected and received 3,711,376 rubles; and that there are in different parts of the empire 289 Committees who mutually co-operate, and in union with the St. Petersburg Committee, like numerous arms of one and the same body, dispense throughout the whole extent of the Russian dominions the bread of life. Among its most important versions, that into the Modern Russ certainly deserves to be mentioned; 50,000 of the Modern Russ and Slavonian New Testament have been published, and 20,000 of the Modern Russ alone.

These journals contain many pleasing testimonies of the good produced by the labours of the Society. In No. 3, it is mentioned, that the first pages of Matthew, in the Wjatka, were printed about the season of Advent. Twenty-seven parishes were furnished with them, and the lessons appointed for the first Sunday in Advent were read in this dialect. The people were equally astonished and delighted, and many declared the translation perfectly intelligible, and requested the lessons to be read to

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