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Lucy Triplett recently applied for a divorce in a Western court. It is evident she could no longer stand for the suggestion implied by such a name.

The Vast Possibilities of the Nevada gold fields mark that section as the world's greatest and most profitable mining country. We publish elsewhere an advertisement of Mackay, Munroe & Co., Box 792, Tonopah, Nev., who tell you just what your money will buy. The firm is ready to send you additional information and is looking for reliable representatives everywhere.

Coca Bases.-W. H. R., Chicago, Ill., writes to the editor of The Coca Leaf: "In the analysis of Vin Mariani I notice 'Coca bases.' If this means the alkaloid cocaine, why not say so plainly?"

Coca bases means precisely what it designates, i. e., alkaloidal bases of the coca leaf, of which cocaine is but one among many. The several coca bases, while chemically analogous, differ markedly from each other in physiological action. Thus, while cocaine acts chiefly upon the central nervous system, other coca alkaloids, as ecgonine, benzoyl ecgonine, hygrine cinnamyl-cocaine, etc., act directly to stimulate muscle fibre, while having little if any anæsthetic action, direct or remote.

The alkaloidal yield of coca varies with the quality as well as with the variety of leaf used. The large Bolivian leaf being rich in cocaine to the exclusion of the other alkaloids, is employed by chemists for the extraction of cocaine, while the small leaf varieties inversely being low in cocaine and rich in aromatic bodies and those alkaloids which act upon muscle, are employed medicinally for such physiological properties. A blending of these latter varieties of aromatic coca is employed in the preparation of Vin Mariani. It is the refinement of selection of appropriate coca from long years of experience, and skill in its preservation and manufacture, to which this unique tonic owes its restorative properties. [The Coca Leaf, March, 1905.

A Co-Operative Opportunity.-We wish to call the attention of our readers to a rare chance for the enterprising and clear-sighted "to get in on the ground floor" with a proposition destined to make as great fortunes as any preparation has ever made.

It is a widely known fact that stock of White Pass and Yukon Railway, Bell Telephone Co., Calumet & Hecla that once sold for $1.00 now sells at from $100.00 to $1,500.00; and it is a fact to be known that the stock of the Mountain Herb Co., of Knoxville, Tenn., through their original and daring, but conservatively certain plan of co-operation, is destined to be as remarkable a success as any of its predecessors.

The profits which medicine companies have been known to make in the past, are a matter of wonder today, but by their plan of co-operation they propose to make it very clear to those who know how to receive an opportunity when it knocks at the door, how they can become sharers in one of the greatest money-making propositions of the times. Their ideas are worked out along modern lines. This is the age of co-operation and theirs is the climax of successful, conservative, legitimate, co-operative systems, and every druggist should write for and carefully read their little booklet, setting forth the facts of the case in detail, and covering new and valuable information in regard to the great fortunes made by just such concerns as WALL'S PHARMACOGNOSY NOTES,

theirs. It will not take ten minutes to read this booklet through, and it can be made the means of making you independent for many years to come.

By this plan the dealer has all to gain and nothing to lose.-[Southern Druggist.

Cold vs. Hot Drinks.-Manufacturers of soda foun tains in all parts of the United States report largely increased sales during the past summer, and state that orders already in hand for spring delivery are nearly if not quite their full capacity. Druggists and confectioners are awakening to the fact that it is to their interest to cater to the thirst requirements of their customers, and accordingly those who are not already equipped with an apparatus are placing orders for immediate delivery. So great has been the demand and the profit so good that many dealers are disposing of the cheap and inferior fountains bought several years ago, and are replacing with an apparatus much more elaborate and expensive. It is true not all dealers make a success of the soda water business, but failures are rare and in most cases attributable to lack of attention or to the serving of poor and insipid drinks. The large majority consider their thirst emporium worthy of close attention and find the business a lucrative


While the demand for cold drinks has been large, that for hot drinks (and principally beef and tomato drinks) has been greater, and there is more profit in hot drinks, because their dispensing does not require an expensive apparatus, nor as many accessories, such as ice, syrups, etc. Another thing, by serving hot drinks you are forced to keep you fountain bright and clean, presenting an attractive appearance, and giving your customers to understand that you are alive and up to date, instead of closing down the fountain and making it the repository of a lot of junk packages which soon become an eye sore, not only to you but your trade. Make twelve months profit by running your fountain the year around. It is true much of your success in serving hot drinks depends on the soda clerk. He should at all times be polite to customers, scrupulously clean in person and surrounding, and be able to mix a drink that will taste so good as to cause a desire for another. To be able to do this he must first have good materials. Take hot beef tea or tomato bouillon for instance; some grades can be bought at a very cheap price, but you will never increase your business by using them. They require two or three times the quantity of a first-class article, and lack that taste and flavor to excite and please the palate.

We have just been looking over one of Armour & Co.'s lithographed price lists, and find they have many attractive offers in the line of beef and tomato products for the dispensing of hot drinks. In two of their offers they absolutely give free a well-made and handsome urn, and one-half dozen imported china mugs, together with a supply of elegant signs and hangers. No other firm to our knowledge have anywhere near so complete a line, and it will certainly pay any dealer to write them for particulars. In addition to their several free offers, they are able to give Extract of Beef, Vigoral (a beef drink), tomato, celery, French and special bouillons, Asparox, and Chicken Broth in packages to suit the most particular dispenser. Armour & Co. are large packers and have facilities to manufacture all these products not enjoyed by any other concern; therefore, if you buy from them, you are sure of the best goods, made of fresh material. Armour & Co. have for years been originators and leaders in the manufacture and sale of hot beef and tomato drinks, which can be found on sale by all leading druggists, confectioners, cafes and bars, and if you wish to start in the business or increase your trade, do not fail to write Armour & Co., Chicago. They can interest you. NEW EDITION, POSTPAID. $3.00

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This preparation of Pine is the active principle of the mountain Pines of the East.

Being a respiratory stimulant, expectorant and diuretic, it is a remedy of unexcelled merit for coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis, weak lungs, etc.

Its therapeutic action upon all irritated and inflamed mucous membranes is greatly enhanced by its purity and freshness. Great care has been taken to eliminate all foreign substances which would have a tendency to destroy the important therapeutic virtues of this remedy.

The most important feature of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is its excellent healing and curative powers over throat, lung and bronchial affections, acute and chronic coughs, leucorrhoea, gleet, chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary passages, piles and inflammation of the bowels, chronic catarrhal affections and in various forms of rheumatism, especially sciatica and lumbago.

Dose:- Five drops repeated three or four times a day in acute affections and twice a day in chronic diseases.

The following formula, if used according to directions, will prove highly beneficial in all forms of throat, lung and bronchial affections:

Virgin Oil of Pine..

Spiritus Frumenti..

Dose:-Teaspoonful every four hours.

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Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is put up only in original halfounce vials for dispensing. Each vial is inclosed in a wooden case, insuring safety of contents from breakage and exposure to light. The case is then sealed in an engraved wrapper, having the name, "Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure)," plainly printed thereon. Price, $4.00 per dozen vials. Any jobber can supply you. CAUTION-A cheap or adulterated Oil of Pine will invariably cause nausea and will fail to effect specific results. Insist upon having Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure).

Prepared only by



Cole's Carbolisalve

Has been used in all countries and climates for more than a quarter of a century and its reputation as "THE GREAT SKIN REMEDY" increases with the years.

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Cough Remedy

Is put up in Popular Sizes
Large Bottles for the Price

Is Liberally Advertised
Always Gives Perfect Satisfaction
and Pays a Good Profit

It is the only preparation in the market that is a certain preventive and cure for Croup. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult.


Masters Voice REG.U.S.PAT.OFF.


To sell VICTOR Talking Machines and Records this Fall and Winter, excels by far that of any other merchant. They're advertised to 49,000,000 people monthly in the magazines. The people in your very neighborhood know "Our Dog."

If you will play some good "VICTOR" Records while they are waiting for their prescriptions to be compounded they'll soon want a Victor.

They're the new style improved Victor Machines and Records; not the old proposition-you'll appreciate the difference after investigating.

Write us Today for Full Trade Information

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Trade Supplied by


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Garfield Tea

wish to announce that all goods

of their manufacture requiring relabeling to comply with The Pure Food and Drugs Act will be properly labeled December 1, 1906.

¶ Retail Druggists will not be required to relabel any of our preparations (old stock) they may have on hand January 1, 1907, unless the goods are to be shipped out of the state.

¶ Proper guarantee of our goods
will be furnished all druggists.

Garfield Tea


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KENNEDY'S HONEY AND TAR.-Contains a small percentage of alcohol. Low grade
sugar syrup added to produce desired body. Sample also contains CHLOROFORM,
SALICYLIC ACID, CODEINE, CROTON OIL, peppermint and Sassafras.
BEE'S HONEY AND TAR.—Sugar syrup used to give consistency of thick molasses.
OIL and peppermint.
DE WITT'S KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE.-Alcohol, 18.10 per cent. Low grade sugar
syrup added to give desired consistency. Sample contains SALICYLIC ACID and
JULIUS HORVET, State Chemist.

Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is manufactured by E. C. De Witt & Co., Chicago. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is manufactured by the Pineule Medicine Co., Chicago, a concern that is owned by E. C. De Witt & Co.

Our only object in thus calling attention to the above analyses is because we believe the trade and the public have a right to know the cough preparations that are said to contain or that do contain Croton Oil and because we desire to warn the trade against confusing

The Genuine FOLEY'S Honey and Tar

The Celebrated ORIGINAL Honey and Tar Preparation

with any other product bearing the same or a similar name.

Beware of any "New Idea" that employs the deadly Croton Oil in cough remedies.

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