페이지 이미지

R (trilled).

The trilled R is made by the vibration of the tip of the tongue which is turned upwards. The vibration takes place behind the upper front teeth.


Prefix the syllable ER before the word commencing with a trilled thus ER + R un.

Speak at first slowly and only

increase the rate when more vibratory movement is observable in the tip of the tongue. Practise the following words, prefixing the syllable ER:








Rat, etc.

Afterwards take words for practice commenc

ing with labials and dentals followed by the

[blocks in formation]


Where too much sibilance attaches to the pronunciation of S, practise the following words : Keep the tip of tongue back behind the

barrier of the teeth; practice with mirror in hand.

[blocks in formation]

For TH let the tip of tongue press against the front top teeth. Practise the following

words with mirror in hand :—

[blocks in formation]




THE student should examine his pronunciation of the following words with the aid of a good pronouncing dictionary. Some of the words given are selected on account of the true pronunciation of final or other syllables :—

A. Accomplish, Aerial, Aerie, Aeronaut.
Aerolite, Esthetic, Alien, Allegro.

Ant, Applicable.

B. Bacilli, Bitumen.

C. Cicatrice, Cicerone, Clematis, Commissary.
Commonalty, Communal, Complex.

Compliance, Conduit, Consignee.

Contumely, Corollary, Critique, Cuirass.
D. Dalliance, Dance, Debauchee, Decorum.
Decorous, Deficit, Depreciate, Deshabille.
Detail, Digest, Digress, Dilate, Diverge.
Divide, Diligent, Disputable, Disputant.
Dissolve, Divan, Diverse, Divest.
Divert, Donor, Draught, Dreary.

Drought, Drouth, Duty, Dynasty.

E. Ear, Elegiac, Emerge, Enable, Enact.
Enamel, Enchant, English, Enthusiasm.
Epitaph, Exhale, Exhaust, Exhibit, Exhilarate.
Exhort, Exhume, Expletive, Expurgate, Extant.
Exude, Exult.

F. Falchion, Falcon, Fasten, Febrile, Fertile.
Fragile, Futile, February, Fidelity, Finale.
Finesse, Flaccid, Flagrant.

G. Gallant, Gaseous, Gaunt, Geyser, Glory.
Gradient, Gristly, Grisly, Gunwale.
H. Haunt, Herculean, Hiccough, Humour.
I. Idyl, Illustrate, Impious, Implacable.
Impost, Indecorous, Indisputable.
Indissoluble, Interstice, Irascible.
Irrefragable, Irrefutable, Irrevocable.
Irritant, Isthmus, Itinerant.

J. Jasmine, Jaunt, Jaundice, Jewel.

Jewellery, Jocund, Jostle, Juvenile.
K. Kiln, Knoll (verb), Knoll (noun), Krall.
L. Laboratory, Landward, Langour.
Laudanum, Laundry, Lichen.

Lineament, Listen, Listener, Livelong.
Longevity, Lugubrious, Lurid, Levee.

M. Masculine, Maniacle, Masquerade, Milch.
Minute (adj.), Moccasin, Moisten, Monologue.
More, Morose, Mountain, Mulatto.

Musket, Muslin.

N. Naiad, Naive, Naphtha, Nephew.

Nonpareil, Noose.

O Obese, Obituary, Object, Occult, Offend.


P. Package, Packet, Palate, Palfrey, Parasite.

Pariah, Parson, Particular, Parvenu.

Pastel, Patchouli, Patent, Patron.

Patronage, Pendant, Pendent, Peninsula.

Pentecost, Percolate, Perfect.

Perhaps, Perjure, Perplex, Persist, Pessimist.

Pestilence, Pestle, Phaeton, Phalanx.
Phosphorous, Phthisis, Phthisical.

Piazza, Pilot, Piquant, Placable.
Placard, Plagiary, Plaid, Plait.
Plant, Plateau, Poignant, Poniard.
Poor, Porcelain, Porpoise, Posthumous.
Post-obit, Precedence, Prefatory, Premier.
Presage (verb), Presage (noun), Prestige.
Primer, Principal, Principle, Privacy.
Progress (noun), Progress (verb), Projectile. ·
Prolix, Promulgate, Puisne, Puissant.
Pumice, Purport, Pursuit, Pyramid.

Q. Quadrille, Question, Quoth.

R. Radiant, Rapine, Rationale, Recondite. Recreant, Recusant, Refutable, Regime. Relevant, Relict, Remedial, Reptile, Reputable. Respite, Retail (verb), Revocable, Rabid.

S. Saccharine, Sacrilege, Sacrilegious.

Sagittal, Salien, Salubrious, Salve, Satiate.
Satiety, Saviour, Saxon, Scallop, Scenic.
Sculpture, Semblance, Senile, Sentient.
Seraglio, Shore, Sleight.

Soften, Soldier, Solecism, Solstice, Sonorous.

Specialty, Spontaneity, Squadron.

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