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PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. THE Annual Report of this Society, for 1814, has been printed; and it thence appears that the Society continues to increase in extent and efficiency, chiefly through the beneficial influence of the Diocesan and District Committees. In consequence of this enlargement, "a more wakeful attention has been excited to the spiritual necessities of the ludigent and afflicted," "the number of books dispersed has considerably increased," while they have "in very many cases been distributed to greater advantage." The sale of books at reduced prices has been encouraged with the best success. The progress of the Society is illustrated by the insertion in the Appendix of the First Annual Report of the Winchester Committee; from which it appears, that the whole County of Hants has been brought into close cooperation with the Society; that the amount of donations received, is 12401. and of annual subscriptions, 5251.; and that there had been issued from the different depôts alone, independently of what members may have procured from London, 1617 Bibles, 957 Testaments, 3096 Prayer-books, and 533 Psalters, besides school books and religious tracts. Twenty-four Diocesan, Decanal, or District Committees have been formed in the course of the year, including four in the British dominions in North America, and one in the Isle of Man. "It is remarkable," the Committee observe, “that at the moment when the Society, on occasion of the appointment of the Lord Bishop of Calcutta, was first venturing to express the wishes which they had long cherished, that a great institution might arise in the East, embracing in friendly combination the several grand designs carried on by this Society, a like establishment was taking place in the West, under the patronage of the highest constituted authorities in church and state there; and which it is confidently hoped may be a model and example to others, whereby the pure reformed faith of the English Church may be further propagated, and increasingly confirmed in those regions."

On the subject of education and schools, they remark, that an accession of 20,000 children had been made during

the last year only, to the schools united with the National Society. To these the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge supplies elementary books of in struction, Bibles, Prayer-books, &c. The Committee express a strong desire, that the Diocesan and District Committees would furnish regular returns of all schools aided by the Society, which should specify the description of school whether week-day or Sunday school, and the number of children of each sex.

The whole number of books dispersed by the Society, from April 8, 1813, to April 21, 1814, is as follows-Bibles 25,765; New Testaments and Psalters 47,314; Common Prayers 56,628; other bound books 49,310; tracts 488,710*. Besides which a number of books and papers have been printed and distributed gratuitously.

A plan has been adopted for supplying the revenue boats stationed round the coast with the Scriptures, the Common Prayer, and some books and tracts, on the suggestion of Lieut.-Col. Burgess; and also for translating some tracts into the Welsh language. The family Bible is stated to have had a rapid and extensive sale. Two editions on royal paper; one consisting of 2500, the other of 2000 copies; have been sold, besides 7000 copies on medium paper. The Committee strongly recommend this work to general attention.

We now proceed to give an abstract of the Report of the Society's Mission in India. Mr. Pæzold represents the concerns of the Mission at Vepery, to proceed with order and regularity. The Christians at Pullicat, instead of applying to him as formerly, had placed themselves under the pastoral care of the Company's Chaplain. He had furnished the Tanjore Mission with a supply of Malabar New Testaments and other books, and had distributed some Bibles, Prayer-books, &c. among soldiers and others.

The number distributed from that time, to 20th April, 1815, is still larger, viz. 26,766 Bibles; 48,018 Testaments and Psalters; 65,492 Common Prayers; other bound books 51,525; small tracts, half bound books, and papers 653,501.

Mr. Pæzold communicates the arrival of Mr. Jacobi in a good state of health on the 6th of Sept. On the 3d of Oct. he departed for Tanjore, where he arrived on the 15th. He was seized on his way thither with an illness, which has since, we are much concerned to state, terminated fatally. The communications from Mr. Jacobi himself appear to have been of a very pleasing kind. During the passage he conver sed in Arabic with some Mahommedan Lascars, that were on board, and at Madeira had an opportunity of confer ring, both in Portuguese and Latin, with a Romish priest; and he seemed fully bent on exerting himself strenuously in the service of the Society.

From Trichinapoly, Mr. Pohle writes, that the Tamul congregation amounted to 333, and the Portuguese and half cast to 145. His great age and weak health confined his labours chiefly to the place of his station; but he saw that those under him discharged their duty, which indeed they did. A new church had been built at Trichinapoly for the troops, which had been recently opened by the Rev. Mr. Smith, one of the Company's Chaplains.

Some very candid admissions are made by Mr. Pohle, in reference to some reflections that had been cast on the communications of the Missionaries respecting the Syrian Christians. We presume he refers to those which appeared in the Christian Observer for 1812, p. 105. He admits, that those communications amounted to little more than what they collected from the publication of former Missionaries. He had always wished for additional information, to be obtained by the residence of some competent person among them for a year or two; but this it was not possible for them in their circumstances to accomplish. Still he was backward in taking all for granted that had appeared in a journey, when but imperfect observations could be made, especially without a knowledge of the country language.

From the printing press at Tranquebar, various useful publications had issued, for the supply of the Christians belonging to the Society's Missions, and also at Ceylon, and particularly the Proverbs of Solomon, the Psalter, and select sentences from the Old and New Testament, all in Tamul, besides school books.—Dr. John had died on the 1st Sept. 1813. This active and faithful servant of Jesus Christ had been engag.

ed in the Mission for 44 years. The free schools formed by Dr. John have been placed under the particular direction of Mr. Cammerer, at the request of the Rev. Mr. Thompson of Madras. The increase of the Tranquebar Congregation in the course of the year had been 105, amongst whom were 17 Hea thens, and 2 Roman Catholics.

The Rev. Mr.Holzberg has been remov. ed from his situation of Missionary. The cause of his dismissal is not specified.

There are no accounts in the present Report from the Rev. Mr. Kolhoff, at Tanjore.

An impressive valedictory address to the Bishop of Calcutta, delivered on the 17th May, 1814, immediately before his departure to India, by the Bishop of Chester, and the very pleasing reply of the Bishop of Calcutta, are inserted at full length in the Report.

The number of subscribing members admitted from August 1813, to Christmas 1814, was 1559, besides 263 ladies. The whole receipts of the year, from April 8, 1813, to April 21, 1814, were 34,5451.; and the whole disbursements, 34,5341. In the year ending 20th April, 1815, the receipts amounted to 47,6431. and the disbursements to the same sum, Of this the subscriptions amount to 74401.; the benefactions and legacies to about 40001. ; various dividends to about 70001.


The Rev. Henry Lindsay, Chaplain to the British Embassy at Constantinople, in a letter dated from the British Palace, Constantinople, Jan. 12, 1815, has inclosed a paper from the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople. What gave occasion to it was this: "Upon making inquiry," says Mr. Lindsay, " relative to distributing, either gratis or by purchase, the modern Greek Testaments which the Society had entrusted to my care, I was generally given to understand that the Greek Priests would do all in their power to thwart and render ineffectual any such distribution. I determined, therefore, to go at once to the Patriarch, and, if possible, procure his sanction. Accordingly I got translated a large Extract from the Summary Account of the Society, which I left with him, together with a Copy of the Modern Greek Testament. When I next saw him, he told me that he considered the object of the Society highly laudable,

and presented me with the enclosed declaration.

"As the present Patriarch is considered a person of great literary attain. ments, the opinion of so competent a judge respecting the version adopted by the Society may be thought in itself satisfactory; but I conceive the Declaration may be also extensively useful, if the Society should think proper to print and prefix it to each copy of the Romaic Testament which may hereafter be issued. I have been credibly informed, that many Greeks have scrupled to purchase, or even receive, the Scriptures, without some such authority; and I understand, that the persons acting for the Society at Zante are of opinion, that the sale of the Testaments, transmitted there, has been materially retarded by those scruples."

The following is a translation from the modern Greek of the patriarch's declaration:"Cyril, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome, and Ecumenical Patriarch.

"Our Lowliness notifies by this present Patriarchal Declaration, that, having examined accurately, and with the necessary attention, the edition of the New Testament in two languages, Hel lenic and Romaic, published in England by the Society there established, of British typography, by John Tilling, at Chelsea, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ten of the Incarnation of Christ our Saviour, we have found in it nothing false, or erroneous; wherefore we have judged right to give permission for it to be used, and read by all pious, united, and orthodox Christians; to be sold in the booksellers' shops, and to be bought freely by all who wish it, without any one making the least hesitation; for the manifestation of which, this our present Patriarchal Declaration has been issued, in the thirteenth day of the month of December, 1814.”


The following is an extract from a communication recently received from Columbo, in the island of Ceylon, and dated January 13, 1815 :

"On Christmas-day (1814) a very remarkable baptism was celebrated in the middle of Divine worship, before a full congregation, at the church in the Fort. A Budhist priest, of great eminence for character, talents, and

literary attainments, after mature de liberation, and a careful perusal of the Gospel in the Cingalese language, had determined to throw aside his yellow robes, and embrace the Christian religion.

"It was in vain that his resolution was assailed by his brother priests, and by the solicitations of his own family; their importunities only served to agitate his mind, but could not shake his determined conviction, founded upon examination and reflection. He gave up rank, affluence, connections, and family, to follow the dictates of his conscience. He was baptized immediately after the Second Lesson, by the name of

Petrus Panditta Sekanas; and Mr. Annom and Mr. Clough (the missionary by whose instrumentality he had been converted) were his godfathers. From the natural influence of his character and abilities, such an example promises to be of signal use in the propagation of Christianity. The causes which led to his adoption of the Christian religion, and the probable consequence of his conversion, were noticed with much effect by the Honourable and Rev. Mr. Twisleton, in his sermon on the occa sion; and they furnished a most appropriate conclusion to a discourse delivered on the nativity of Him who was destined to be a Light to lighten the Gentiles."

The account of the conversion of this priest is too long to be inserted entire. We must content ourselves with a few brief extracts.

"The manner," says Mr. Clough, "in which I became acquainted with the Budhist priest, was by attending the idolatrous worship and ceremonies. On these occasions I was always attended by an interpreter, by whose means I was enabled to make many inquiries; and I the more particularly addressed this Priest, perceiving that he possessed acuteness of intellect, and was acknowledged to be the best versed in the religion of Budhu, and in the sciences of the country. I began to take great pleasure in conversing with him: and the pleasure appearing to be reciprocal, our interviews became frequent and of protracted length.

"Perceiving, after many conversa tions, that he continued to be very inquisitive about Christianity, I furnished him with a copy of the four Gospels in Cingalese, with which he was much pleased, saying, This is

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what I have long wished to see, and be assured I will read it with great attention; but,' he added, may I request an additional favour of you, which is, to explain any part which I may not understand.' I presented to him the Gospels at his own heathen temple, when some of his pupils for the Budhist priesthood were present, who were not a little surprized at the joy he expressed, and the care he manifested in wrapping it up, as being more valuable than gold.

"He soon put me to the pleasing task of explaining, to the best of my abilities, those things which were rather mysterious to him. After he had read the Gospels several times, he began to lament that he had not the Old Testament, supposing it would give him a clear explanation of the New.

"I must now pass over a number of interesting evening conversations, and hasten to the interview when he made a public confession of the state of his mind and present views, which was nearly as follows: I feel a wish to give you a relation of my present condition, and I believe, from what I know of you, that you will not make a wrong use of any thing I say. Since I became acquainted with you, your conversation and your answers to my different questions have made a deep impression on my mind; and during the last three weeks, I have been in a state of great distress of mind. I have often returned home after my interviews with you, unable to sleep all night.' I asked him the cause of his trouble. He replied, that it arose from an apprehension that he and his countrymen who followed the religion of Budhu had been mistaken in their religious principles, which was to him a consideration of the greatest importance. He added, that the more he thought on the subject, the more the apprehension increased, in as much as the evidences in favour of the Christian religion were making a stronger and stronger impression upon him. I then asked him whether the God of the Christians was he who ought to be worshipped in preference to idols. He replied, that he had been considering the subject in all its bearings, and that he had offered up prayers for direction in a matter so important; and the more he prayed, the more did his desire to quit the religion of Budhu increase He then asked me to assist him in managing this, for which his gratitude

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would be extreme, and that he should think that the great God had sent me from England to Ceylon to instruct him, and shew him the right way of worshipping God; and in return, he should think it incumbent upon him, to his latest hour, to make known to his countrymen the blessings of the Gospel which had been thus offered to him through my means. Perceiving that he was prepared to manifest his conversion, I asked him what he conceived the most speedy and effectual mode of doing it. He replied, By laying aside my priestly garments, and joining myself to the society of Christians;' adding, I am, in my present situation, as comfortable as I can wish, with regard to the things of this world; but as soon as I throw off this garment, I shall be deprived of all means of support: and this gives me uneasiness, because I shall be brought into distress. If, how ever, I had only a sufficient knowledge of the Christian religion, to enable me to preach it, I believe the great and good God would not suffer me for one moment to want; and one of the greatest acts of mercy you can do, will be to assist me a little in this particular.'

"About this time there was a meeting convened of several Budhist priests, for some particular occasion near Galle, and the meeting was to continue for some days; and I was apprehensive he might be shaken, or not sufficiently prepared to stand the attacks of such a number of his former acquaintance. But at this time a singular circumstance occurred, which seemed to give weight to all his past conduct. The priests who had assembled were desirous to avail themselves of the opportunity of receiving personal improvement through the means of my faithful convert; for he being the senior priest, was looked up to for instruction; and one evening when they were assembled, and were expecting to hear him preach on the religion of Budhu, he drew out the Cingalese New Testament, and began to read the first chapter of St. Matthew; and he proceeded to read other chapters, making his observations till morning, by which time he had finished the whole Gospel. He was heard with sur prise and attention; and they frequently interrupted him, as he proceeded, with questions, which he answered to the best of his ability."

His baptism appears to have taken place soon after this occurrence. In

a few days" another priest nade application to be permitted to embrace Christianity, and to be publicly baptized, as an example to his countrymen. This man is at present receiving the necessary instruction; and as soon as he has made adequate proficiency in the principles of our religion, he will be permitted to avow the renunciation of his own faith, and the adoption of ours, in the same way which the other priest has done.

"About a year ago, a Mahometan merchant of Jaffna, came down to Columbo, and was publicly baptized in our church. He had long been weigh ing the comparative merits of the Koran and the Testament, and had fully decided in favour of the latter, when he came to me while I was at Jaffna in last March, and stated to me his conviction of the truth of Christianity, and his desire to become a Christian. I advised that he should be brought down from Jaffna, and admitted into our faith, under the protection of the Governor. This had the desired effect; for although the other Mahometans had endeavoured to deter him from changing his religion, by open threats, they desisted from their intended persecution of him the moment they found he was protected by persons in power. He has since gone back to Jaffna; and I had the pleasure of knowing, when I was there in October, that he had succeeded in getting forty or fifty Mahometans to attend him daily forthe purpose of learning the principles of a religion which seemed to them to have carried such conviction to his mind. This is just what was to be wished for: and I have little doubt that his example will produce the most extensive effect

among the different villages of his countrymen, who are settled all along the sea coasts of our island.

"When at Jaffna,. I had the satisfaction to know that many of the most intelligent of the Bramins of that place had read the New Testament, and two of them were fully impressed with the truth of the religion it teaches. When next there, I expect to have an opportunity of conversing with many of them on the subject, and hearing from them the progress which they have made in understanding the nature of our religion. The conversion of these Bramins is very desirable, not only from the influence which they possess over the minds of the inhabitants of the province of Jaffna, but also from the continual communication which is kept up between them and the Bramins of the island of Ramiseram, through whom they may very easily disseminate the principles of Christianity in every part of India; Ramiseram, being one of the greatest places of resort in the South of India for all the devotees and pilgrims of the Hindoo religion.

"The members of the Bible Society at Columbo have every reason to be satisfied with the progress which our interpreters have made in the new translation of the Testament. Almost the whole of the translation is finished, and a great part of it has been revised; so that we shall soon begin to have it printed. In the mean time, great numbers of the copies of the former translation are daily distributed; and, I dare say, we shall soon perceive that the doctrines of Christianity are much more generally understood in this island than they ever were before."


BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Ir were vain to attempt to express, in any adequate terms, the feelings of gratitude to the Supreme Disposer of events, with which we contemplate the splendid success recently achieved by the duke of Wellington, in the neigh bourhood of Brussels. The battle of Waterloo will stand distinguished in the page of history; not only for the consummate skill and unequalled valour displayed by the combatants, but for the CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 162.

momentous consequences to Europe and the world which it cannot fail to produce. Of all the arduous conflicts in which the great Wellington has been engaged, this appears to be by far the most important; and its result will probably contribute more directly and immediately to the peace and happiness of mankind than even his many former victories.

The situation in which the allies were placed gave ́à manifest advantage to 3 H

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