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his misguided people all that had passed during his absence from France. The two chambers have been dissolved, and a fresh election ordered. We must probably await the meeting of the new legislature for the denunciation and arrest of those traitors who are to be tried. It surely, however, would have been an act of prudence in the mean time to have secured the persons of the guilty. The government might at least have taken the necessary measures for the arrest of the more distinguished and notorious offenders; provided, indeed, it did not feel itself restrained by the convention of Paris; and in no other way can we accouut for this timid policy. Ignorant of the motives which may have influenced this line of conduct, we forbear from the observations it naturally suggests. There must be something very peculiar in the state of France, supposing the king's councils not to be justly liable to the charge either of infatuation or treachery, which should require not only that the men who have been the most deeply implicated in the late transactions should be at large, and should enjoy an entire immunity even from public reprobation,-nay, should be even spoken of with lenity and respect in prints completely under the controul of government; but that some of their number should be placed in the highest and most confidential offices of state. The first act of the king, on entering Paris, was to appoint a ministry. Talleyrand has been named secretary of state for foreign affairs, and is also to be the premier; Barou Louis, minister of the finances; Baron Pasquier, minister of justice; Count Jaacour, minister of marine; the duke de Richelieu, minister of the household; Gouvion St. Cyr, minister of war; and Fouchè, Bonaparte's duke of Otranto, minister of the police. The circumstances, we repeat it, must be very extraordinary, to justify in the eyes of Europe such an appointment as the last. A short time will probably reveal its true motives: we shall therefore withhold at present

qur farther cominents.

While these things have been proceeding at Paris, the armies of the allied powers have continued to pour into France, on the side of Italy and Germany. Considerable resistance to their progress was made by Marshal Suchet, in the south, and by General Rapp, in the neighbourhood of Stras

burgh; but it has proved unavailing; and more than half a million of men, in arms, have advanced into the very heart of the kingdom. Many fortified places still hold out; and the army which retired from Paris, though professing submission to the king, still maintains a menacing aspect. With these exceptions France is once more subdued, and must owe her inte. grity to the moderation of her conquerors. The emperors of Russia and Austria, the kings of Prussia and of the Netherlands, are now assembled at Paris. Lord Castlereagh arrived there on the 6th instant. From their united councils, tutored as they have been by the experience of the past year, we may expect arrangements which shall secure the liberty and happiness of France, and the peace and independence of the rest of the world, It seems, how ever, scarcely possible that this great work should be erected on a stable foundation, if the present French army, with its burning thirst for rapine and revenge, shall be suffered to continue an organized body. It must be completely dissolved, and the very elements of which it is composed dispersed to the four winds of heaven, before we can calculate with any confidence on the repose of the world. Until this object be effected, we trust that not a single soldier of the allies will be withdrawn from France.

In the mean time, the inhabitants of that country are suffering very severely. The distress which their own improvidence and vanity, may we add, their sacrilegious contempt of all obligations, human and divine, have brought upon them, and which involves the innocent and the guilty in one common punishment, is described to us by eye-witnesses in terms calculated to excite the commiseration of their worst enemies. Neither their own troops, nor those of the allies, are likely to be very abstinent in the use of their power, And as their wants must be amply supplied, it cannot be doubted that their fulness is gained by the destitution and misery of multitudes. In Paris and its vicinity there is scarcely a house in which some of the allied soldiers are not quartered, the owners of the house being obliged to feed as well as lodge them; and as the number is supposed to amount to 150,000 men, the suffering must be great, independently of the vitiating effects of other kinds which must be

the fruit of such associations. God grant that these calamities may tend to humble this proud and irreligious people, and may lead them to bow before Him who smites them, and who, after having employed them as his instruments in the chastisement of other nations, is now giving them to drink of the cup of his chastening!

In contemplating the course of events during the last month, it is impossible not to be impressed with this sentiment, that they have been peculiarly "the Lord's doing." On the eighteenth day from the opening of the campaign, a force amounting to not more than an eighth part of the allied armies, dissolves that military power which had so recently set at defiance the rest of Europe; dethrones the object of its idolatry; re-seats Louis XVIII. on the abdicated throne; and is the undisputed master of the capital of France. Never before were such stupendous effects produced by means more signally inade, quate. Nor were they the result of accident or surprise. Bonaparte had had time to prepare his military means, both of annoyance and defence. His troops seconded his plans with an ardour and devotement which have never been exceeded. He was free to choose his time and place of attack. Yet after one battle his means of effectual resistance are annihilated; and France becomes the conquest of a fragment of the alliance with which she had thought to cope. It certainly is a enrious circumstance, that Paris, that cradle of all the miseries which for twenty-five years have wasted Europe, should twice in fifteen months have fallen into the power of the nations whom France had oppressed and pillaged, and that this last time the blow should have been struck by a handful of Englishmen. How often did she burl against as the menace of destruction,-a menace which would have been fearfully executed, had the Almighty given the rein to her rage! It will, we trust, be our characteristic to be neither cruel in war nor vengeful nor insolent in triumph; and that our possession of Paris will only afford us the opportunity of teaching its inhabitants a lesson of moderation and mercy.

We hear much of the joy and exul tation with which the return of Louis XVIII. has been hailed; and there are doubtless many external indications to support the statement. The news


papers of Paris, which had been the heralds of Napoleon's greatness, and the channels of conveying to every part of France, to the very moment of the capture of their city, the inflammatory libels of his adherents against their lawful sovereign, now very dutifully assume all the emblems of loyalty, and sound in unmeasured terms the praises of Louis le Desired. In all this there is something which not only appears hollow and unsatisfactory, but to the feelings of an Englishman even disgusting; while there are far too many stringent circumstances of a contrary kind which prove a great part at least of this people to be tainted to the very core with a disloyal spirit, and to prefer Bonaparte's rod of iron, accompa nied, as they trust it would be, by external rule and rapine, to the mild sway of the Bourbons, if under them they must forego their wicked projects of domination and pillage, and their ferocious hopes of vengeance. circumstances to which we allude are the necessity under which the allies have been placed of punishing with dreadful severity the inhabitants of many of the places through which they have passed, and who either opposed to them a useless resistance or secretly massacred the stragglers of the army; the tardiness with which the tri-coloured flag has given place to the royal ensign, even in places where it could not be alleged that the feelings of the popnlation were restrained by military force; the audacity with which the friends and adherents of Bonaparte, relying, as it would seem, on the popularity of their cause, proclaimed their attachment to him, and protested against the change of government, even after the British standard was planted on Montmartre, and Louis was already at the gates of Paris; and the almost total silence of the French press respecting the criminals who have caused so much blood to flow, and been the artificers of so much misery to Europe, and especially to France herself. We feel, indeed, for the sufferings of the French; and we sincerely wish they were terminated; but it is vain to hope that in what appears to be the prevailing state of men's minds in that country, either Louis can enjoy a tranquil reign, or Europe a rational hope of peace, without some strong external pressure.

There is, however, one circumstance of happy augury, which, we confess,

goes far, in our estimation, to counterbalance those weighty motives to despondency. It is now no longer a matter of doubt, that the French Government has consented to a total and unquali fied abolition of the Slave Trade. From this one concession, humanity derives a compensation for a large share of those sufferings which, in the inscrutable counsels of Providence, have unquestionably paved the way for obtaining it. Let us thank God for this boon.

But it is time we should advert to Bonaparte himself. He quitted Paris on the 30th of June, and repaired to Rochefort, with the purpose of effecting his escape in two frigates to the United States of America. Here he found his path so beset by English cruizers, as to render this attempt hopeless; while in France, he probably found the toils winding around him more closely, and menacing his personal safety. In this dilemma he adopted the resolution of throwing himself on the generosity of the British Government, and with that view surrendered himself unconditionally into the hands of Captain Maitland, of his Majesty's ship Bellerophon, by whom he has been convey ed to England. He embarked on board that ship, on the 15th inst. with a suite of about 40 persons, and arrived in Torbay on the 24th. His future destination has not yet been made known. Whatever it may be, we trust it will be such as shall afford a complete security against the slightest chance of his any more disturbing the peace of nations. We certainly do not participate in those feelings of vehement resentment towards this miserable man which some of our contemporaries take a pleasure in expressing; and we think the language of insult and abuse, which is always misplaced, peculiarly indecorous when employed towards a fallen and prostrate foe. We cannot, however, admit that we should suffer ourselves to be betrayed by a false feeling of generosity, or a false estinate of magnanimity, into the adoption of any procedure with respect to him which is not calculated to extinguish in his own breast, and in that of his ferocious adherents, the slightest hope of his being ever again called into active life.

It is another of the very singular ocenrrences of the present singular period, that Bonaparte should thus voluntarily throw himself into the power of Great Britain, the nation which, above all

others, he had threatened and insulted, and whose utter destruction was the leading and uniform aim of his policy. This selection certainly renders ne mean homage to her character. He is himself said to have addressed a letter to the Prince Regent, from Rochefort, containing these words: "I have terminated my political career; and I come, like Themistocles, to seat myself at the hearths of the British people. I place myself under the protection of their laws, which I claim of your Royal High ness, as the most powerful, the most constant, and the most generous of my enemies."

Bourdeaux, Thoulouse, Strasburgh, with many other of the frontier fortresses, are still held by the rebel soldiery, encouraged in their resistance, probably, by the still formidable attitude which is maintained by Davoust's army on the Loire. This has caused some sangui nary assaults, and destructive bombard. ments, which have led to much loss of life and property. The army of the Loire, indeed, affects to submit to the king's authority; and the army of the South, under Suchet, is said to have done the same; but judging by the language of Davoust's letter to the king, on behalf of his army, we confess we do not count much on the sincerity of that submission. In the mean time, the allied forces have advanced to the Loire a British squadron has also entered the river of Bourdeaux: it can hardly be doubted, therefore, that if milder means fail, the salutary application of force will soon extinguish every remnant of open resistance to the king's autho, rity.

It must be admitted that Louis has a delicate and difficult part to act at the present crisis. He has to reconcile a due regard to his own outraged authority, and to the just expectations of his allies, with the interests and constitu tional liberties of France, and the wishes and feelings of the sound part of the community. He has begun well, in consenting to disburden France of the nefarious traffic in slaves. Let him pro ceed to place the religions and civil rights of his subjects on a firm basis; to put out of question their security from any revision of the national sales, from any revival of the abrogated privi. leges and exactions, whether of the noblesse or the clergy; to encourage a liberal system of education; and to raise, if possible, the relaxed tone of

morals, without reverting to mummeries which can only excite contempt, or to severities with which the present state of French manners will hardly be made to correspond; and we may hope, after a time, with the blessing of God, to witness a salutary change in the moral and social condition of that country. We are aware, indeed, that nothing can produce an effectual improvement, but the general diffusion of better principles, through the mass of the community. Even of this, however, we do not despair; and it may be, that the very suf ferings which France at this moment is experiencing may induce multitudes to turn with a more willing mind to the hopes and consolations of Scripture. We trust that the Bible Society will not be slow to improve the favourable opening.

The returns of the loss sustained in the battles of the 16th, 17th, and 18th of June, have been received. They are


On the 12th inst. the session of Parliament terminated. The speaker, in addressing the prince regent, and the prince regent in his speech to Parliament, dwelt with much effect on the brilliant achievements of the allied arms, and on their glorious fruits.-The only measure of general interest which preceded the prorogation, was a proposal to add 60001. per annum to the income of the duke of Cumberland, in consequence of his marriage with a German princess, the princess de Salm. Strong objections of a moral kind were taken to this marriage; and the grant was opposed on the ground that it became Parliament to refuse to give its sanction to such au union. We believe that the success of that opposition was productive of very great and general satisfaetion. After several divisions, in which the majority in favour of the bill gradually diminished, from 17 to 5, it was at length thrown out on the 2d reading by one vote.

The only domestic occurrence which remains to be noticed, is one which produced a very strong and general sensation, not only in the metropolis, but throughout the country at large; we mean, the untimely and affecting end of Mr. Whitbread. Under the influence of insanity, he put a period to his own existence on the morning of the 6th instant. We sincerely sympathize with his amiable and afflicted family on this

as follows:-British and Hanoverians: killed, 2462; wounded, 9427; missing, 1875; of these last, the greater part are said to have returned. The officers included in the above number amount to 148 killed, 670 wounded, and 28 missing. The loss on the part of the remaining allies, during these three days, is estimated at 33,000 men, and that of the French at 70,000.-We are happy to say that the subscriptions for the relief of the wounded, and of the families of the killed, amount already to about 100,0001.

The definitive acts of the Congress of Vienna have been published; but we shall not have room, in the present Number, for even a brief abstract of them,

Hostilities have commenced between the Americans and the Algerines, with some success on the part of the former, who have captured one Algerine ship of war and destroyed another.


melancholy occasion, But they are not the only mourners. The numerous poor who were cherished by his bounty will deeply feel his loss. But it is as a publie man that we have been called chiefly to contemplate him; and in this point of view, greatly as we have differed from him on many of the most important questions of state policy, we have always admired the manliness and sterling integrity of his character. To use the language of Mr. Wilberforce, in the House of Commons, “he was a complete Englishman." "All who knew him must recollect the indefatigable earnestness and perseverance with which, during the course of his life, he directed his talents, and the whole of his time, to the public interest." "For himself," Mr. W. added," he could never forget the important assistance derived from his zeal and ability in the great cause which he had so long advocated in that House. On every occasion, indeed, in which the condition of human beings was concerned-and the lower their state, the stronger their recommendation to his favour-no one was more anxious to apply his great powers to increase the happiness of mankind."—Nor ought we to omit the tribute to the memory of this distinguished Senator, a tribute no 'less bonourable to the ealogist than to the deceased, which was paid by the Chancellor of the Exchequer:-"Whatever difference of opinion might exist

on political questions, there was no one who did not do justice to the virtues and talents of the great object of their regret, or who for a moment supposed

that he was actuated in his public conduct by any other motive than a conviction of public duty."


MR. THOMAS ROCK. Account of Mr. THOMAS ROCK, of the Crescent, Birmingham, extracted from a Sermon, preach ed at St. Mary's, April 7, 1815, by the Minister of that Chapel, from Gen. v. 24.

FÅR be it from me, on this solemn occasion, to indulge in a strain of vain and unprofitable eulogy! But I must say, that, allowing for human infirmity, and to the praise of God's grace, I have known but few men who, in all essential points, have more resembled Enoch than our much-lamented friend and brother, It might truly be said of him, as the distinguishing feature in his character, that "he walked with God."

Like Abel and Enoch, he sought and found his peace with God, by faith in the great Sacrifice; and to


none other name given under heaven" did he look, that he might be saved.

After the example of Enoch, he "walked with God," in habitual acts of holy intercourse and fellowship. He was a man of retirement, who gave himself much to prayer, and the diligent study of the word of God. Hence it was apparent, to all competent judges who were favoured with his society and friendship, that "the word of Christ dwelt in him richly;" and I may even say, in all the essential and useful branches of sacred wisdom.

In the important duties of domestic religion, he was exemplary. His maxim appears to have been that of Joshua; “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."*

* He set apart one evening in every week for the religious instruction of his

His example as an early, constant, and reverent attendant on the public worship of God, will not, I trust, soon be forgotten by any, and espe cially by the younger part of my hearers; and, as a member of this congregation, you can most of you witness, that love for his brethren marked the tenor of his life. His Christian affection was diffusive, uniform, and ardent; and it was manifested in a way so humble, so mild, and persuasive, that I have rarely met with a Christian of any denomination, who had passed but an hour in his company, and who did not acknowledge himself edified. But those of you, especially, who walked with him in the house of God as friends, can best testify, how much his spirit and example have contributed to your profit, as well as to the general harmony of this congregation.

In him, most of our charitable and religious institutions have lost an invaluable friend. Our Sunday Schools, our Schools of Industry, our Benevolent Society, our Bible and Church Missionary Associa tions; all of them feel the loss, and I am persuaded, sympathise with us on the present occasion. They would be ready, I am sure, like the grateful widows round the bed of Dorcas, to present, at the tomb of our friend, their respective memorials of his active benevolence, and of their own deep and universal regret.

children; and how deeply he was interested in the spiritual welfare of other branches of his family will ap

pear from a paper in the Christian Ob server, vol. ii, page 772, for December, 1803, entitled " A young Mau's Account of his Father."

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