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were very often conducive to health. The tenants were not well pleased to see their senatehouse filled

"With green heads, that determine of the state Over their cups, or when their sated lusts

Afford them leisure:".

but matters could not go much worse than they had been going for some time past. As Addleton had premised his stewardship with moderation and good faith, to gain the confidence of the enemy, the new household, who had so long bawled against profusion in the public expenditure, thought to gain the confidence of the people by declaring that they would build theirs upon public economy. We shall give a few examples of their thrift at the very first outset. The salary of Greygoose's predecessors had been 3000 livres a year; but under pretence that business had increased very considerably, he got it raised to 5000! Merryman's salary was 4000 livres, besides what was to be picked up by industry; but he got his son Tommy (a hopeful boy, of whom we shall have to make honourable mention hereafter) into a snug birth of 2000 livres a year, which indeed any boy might have filled for the

work there was to be done, and the slatternly manner in which it was usually performed.

There seems to be a fatality attending fortune, which drowns all past remembrances like a Lethéan draught. As Jove formerly debauched Danäe in a shower of gold, so that arch-fiend the Devil has adopted the very same mode of apostatizing all the patriots of Freeland, and other manors.

Like a citadel which bids defiance to showers of shot, shells, and such-like iron materials; but instantly surrenders at discretion when assailed by a shower of gold; so does the heart of a patriot yield to the same irresistible force.

"Balls of this metal slack'd Atlanta's pace,
And on the am'rous youth bestowed the race.
Nor less may Jupiter to gold ascribe:
For, when he turn'd himself into a bribe,
Who could blame Danäe, or the brazen tow'r,
That they withstood not that all-mighty show'r?
Never, till then, did love make Jove put on
A form more bright and nobler than his own."

Could this be the same Mr. Greygoose, who some time before asserted, in the Common Hall, that the only way to preserve the government

was to render it as little oppressive as possible to the people? Could this be the same Mr. Merryman who recommended to the delegates to make a vigorous scrutiny into all useless places, and reversionary sinecures, before they laid new burthens upon the tenants, that they might be able to look their constituents in the face, and assure them that they had abolished all unnecessary and unmerited stipends, before they would lay any new taxes upon them? Yes; they were the very same bodies, but animated by very different minds; or their former words were but cloaks to the same diseased minds. They were grown, according to the old proverb, older and wiser, that is, worldly wiser. They had changed their opinions at the same time that they had turned their coats; they had repeated the former, and worn the latter till they were thread-bare, and the one could not be patched without putting a piece upon the other.

To give the devil his due, the whole of these new mounted pop-guns, or patriots, bore their unexpected good fortune with some degree of decorum, except Merryman, who no sooner found himself snugly seated in his Temple of

Fortune, called the Summer-House, than his real character began to display itself, and to verify the old proverb of "Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the Devil.” The broken-backed tenants, and his own necessitous creditors, were insulted by hearing the elegance of Mr. Merryman's routes at the Summer-House rung in their ears at a time when they were hardly put to it to get bread for their families. Not a word about retrenching useless places, and rubbing off old scores! It was remarkable, too, of the new household, and highly honourable to the memory of Vortex, that, notwithstanding their inveterate opposition to all his measures, they could not devise better ones, and were obliged to tread in his very steps, or do worse.

All the eyes and hopes of the Freelanders were now concentrated in Brush, who was known to be possessed of skill, judgment, philanthropy, and industry too, when it was necessary. He had opened a negociation for peace, which, in all probability, he would have brought about on honourable terms, as he was personally known to and respected by the Bantam, if, unhappily for the tenants! death

had not put an end to his existence and their hopes.

We have already spoken of his private character, in which, particularly towards the close of his life, when reason had subdued levity, the bright parts rendered the few specks almost imperceptible. The periods of his stewardship were so very short, that no proper judgment could be formed of him in a public point of view; but from what was well known of his general abilities, which he continued to display to the last moment, the best result might have been expected. If his span had been lengthened out, very few years more would, perhaps, have stamped him a most great, valuable, and glorious character. The negociation for peace, so far as he carried it on, was managed with that " consummate skill, prudence, firmness, and foresight, which only rendered it the more deplorable that he did not live to finish it. Peace be also to his ashes! and we shall take leave of him in a few words, by way of an epitaph:


Here lie philanthropy and genuine wit,

Death aim'd at ***, and all the three did hit!

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